当前位置:网站首页>To teach you to easily understand the basic usage of Vue codemirror: mainly to achieve code editing, verification prompt, code formatting

To teach you to easily understand the basic usage of Vue codemirror: mainly to achieve code editing, verification prompt, code formatting

2020-11-06 20:37:00 Tell me Zhan to hide

2017 I used to use codemirror, It was jQuery library 、codemirror、beautify plug-in unit . It mainly realizes the editing function of the code 、 Insert some variable functions 、beautify Plug ins are mainly used to format code , Realize code beautification effect . But in the past two years, I have been doing projects with vue 了 , You need a code editor , So I found the code editor again vue-codemirror, Feel the components change again , Its principle 、 There's still not much change at the bottom , use vu e-codemirror,codemirror Methods , Configuration parameters are universal , Today I'd like to share with you what I studied today vue-codemirror Usage and filling method of some pits . I need to make it clear that our project uses a framework ant-design-vue, So I used the pop-up window directly , I have children's shoes that I don't understand , You can refer to https://www.antdv.com/components/modal-cn/.

1. Need to achieve codemirror Editor function , Mainly json Data editing

  • codemirror Basic edit code function
  • Insert variable function
  • codemirror Verification function : The main verification code format , Grammar, etc , Give the corresponding prompt
  • Code formatting ( Because it's mainly json data , So there is no reference to other components for the time being , If necessary, suggest quoting js-beautify, Because we found that codemirror In the new version autoFormatRange Method )

It's roughly as follows :

2. Some components need to be installed before writing function and simple instructions for usage ,vue Don't talk about it , Just say what this editor needs

2.1 vue-codemirror

  1. install vue-codemirror
npm install vue-codemirror --save
  1. vue-codemirror Brief introduction
// require component
import {
    codemirror } from 'vue-codemirror'
import jsonlint from 'jsonlint' //lint Verify the required components , Let's talk about it in detail below 
// require styles
import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css'
// require more codemirror resource...

import 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript' //  this js Patterns must be introduced 

import 'codemirror/addon/selection/active-line' // The background of the cursor line is highlighted , The configuration also needs styleActiveLine Set to true
import 'codemirror/keymap/sublime' //sublime Editor effect 
import 'codemirror/mode/css/css'
import 'codemirror/theme/monokai.css' // Editor theme style , In the configuration theme Need to set up monokai

// The following several are mainly used to verify the prompt class , In the configuration lint Need to set up true,gutters: ['CodeMirror-lint-markers']
import 'codemirror/addon/lint/lint'
import 'codemirror/addon/lint/lint.css'
import 'codemirror/addon/lint/json-lint'
import 'codemirror/addon/display/autorefresh' // Update automatically in time , The configuration also needs to be set autoRefresh by true

 // view
          style="height: 600px;"
// component
export default {
  components: {

2.2 How to get editor object and call method

This heel codemirror There's a difference ,codemirror We need to initialize the editor , Then you can call the method with the initialization object ,vu e-codemirror How to get it ? It's very simple , We add... To the editor component ref, adopt ref obtain . This can be put in vue Of computed Inside , The code is as follows :

computed: {
	codemirror () {
      return this.$refs.jsonEditor.codemirror

In this way, we can call the editor object when we need to call the method , We can set to get the editor value .

2.3 Insert variables are editor object calls replaceSelection Method , The following code :

methods: {
insertVar () {

2.4 Code formatting

Because of the implementation of json format , So no other components were introduced ,
Directly by setting the editor value : The code is as follows :

this.$nextTick(() => {
          this.codemirror.setValue((JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(this.jsonData), null, 2)))

It's actually called setValue Set the value , The reason to use $nextTick, Because the pop-up window just loaded , Maybe the editor didn't initialize well , Can't get the object editor .

2.5 codemirror Configuration of ,mode Set supported languages

mode: 'application/json'

Other configuration languages can be viewed https://codemirror.net/mode/
of vue-codemirror I'm not going to list them anymore , You can see https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-codemirror

3. codemirror Verification tips

  1. Need to introduce plug-ins jsonlint

It's just starting to import by document lint When it comes to resources , It didn't work , Set up more , It doesn't work , Later, I checked the source code and found that I depended on this plug-in

npm install jsonlint --save  //npm  Installation of components 
import jsonlint from 'jsonlint' // introduce 
window.jsonlint = jsonlint  // Global 

A lot of time is wasted on this feature , When the trial is unsuccessful, try to refer to other plug-ins to solve the problem , Then look at the source code , Still used jsonlint plug-in unit


That's what I share about vue-codemirror Code editor to achieve json Data editing 、json Data syntax validation tips 、 And the usage of editor methods , Actually, there's a function that hasn't been implemented yet , It's code folding , This is still under study , The above code is my personal opinion , If there is a mistake , Please correct more .
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