2022-07-31 13:30:00 【A黄俊辉A】
今天又看了一下 hyperf 的源码?着重看了一个 bin/hyperf.php 的最后一行 , 到底在做什么
从上面的代码中, 我们可以知道 Hyperf\Contract\ApplicationInterface::class 在容器中是ApplicationFactory::class的键名, 从 ApplicationFactiory::class的代码中的我们可以看到
hyperf 的代码中, 如果通过 容器container- >get(…) 得到的对象, 都是会调用对应数的 __invoke()的方法
/** * This file is part of Hyperf. * * @link https://www.hyperf.io * @document https://hyperf.wiki * @contact [email protected] * @license https://github.com/hyperf/hyperf/blob/master/LICENSE */
namespace Hyperf\Framework;
use Hyperf\Command\Annotation\Command;
use Hyperf\Contract\ConfigInterface;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\AnnotationCollector;
use Hyperf\Framework\Event\BootApplication;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
class ApplicationFactory
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container)
if ($container->has(EventDispatcherInterface::class)) {
$eventDispatcher = $container->get(EventDispatcherInterface::class);
$eventDispatcher->dispatch(new BootApplication());
//这里是通过 Hyperf\Config\ConfigFactory 中的 invoke方法
$config = $container->get(ConfigInterface::class);
$commands = $config->get('commands', []);
// Append commands that defined by annotation.
$annotationCommands = [];
if (class_exists(AnnotationCollector::class) && class_exists(Command::class)) {
$annotationCommands = AnnotationCollector::getClassesByAnnotation(Command::class);
$annotationCommands = array_keys($annotationCommands);
//这里把注解的 command 和 config文件中指明的 commands一起合并起来
$commands = array_unique(array_merge($commands, $annotationCommands));
//这个application 是一个命令行工具类
$application = new Application();
if (isset($eventDispatcher) && class_exists(SymfonyEventDispatcher::class)) {
$application->setDispatcher(new SymfonyEventDispatcher($eventDispatcher));
foreach ($commands as $command) {
//这里最终返回的 application 其实就是一个命令行管理工具类
//在它的 commands 属性中添加了很多 command
return $application;
所以, $application 其实就是一个 Symfony\Component\Console\Application的实例
此时, 我们进入 run() 方法, (注意,phpStorm 直接点是进不去的, 我们要找到 Application类才可看到run方法)
方法有很多, 我们这里主要看 run的方法
public function run(InputInterface $input = null, OutputInterface $output = null)
if (\function_exists('putenv')) {
//这里的 ArgvInput 对象可以接收到命令行中的 参数, 如 php bin/hyperf.php start 这个$input 就可以得到我们的参数是start
//如果我们输入 php bin/hyperf.php gohome 这个命令虽然会报错, 但是也可以接收到 gohome 的参数, 只不过没有过个命令罢了
if (null === $input) {
$input = new ArgvInput();
if (null === $output) {
$output = new ConsoleOutput();
$renderException = function (\Throwable $e) use ($output) {
if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
$this->renderThrowable($e, $output->getErrorOutput());
} else {
$this->renderThrowable($e, $output);
if ($phpHandler = set_exception_handler($renderException)) {
$this->configureIO($input, $output);
try {
//这里是关键的代码, 我们进入 doRun
$exitCode = $this->doRun($input, $output);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} finally {
return $exitCode;
我们进入 doRun()方法
public function doRun(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$name = $this->getCommandName($input);
//var_dump($name); 当启动的时候这个 $name 的值为 start; 也就是我们启动的时候传的参数 php bin/hyperf.php start
if (!$name) {
$name = $this->defaultCommand;
$definition = $this->getDefinition();
'command' => new InputArgument('command', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, $definition->getArgument('command')->getDescription(), $name),
try {
$this->runningCommand = null;
// the command name MUST be the first element of the input
$command = $this->find($name);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
if ($command instanceof LazyCommand) {
$command = $command->getCommand();
//经过上面的代码, 我们可以看到 $command 现在是一个 startServer类
//var_dump(get_class($command)); Hyperf\Server\Command\StartServer
$this->runningCommand = $command;
//最终走到了 doRunCommand方法
$exitCode = $this->doRunCommand($command, $input, $output);
$this->runningCommand = null;
return $exitCode;
我们进入 doRunCommand 方法
protected function doRunCommand(Command $command, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
//var_dump(get_class($command)); Hyperf\Server\Command\StartServer
//var_dump($this->dispatcher); 启动时这时的 $this->dispatcher不为null,所以走下面的 try
if (null === $this->dispatcher) {
return $command->run($input, $output);
// bind before the console.command event, so the listeners have access to input options/arguments
try {
} catch (ExceptionInterface $e) {
// ignore invalid options/arguments for now, to allow the event listeners to customize the InputDefinition
$event = new ConsoleCommandEvent($command, $input, $output);
$e = null;
try {
$this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, ConsoleEvents::COMMAND);
//var_dump($event->commandShouldRun()); 这里返回的是true
if ($event->commandShouldRun()) {
//var_dump(get_class($command)); Hyperf\Server\Command\StartServer
//因为 $command是 startServer类了, 所以我们要看 startServer 的 run方法了
$exitCode = $command->run($input, $output);
} else {
$exitCode = ConsoleCommandEvent::RETURN_CODE_DISABLED;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$event = new ConsoleErrorEvent($input, $output, $e, $command);
$event = new ConsoleTerminateEvent($command, $input, $output, $exitCode);
$this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, ConsoleEvents::TERMINATE);
if (null !== $e) {
throw $e;
return $event->getExitCode();
找到 Hyperf\Server\Command\StartServer 类 并找到它的 run 方法, startServer没有run方法, 所以就找到了它的父类, symfony\console\command\command.php 的 run 方法
public function run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
// add the application arguments and options
// bind the input against the command specific arguments/options
if ($this->code) {
$statusCode = ($this->code)($input, $output);
} else {
//上面一堆的操作,都是配置相关的, 这里是主要的,可以看到, 它又到执行了, execute方法
//于是我们到 Hyperf\Server\Command\StartServer 中,又找到 execute 方法
$statusCode = $this->execute($input, $output);
if (!\is_int($statusCode)) {
throw new \TypeError(sprintf('Return value of "%s::execute()" must be of the type int, "%s" returned.', static::class, get_debug_type($statusCode)));
return is_numeric($statusCode) ? (int) $statusCode : 0;
于是我们又来到了 startServer 的 execute方法
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$serverFactory = $this->container->get(ServerFactory::class)
//这里从 config server.php中读取了配置文件
$serverConfig = $this->container->get(ConfigInterface::class)->get('server', []);
if (! $serverConfig) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('At least one server should be defined.');
//我们要进入这个 configure 方法中查看一下,
这是一键协程化的常量代码 注意这里只是一个常量, 在bin/hyperf.php 文件中已经定义了, 它的值是 SWOOLE_HOOK_ALL
Coroutine::set(['hook_flags' => swoole_hook_flags()]);
//走到这里, 进入serverFactory中, start方法
return 0;
public function configure(array $config)
$this->config = new ServerConfig($config);
//这里它又走到了 init 方法
public function init(ServerConfig $config): ServerInterface
//进入init , 又走到了 initServers 方法
return $this;
在这里的 initServers方法中, 才是创建 swoole服务器, 并且添加 回调函数的地方
protected function initServers(ServerConfig $config)
$servers = $this->sortServers($config->getServers());
//这里使用的 foreach 函数,也就是说, 配置文件里可以配置多个服务器 都可以创建
//比如 你可以配一个 HTTPServer 也可以同时配一个 tcpServer 都是可以了
foreach ($servers as $server) {
$name = $server->getName();
$type = $server->getType();
$host = $server->getHost();
$port = $server->getPort();
$sockType = $server->getSockType();
$callbacks = $server->getCallbacks();
if (! $this->server instanceof SwooleServer) {
//这一行创建httpserver 服务器
$this->server = $this->makeServer($type, $host, $port, $config->getMode(), $sockType);
//这里得到了所有的 on 事件方法, 这里是把方法做了一个合并
$callbacks = array_replace($this->defaultCallbacks(), $config->getCallbacks(), $callbacks);
//这里把事件方法 绑定上对应的函数 此时, 就有了 onWorkStart onRequest 等方法的执行函数
$this->registerSwooleEvents($this->server, $callbacks, $name);
$this->server->set(array_replace($config->getSettings(), $server->getSettings()));
ServerManager::add($name, [$type, current($this->server->ports)]);
if (class_exists(BeforeMainServerStart::class)) {
// Trigger BeforeMainServerStart event, this event only trigger once before main server start.
$this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(new BeforeMainServerStart($this->server, $config->toArray()));
} else {
/** @var bool|\Swoole\Server\Port $slaveServer */
$slaveServer = $this->server->addlistener($host, $port, $sockType);
if (! $slaveServer) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to listen server port [{
$server->getSettings() && $slaveServer->set(array_replace($config->getSettings(), $server->getSettings()));
$this->registerSwooleEvents($slaveServer, $callbacks, $name);
ServerManager::add($name, [$type, $slaveServer]);
// Trigger beforeStart event.
if (isset($callbacks[Event::ON_BEFORE_START])) {
[$class, $method] = $callbacks[Event::ON_BEFORE_START];
if ($this->container->has($class)) {
if (class_exists(BeforeServerStart::class)) {
// Trigger BeforeServerStart event.
$this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(new BeforeServerStart($name));
上面的方法都完成了, swoole 服务器也创建了, 我们再回到原来的代码中,就剩下服务器的开启命令 start() 了
public function start()
return $this->getServer()->start();
那么, 我们的路由是怎么走到相应的控制器方法中的呢, 这就是看一下,我们的 onRequest 事件都做了什么了
上面的 initServers 方法中, 绑定了 onRequest ,onWorkstart 的事件处理方法, 我们就从那个里面找
打印出 $callbacks
array(7) {
array(2) {
string(40) "Hyperf\Framework\Bootstrap\StartCallback"
string(7) "onStart"
array(2) {
string(47) "Hyperf\Framework\Bootstrap\ManagerStartCallback"
string(14) "onManagerStart"
array(2) {
string(46) "Hyperf\Framework\Bootstrap\WorkerStartCallback"
string(13) "onWorkerStart"
array(2) {
string(45) "Hyperf\Framework\Bootstrap\WorkerStopCallback"
string(12) "onWorkerStop"
array(2) {
string(45) "Hyperf\Framework\Bootstrap\WorkerExitCallback"
string(12) "onWorkerExit"
array(2) {
string(46) "Hyperf\Framework\Bootstrap\PipeMessageCallback"
string(13) "onPipeMessage"
array(2) {
string(24) "Hyperf\HttpServer\Server"
string(9) "onRequest"
可以看到 onRequest 对应的是 Hyperf\HttpServer\Server 的类
进入 Hyperf\HttpServer\Server 类, 找到 onRequest方法
public function onRequest($request, $response): void
try {
[$psr7Request, $psr7Response] = $this->initRequestAndResponse($request, $response);
//这里可以看到, hyperf 把$request 和 $response 又封装了一下
//进入内部看了一下, 为什么要这样封装一下才用, 大至的意思就是, 把这个新的 $psrRequest和新的$psrResponse 对象, 加入到了 上下文变量 Context中,
//这里我们也能解释, 一个问题, 在中间件中, 我们要把 $request中添加一个变量, 传送到 控制器中, 为什么不可以使用 $request 了, 因为但入控制器中的是一个 $psrRequest对象
$psr7Request = $this->coreMiddleware->dispatch($psr7Request);
/** @var Dispatched $dispatched */
$dispatched = $psr7Request->getAttribute(Dispatched::class);
$middlewares = $this->middlewares;
if ($dispatched->isFound()) {
$registeredMiddlewares = MiddlewareManager::get($this->serverName, $dispatched->handler->route, $psr7Request->getMethod());
$middlewares = array_merge($middlewares, $registeredMiddlewares);
//这里是 分发请求, 我们进入这个函数中
$psr7Response = $this->dispatcher->dispatch($psr7Request, $middlewares, $this->coreMiddleware);
} catch (Throwable $throwable) {
// Delegate the exception to exception handler.
$psr7Response = $this->exceptionHandlerDispatcher->dispatch($throwable, $this->exceptionHandlers);
} finally {
// Send the Response to client.
if (! isset($psr7Response)) {
if (isset($psr7Request) && $psr7Request->getMethod() === 'HEAD') {
$this->responseEmitter->emit($psr7Response, $response, false);
} else {
$this->responseEmitter->emit($psr7Response, $response, true);
public function dispatch(...$params): ResponseInterface
/** * @param RequestInterface $request * @param array $middlewares * @param MiddlewareInterface $coreHandler */
[$request, $middlewares, $coreHandler] = $params;
$requestHandler = new HttpRequestHandler($middlewares, $coreHandler, $this->container);
//创建了一个处理对象, 并调用了 handle 处理方法, 我们再进入 handle
return $requestHandler->handle($request);
class HttpRequestHandler extends AbstractRequestHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
/** * Handles a request and produces a response. * May call other collaborating code to generate the response. */
public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
//没说的, 我们再进入 handleRequest 方法中
return $this->handleRequest($request);
protected function handleRequest($request)
//从前面的代码中,我们可以发现, hyperf 把我们要执行的目录方法, 放在了 中间件数组 middlewares 中的最后一个执行, 所以 下面的
if (! isset($this->middlewares[$this->offset]) && ! empty($this->coreHandler)) {
$handler = $this->coreHandler;
} else {
//这个$handler 其实就是我们要 执行的控制器的 目标方法
$handler = $this->middlewares[$this->offset];
is_string($handler) && $handler = $this->container->get($handler);
if (! method_exists($handler, 'process')) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid middleware, it has to provide a process() method.'));
//这里还是相当于中间件的用法,但是它执行的是我们要使用的 控制器的目标方法
return $handler->process($request, $this->next());
我们继续进入 process 的方法中
这个里面的代码 有点像 php的 fastRoute 插件的代码, 有兴趣的可以了解一下 nikic/fast-route
public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface
//这个地方 $request 就是之前的 $psrRequest 对象
$request = Context::set(ServerRequestInterface::class, $request);
/** @var Dispatched $dispatched */
$dispatched = $request->getAttribute(Dispatched::class);
if (! $dispatched instanceof Dispatched) {
throw new ServerException(sprintf('The dispatched object is not a %s object.', Dispatched::class));
$response = null;
switch ($dispatched->status) {
case Dispatcher::NOT_FOUND:
$response = $this->handleNotFound($request);
case Dispatcher::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:
$response = $this->handleMethodNotAllowed($dispatched->params, $request);
//如果找到就执行 handleFound方法
case Dispatcher::FOUND:
$response = $this->handleFound($dispatched, $request);
if (! $response instanceof ResponseInterface) {
$response = $this->transferToResponse($response, $request);
return $response->withAddedHeader('Server', 'Hyperf');
那么 handleFound 方法,就是执行的目标 控制器的方法了
protected function handleFound(Dispatched $dispatched, ServerRequestInterface $request)
if ($dispatched->handler->callback instanceof Closure) {
$parameters = $this->parseClosureParameters($dispatched->handler->callback, $dispatched->params);
$response = call($dispatched->handler->callback, $parameters);
} else {
//这里得到了 控制器 和 要执行的方法
[$controller, $action] = $this->prepareHandler($dispatched->handler->callback);
//这里从容器中得到 controller 这是swoole 读入内存的, 不会发生变化的,除非重启, 就是这样才叫常驻内存, 快的原因
$controllerInstance = $this->container->get($controller);
if (! method_exists($controllerInstance, $action)) {
// Route found, but the handler does not exist.
throw new ServerErrorHttpException('Method of class does not exist.');
$parameters = $this->parseMethodParameters($controller, $action, $dispatched->params);
//这里就是控制器, 调用方法的位置, 并且还有参数
$response = $controllerInstance->{
return $response;
走到这里, 我们就可以看到一个请求, 到达控制器的具体步骤了
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