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hdu3974 Assign the task線段樹 dfs序
2020-11-06 21:13:00 【itread01】
1 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int N=1e5+90; 4 const int inf=1e9+90; 5 #define eps 1e-10 6 #define forn(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++) 7 #define form(i,n) for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) 8 typedef long long ll ; 9 typedef unsigned long long ull ; 10 #define ls l,mid,p<<1 11 #define rs mid+1,r,p<<1|1 12 int a[N]; 13 int n,m,root,rt; 14 int to[N],ver[N],h[N],tot; 15 char c[2]; 16 void add(int x,int y){ 17 to[++tot]=h[x]; 18 ver[tot]=y; 19 h[x]=tot; 20 } 21 struct Node{ 22 int l,r; 23 ll sum; 24 }t[N<<2]; 25 int ml[N],mr[N]; 26 void dfs(int x){ 27 //進來的時候+1, 28 ml[x]=++rt; 29 for(int i=h[x];~i;i=to[i]){ 30 dfs(ver[i]); 31 } 32 mr[x]=rt;//返回的時候不需要+1 33 } 34 void pd(int p){ 35 if(t[p].sum!=-1){ 36 t[p<<1].sum=t[p<<1|1].sum=t[p].sum; 37 t[p].sum=-1; 38 } 39 } 40 void build(int l,int r,int p){ 41 if(l==r){ 42 t[p].l=t[p].r=l; 43 t[p].sum=-1; 44 return; 45 } 46 t[p]={l,r,-1}; 47 int mid=l+r>>1; 48 build(l,mid,p<<1); 49 build(mid+1,r,p<<1|1); 50 } 51 void modify(int l,int r,int c,int p){ 52 if(l<=t[p].l&&t[p].r<=r){ 53 t[p].sum=c; 54 return; 55 } 56 pd(p); 57 int mid=t[p].l+t[p].r>>1; 58 if(l<=mid)modify(l,r,c,p<<1); 59 if(r>mid)modify(l,r,c,p<<1|1); 60 } 61 int query(int x,int p){ 62 if(t[p].l==t[p].r)return t[p].sum; 63 pd(p); 64 int mid=t[p].l+t[p].r>>1; 65 int ans=-1; 66 if(x<=mid)ans=query(x,p<<1); 67 else ans=query(x,p<<1|1); 68 return ans; 69 } 70 int main(){ 71 // freopen("in.txt","r",stdin); 72 // freopen("out.txt","w",stdout); 73 int T,x,y; 74 cin>>T; 75 form(k,T){ 76 printf("Case #%d:\n",k); 77 scanf("%d",&n); 78 memset(a,0,sizeof(a)); 79 memset(h,-1,sizeof(h)); 80 tot=0,rt=0; 81 forn(i,n-1) { 82 scanf("%d%d", &x, &y); 83 add(y,x); 84 a[x] = 1; 85 } 86 form(i,n){ 87 if(!a[i]){ 88 root=i; 89 break; 90 } 91 } 92 scanf("%d",&m); 93 dfs(root); 94 build(1,n,1); 95 forn(i,m){ 96 scanf("%s",c); 97 if(c[0]=='C'){ 98 scanf("%d",&x); 99 printf("%d\n",query(ml[x],1)); 100 }else{ 101 scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); 102 modify(ml[x],mr[x],y,1); 103 } 104 } 105 } 106 }
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