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First acquaintance with NK-RTU980 development board
2022-07-31 07:59:00 【matchstick mcu】
For detailed instructions, please refer to the official user manualUM_NuMaker_RTU_NUC980_EN_Rev1.00.pdf.
Board overview:
1. Processor: NUC980DR61YC, packaged in LQFP64, running at 300MHz, integrated with 64MB DDR2 memory;
2. Storage: W25Q256FV, SPI-NOR (256M-Bit);
Getting started:
1. Download BSP
Download BSP package from official, there are Linux4.4 version and Non OS version BSP, Non OS BSPContains FreeRTOS system demo.
Since I chose bare metal development, I downloaded NUC980_Non-OS_BSP_v1.03.000.
2. Connect the development board to the computer
Use a USB to MicroUSB data cable, one end is connected to the computer, the other end is connected to the VCOM port of the development board, the VCOM port uses a NUC123ZD4AN0 MCU as a USB to serial port chip, and is connected to the NUC980 UART0 (debug):
After the connection is made, the computer will automatically install the driver. After the driver is installed, there will be a USB serial device under the computer's Device Manager > Ports (COM and LPT):
3. Enter the console
The development board runs the Linux system by default, and the terminal software such as SecureCRT can be started on the computer:
Enter shell commands on the keyboard.
To view the full boot log, press the Reset button on the board.
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