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The data of pandas was scrambled and the training machine and testing machine set were selected
2020-11-06 01:27:00 【Elementary school students in IT field】
In machine learning , To get a pile of training data, we usually need to divide the data into training set and test set , Or cut it into training sets 、 Cross validation sets and test sets , In order to avoid bias in feature distribution of the segmented dataset , We need to scramble the data first , Make the data random , And then it's cutting .
The methods to be used are as follows :
notes :df Representing one pd.DataFrame
df = df.sample(frac=1.0): Press 100% The proportion of sampling is to achieve the effect of disrupting data
df = df.reset_index(): After scrambling the data index It's also messy , If your index If there is no characteristic meaning , Just reset it , Otherwise, we will put index Add a new column , Generate meaningless index
train = df.loc[0:a]: Carry out segmentation operation , The proportion depends on the situation
cv = df.loc[a+1:b]:
test = df.loc[b+1:-1]:
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