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Brief introduction and advantages and disadvantages of deepwalk model

2020-11-06 01:22:00 Elementary school students in IT field


[DeepWalk] DeepWalk- Online Learning of Social Representations (SBU 2014)

word2vec It's based on sequence embedding; however , In fact, the relationship between entities is becoming more and more complicated 、 Networking . This is the time sequence embedding------>graph embedding.

Definition of graph :


 Insert picture description here

Two big pieces :

1、 Build sequence ;-------> Random walk , Cut off random walk

2、word2vec Training ;------>Skip-gram

2. Model features :

The article creatively puts forward random walk + skipGram The form of the node to express , A large number of industrial circles in the following years are concerned with emb The application of is based on this form .

deepWalk The core idea is that there are two steps :
(1) Construct random walk sequence through relation network graph ;
(2) Pass the generated sequence through skip-Gram The formal memory of means , Each node can be represented in the same space . In this paper, the evaluation of algorithm effect is mainly through the task of multi label classification for users of several websites .
Experimental results show that , The improvement effect is obvious , At the same time, in the case of less training data, the algorithm can also have better performance .

advantage :

When the data volume is sparse, it can still perform well

Support large-scale online execution of forecasts

Can realize parallel operation

The algorithms and formulas applied are based on the language model .

This paper proposes that if the training sequence can be obtained directly , It doesn't have to be a random walk .

3. reference :


Original thesis :http://www.perozzi.net/publications/14_kdd_deepwalk.pdf
Thesis translation :https://www.jianshu.com/p/5adcc3d94159
Applied references :https://yq.aliyun.com/articles/716011

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