2B Stop to make short video , Learn Tiktok and die , learn YouTube raw ?

source : Alphabet (ID:wujicaijing) author : Bi Andi edit : Wang Jing

YouTube Announce a short video Shorts Monthly living 15 The time point of this good news , and B The time when the station light video announced its closure was almost stepped together .

In mid June ,YouTube Announce its short video service Shorts Monthly live users reach 15 Billion . Refer to last year 9 month TikTok Announced monthly activities 10 Billion ,YouTube Shorts There's a lot of catching up . And from the global launch to this achievement ,YouTube It took only a year .

and YouTube comparison ,B The result of standing and making short videos is obviously not good , But the good news is , In China's medium and long-term video platform ,B Stations StoryMode Like most YouTube Short video service YouTube Shorts. It is also built into the main platform , Similarly, it's not too early to enter the game ,YouTube The homework ,B The station can consider copying .


So-called StoryMode, In fact, it is the vertical video function in the application . In the vertical screen information flow , It can be like shaking fast , Slide down to see more recommended videos .

But it's like what makes most people feel strange StoryMode Name the same , The whole vertical screen content is B The station is very low-key .

Long term concern TMT field 、 Yes 8 Yu Feng, a fan of 10000, said on the snowball :“ As B Stand loyal users , I didn't realize that the way of vertical display is B Stand the so-called StoryMode, I opened it for a long time , Then suddenly realized ……”

B Stations StoryMode stay 2021 It has been rolled out since , But the presentation form is quite low-key . In the homepage recommendation page , There will be some videos in the lower left corner “ Vertical screen ” identification , Click to enter the information flow of the vertical short video , It's a little good on the right 、 Favorite button , You can slide down infinitely to watch more recommended videos , Slide right into the UP Main vertical content stream .

In this year 5 End of month ,StoryMode Relatively independent entrances appear in B standing . Some users found it , Updated B The vertical screen content entry appears in the upper left corner of the station , Click to enter the vertical short video information stream .

Give up using independence App“ Create a Tiktok ”, Select short video “ Incorporate ” Enter the main application , Into the content ecosystem , yes B An important trade-off in short video service .

but B Next, the station faces challenges : How to avoid or reduce the impact of short video services on existing communities and possible user loss ? How to get through short videos and medium and long videos 、 Make the short video become a part of the main station instead of a redundant acne ?

B standing CEO Chen Rui has expectations for short video business , Regard it as a new growth point , In the first quarter earnings conference call , He said :“StoryMode The advantage of commercialization is that the mode is relatively mature , There have been many industry cases to prove its efficiency in advertising and live broadcast conversion , Can achieve a good number , Our practice has also proved this , So we think ,StoryMode It will also bring new increment in business income .”

at present ,B Stations StoryMode The entrance of is not obvious 、 There is no clear identification , And the information stream is mixed with horizontal video , The same video is on the search page or UP Click on the main personal page to enter , Will not enter the vertical screen information flow .

B The horizontal screen content of the vertical screen information flow of the station , stay UP If the main homepage finds the original video, there is no way to display it vertically

One use B standing 7 Users in told alphabet , The current vertical screen information flow operation mode is similar to Buffeting , But I'm used to it B The station interaction mode is different , For example, double clicking used to be a pause , But now if you see a vertical video, watch it in full screen , Will enter the vertical screen information flow , At this time, double clicking is like , This made her very uncomfortable :“ I am also a Tiktok user , I have no problem with short videos , But now I feel mixed , It's confusing .”

look ,B The station may not have figured out how to integrate short videos into the whole ecosystem , The current practice is to desalinate as much as possible “ Short video ” presence ( Including from Chinese “ Vertical screen ” To English “StoryMode” Not at all “ Short video ” Concept ) Let its god sneak into it , But this approach does not solve the problem , On the contrary, there is also the risk of driving away users .


With independence App“ Create a Tiktok ” It is a detour for many platforms to enter the short video , Domestic giants' failed short video products are everywhere : Tencent flash coffee 、 youku 、 Baidu guys shoot small videos 、 Alibaba deer carving …… Similar to the situation at home , from 2017 The first few years of the year ,“ Create a new one TikTok” It has become the obsession of international technology giants , But in the face of TikTok First mover advantage and mature short video ecological play , It's just obsession —— There is no success .

Facebook( Now it's called Meta) stay 2018 Independence was released in AppLasso, It can be released 15 Second vertical video , Called by foreign media “TikTok Clones ”, A mediocre performance , To 2020 In, he died and closed the offline .

Facebook And learned a lesson , No longer hard and rigid independent application , Instead, short video services are embedded Instagram,2019 Testing began in , Shah, then head of products (Vishal Shah) Express , Creating a new independent application requires creating a new audience , Better be Instagram Add new video creation and sharing functions to the existing huge users .

Using YouTube Before this treasure land , Google has also tried to incubate independent short video applications Tangi, The main DIY Short video , Like cooking 、 beauty 、 Painting, etc , Try to tilt users from the subdivision track .

And when Google finally got to YouTube After you do it , Just really sit on the card table of short video .

When Facebook2019 Year test Reels When ,Instagram“ Existing huge user base ” Every month 10 Billion active users , and YouTube2020 Launched in 2013 Shorts when , The number is 20 Billion (2020 year 10 month ).

Under the new strategy ,Meta( At that time Facebook) and YouTube Officially became TikTok Challenger .

According to the data platform company Inmar Intelligence The investigation of , In the most profitable advertising market, the United States ,TikTok Continue to maintain the leading position , but YouTube Shorts Has ranked second , And keep approaching . according to Inmar Intelligence The data of ,6 Month over 29% Of the respondents chose YouTube Shorts As their preferred short video service , higher than 2021 year 9 Of the month 25%. And will be TikTok The proportion of respondents as the first choice has increased from last year 9 Near the end of the month 49% Down to 44%.Meta Of Instagram Reels Still in third place , The proportion is equal to 20%.

B Stop turning off light video , Development station story mode, This step has gone to YouTube It's all right .


B The station is applied independently from incubation to “ Incorporate ” Short video to the main station , A trade-off has been made , The next new choice is , Short video in B How to deal with yourself in the station ?

It is not easy to find the content of vertical screen , Those who don't want to see the vertical screen content accidentally “ Fall into a trap ”, Make some users feel confused or even disgusted .

B Station user Zhang Lin ( alias ) Only 52 Fans , It uploaded 《 How to close b Station vertical video mode 》 But there are 8.6 10000 views . Zhang Lin says , Except for users who are not vertical screen short videos , More dissatisfied B Station vertical screen content “ hidden ” Practice in the main station , This makes me lose the chance to choose .

Although it is also embedded in the station , but YouTube Shorts Have a strong sense of existence .

Shorts The video and the original video in the station will not be confused , It has a special name Shorts, And specialized Logo: Red lightning on a white background . Open the mobile terminal App, There are two obvious Shorts Information flow entry , One is the special entry of the menu bar at the bottom , One is to horizontally arrange thumbnails on the recommendation page of the home page , Click any video to enter the mode of short video .

stay Shorts In the information flow , Click on the creator's Avatar , The first thing to enter is the creator's Shorts Content collection page , Click again on the , You can enter the creator's main website channel page .

Whether it's on the creator's channel page , Still searching the page ,Shorts There will be red lightning on a white background in the lower right corner of the cover image of the video Logo.

Even in PC End ,Shorts Video is also a vertical screen information flow display , Scroll the mouse to slide , Similar to the experience of the mobile terminal .

For users ,Shorts There are obvious entries and obvious signs on any page , This allows users who are not interested in short videos to skip this option with little awareness , Only use according to the usual habits YouTube.

For the Creator ,Shorts The definition of is very clear : lower than 60 second 、 Vertical display . If it is lower than 60 Seconds of vertical screen content , It will automatically become a Shorts. More than 60 Seconds of vertical screen video or originally horizontal screen video ( Even if only 3 Second ), Reduce the duration or cut the screen size without editing , Will not be classified as Shorts Of .

A counterexample is ,Reels Although it is also developing rapidly , But its unclear product function layout has caused trouble to many creators and users . Many people roast on social media Instagram Nowadays, there are too many and the difference is not obvious , Traditional ordinary video Posts 、 For standard YouTube Long video of IGTV And benchmarking Snapchat” Burn After Reading is Stories And now benchmarking TikTok Of Reels:“ Let me explain the difference between them , Why don't you give me a bullet .”

From the perspective of products ,YouTube The choice is clear first Shorts And the traditional content on the website , This can reduce the confusion caused by the simultaneous existence of different interaction modes , It can also be quickly established Shorts Brand awareness .

Through clear separation ,YouTube Can be used Shorts Occupy the mind , The next question is ,Shorts How to gain mutually with other contents ?

The challenge of this approach —— It may be at this stage B The reason why the station didn't choose this practice —— Is in YouTube In the ecology of , Vertical short video as a new form , For most creators, there is a lack of motivation to produce it .

On this issue ,YouTube It also gives the creator guidance , Two motives are given to the creator , One is money , Second, flow .

last year 5 month , stay Shorts Two months after the global launch ,YouTube take out 1 Billion dollars , Used to motivate Shorts Creator , Every month, thousands of people are in Shorts The video creator with the highest audience participation on the website will be rewarded .

In addition to monetary rewards ,YouTube Also let the creator see Shorts Of traffic , Not only the new creators have the motivation to enter , Existing medium and long-term video creators can also pass Shorts Drain the entire channel .《 Wall Street journal 》 In a report released , a 24 The 19-year-old painter said , She is the creator of short video content , One of the videos is Shorts Get on 8200 Ten thousand views , Much higher than other platforms , This makes her YouTube List it as the priority object for publishing short videos .

YouTube The creators of are probably 5000 ten thousand , Mobilize the enthusiasm of creators , It is the key action after the video platform accesses the short video service , This is also the starting point for creating short video content differentiation .

This point , Aiyouteng makes short videos , It's not easy to YouTube Shorts Learned , but B Station can .B standing 2022 The month in the first quarter of the year was active UP Lord 380 ten thousand , The number of creators with more than 10000 fans increased year-on-year 44%. In order to UGC Content competitiveness ,B The station is still the closest to China YouTube Video site of .


2022 First quarter ,YouTube Advertising revenue 68.7 Billion dollars , Lower than Wall Street expected 75.1 Billion dollars , Year-on-year growth 14%, Lower than expected 7%.

Advertising revenue performance is not as good as expected , It may be related to the macroeconomic environment , It may also be related to Google's suspension of operations in Russia ,2021 year , Google about 1% Its revenue comes from Russia , Mainly advertising revenue . and TikTok The continuous growth of the market share is also one of the possible factors ,Insider Intelligence Analyst Paul · Wiener (Paul Verna) call :“ Although the company ( Google parent Alphabet) Our search and cloud businesses are below i Good quarterly performance , but YouTube The video business is well below analysts' expectations , as a result of TikTok And other social platforms , As well as Disney+ Led by a large number of high-quality entertainment services .”

meanwhile , Google is also working hard Shorts Practice commercialization measures , On the earnings call , Google parent Alphabet Chief financial officer Ruth Porat Express :“ We are testing Shorts Profitable , Early advertiser feedback and results are encouraging .”

at present ,YouTube Shorts There it is “ Take the goods ” Short video , There is a yellow badge indicating the attribute of the advertisement , And there are shopping links and “ Buy now ” Copy Guide . Besides , Google still has plans Shorts Direct advertising content in the information flow , Interspersed with short videos arranged up and down , The official has not disclosed the specific scope and launch time of the test .

And that's exactly what it is B The station urgently needs .2021 year ,B The total revenue of the station is 193.8 One hundred million yuan , The unadjusted loss is close to 68 One hundred million yuan . In the past three years ,B The annual loss of the station has increased year-on-year 130% about , Is the increase of revenue 2 times . And the growth rate of revenue has slowed down this year , The lowest in six years .

Games used to be B The revenue leader of the station , Now it is also weak . Fourth quarter ,B The advertising revenue of the station has exceeded that of the game .

The advertising business is 2021 year B The biggest highlight of the station's quarterly revenue ,2021 In the first quarter of, advertising revenue increased by as much as 234%, Year on year growth in the second quarter 201%, Doubled in the third quarter , Year on year growth in the fourth quarter 120%, For the first time, it exceeded the revenue of the game business .

First quarter of this year ,B The growth rate of advertising revenue of the station decreased , But headquartered in Shanghai B The station is likely to be affected by macroeconomic fluctuations and the epidemic , This effect should be short .

2016 year , When B When there is a patch advertisement like aiyouteng in Xinfan station, which causes dissatisfaction , Chen Rui said “B The station may go bankrupt in the future , But it will never go bad ”, So far, insisting on not doing patch advertising has become B Standing hoop mantra .

Now B Station advertising is based on location advertising and KOL Mainly video advertising , The former through information flow 、 Various points such as the recommendation area are exposed , The latter has a fireworks platform to match advertisers and creators ,B Only 6%, It belongs to a low level in the industry .

Use short videos as a past B Station is the experimental field of sealed advertising mode , yes B A good opportunity to overtake at the station on the curve .

A fact that cannot be ignored is ,YouTube It's not early to enter short videos ,Shorts The rapid growth of users is inseparable from the timing of their entry .

2020 year 9 month ,YouTube Launched in India YouTube Shorts, The Indian government banned it for national security reasons three months ago TikTok.Shorts To enter , Just filled TikTok The blank of , In just a few months, the average daily page views exceeded 35 100 million times .

Until 2021 year 3 month , Google will YouTube Shorts Extended to North America , India is still Shorts One of the biggest markets in .

B The station lacks such a clever opportunity , but YouTube Shorts In product form 、 Attempts in advertising mode , Already in B The river we are going to cross is paved with stones .

Reference resources :

1. Prospective network :《 Industry depth !2021 Analysis on the competition pattern and market share of China's short video industry in The market concentration is extremely high 》

2. Chinese times :《 The smoke of short video does not disperse ,B Stand and make a choice :Story-Mode Permeability increases “ Light video ” Shutdown offline 》

3. Hexun.com :《 The digital media advertising market is suffering :YouTube Business downturn in the first quarter 》

4. Sanyi life :《 Google announced , Will be in YouTube Shorts Test the advertising function 》

5. American Stock Research Institute :《 Advertising business growth is weak , Can Google “ recovery ” King style ?》

6. Super Finance :《 Under Chen Rui's military order ,B The station still hasn't found a profit path 》

7. The hedgehog commune :《B standing : Short term fluctuations , Long term efforts 》

8. Financial network :《B Standing thirteen Peduncle 、 There are content , Don't have the money 》