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NK - RTU980 burning bare-metal program
2022-07-31 07:58:00 【matchstick mcu】
For detailed instructions, please refer to the official user manualNUC980NuWriter User Manual EN.
First, compile the example code
1. Install compilation tools
MDK Plus or Professional version is required to compile ARM9 code. My computer has MDK installed before, but it is not Plus or Professional version, so when I open the keill project in the bsp package directory, it prompts "LegacysupportforArm7,Arm9&Cortex-Rdevices"", and then downloaded MDK79525.EXE and installed it in the keil path to open the project normally.
2. Compile the code
Open the GPIO_OutputInput.uvproj project in the ..\NUC980_Non-OS_BSP_v1.03.000\BSP\nuc980bsp\SampleCode\GPIO_OutputInput\Keil path:
Click the compile button to generate a bin file and store it in the obj directory.
Second, programming firmware
1. Install the driver
Run WinUSB4NuVCOM.exe in the ..\NUC980_Non-OS_BSP_v1.03.000\Tools directory to install the driver.
2. Connect to the computer
Switch SW1.2/SW1.1 to ON state to select USB ISP mode, use a USB to MicroUSB data cable to connect the computer and the USB0_D port of the development board.
After the connection is successful, the (Nuvoton VCOM) device will appear in the device manager of the computer.
In order to view the running log after firmware programming, use a USB to MicroUSB data cable to connect the computer and the VCOM port of the development board, and start the terminal software such as SecureCRT.
3. Burn firmware to DDR
Run the NuWriter.exe application in the ..\NUC980_Non-OS_BSP_v1.03.000\Tools\NuWriter directory.
Click the Continue button or wait for 3s to enter the main interface.
- Select “DDR/SRAM”.
- Click the “Browse” button to load the image file, select ..\NUC980_Non-OS_BSP_v1.03.000\BSP\nuc980bsp\SampleCode\GPIO_OutputInput\Keil\obj\GPIO_OutputInput.bin file.
- Select ”Download and run”.
- Click the “Download” button to program the DDR.
4. View the firmware running log
The operation log of the firmware is displayed on the SecureCRT terminal software.
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