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Interface pressure test: installation, use and instruction of siege pressure test

2020-11-06 01:28:00 Elementary school students in IT field

brief introduction

siege Is an open source stress testing tool , According to the configuration, a WEB Multi user concurrent access to the site , Record the corresponding time of each user's request process , And repeat under a certain number of concurrent access .

Download and install

Environmental Science :centos 6.4 Private server
Official website address :http://download.joedog.org/siege/

1. download :wget http://download.joedog.org/siege/siege-4.0.4.tar.gz
 Insert picture description here

2. decompression 、 configuration setup

 tar xzvf siege-4.0.4.tar.gz 

 Insert picture description here
compile 、 install

 cd siege-4.0.4
 make && make install

Be careful : If the compiler is not installed , Please install first.
sudo apt-get install build-essential

3. create profile ( You can also not create )


Modify the configuration file

 open ~/.sige/sige.conf file , modify logfile Options 


4. Configure environment variables
Normally, environment variables are added by default , But my reason may be that the private server needs to be configured ,
The configuration process is as follows :
First : perform siege -v Found an error ,bash:siege:command not found

next : Look at the siege The location of the executable file for :
whereis siege
 Insert picture description here
When you find it, add it :
Carry out orders :

vi /etc/profile

Add the following :
 Insert picture description here
Save exit after modification , function source /etc/profile Let it take effect immediately !
It runs again .
 Insert picture description here

Two 、siege Common parameters of

-h help

-c Specify the number of concurrent ( It's really concurrent )

-r Specify the number of repetitions

-d Specify the delay time for the request , Note the random delay between each request ( Simulate the user's thinking time , One minute at most , The rest is random, default to within a minute )

-f Appoint url list , You can pressurize more than one address at a time ( It's mostly used for turning pages Url test )

-t Specify the execution time of the use case , such as ,-t 10s,-t 1M(H) And so on ( It is mainly used for stability test , Pressurize for a long time , The easiest way to find memory leaks )

-g Obtain requested headers Information and print it out ,debug special

-H Specify the requested headers Information

-l perhaps –log=[File] Specify the path of the test results

Usage examples

Usage examples

siege -c 50 -r 100 -u

The result shows that

5、 The result shows that

** SIEGE 2.72
** Preparing 300 concurrent users for battle.
The server is now under siege… done.
Transactions: 30000 hits // complete 30000 Secondary processing
Availability: 100.00 % //100.00 % The success rate
Elapsed time: 68.59 secs // Total usage time
Data transferred: 817.76 MB // Total data transfer ( No header data )*****
Response time: 0.04 secs // Mean response time
Transaction rate: 437.38 trans/sec // Average per second 437.38 Secondary processing ******
Throughput: 11.92 MB/sec // Average data transfer per second
Concurrency: 17.53 // The actual maximum number of concurrent connections
Successful transactions: 30000 // Number of successful processing
Failed transactions: 0 // Number of failed processing
Longest transaction: 3.12 // The maximum time it takes to satisfy a request *****
Shortest transaction: 0.00 // The shortest time it takes to satisfy a request ******
Data transferred The section contains the total size of the response received for each request (MB).

Transaction rate Help us understand when Web The number of concurrent transactions that the server can satisfy when running under the load specified by our command ( Simultaneous requests ).

hhtps reference :https://www.jianshu.com/p/74c465ff136f

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