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The anxiety of the post-90s was cured by the vegetable market
2022-08-01 16:53:00 【i dark horse】
来源:新零售商业评论(ID:xinlingshou1001) 作者:王明雅 编辑:葛伟炜
疫情当下,Looking for a city“回来了”的标志,Big probability to local market.
Like Shanghai7月,The return of the market with each block and recovery.Well-known web celebrity clock point stake market,A few days ago just as usual,Vendor and customer return.A lot of people heard the news,Also specially selected in the first day to catch a morning market.
The gourmet's most generous praise market wonderful.蔡澜说,到任何地方,Before going to market,“Mainly because love to eat,What has not been tried then buy it”.陈晓卿说,Everything is not going to market city tourism,The same thing as not to get married for the purpose of love.
Vegetable market in a city,Is often the existence of soul in a body,But in the past ten years,The pulse is the city with young people drifting away.
一方面,外卖、The height of the fresh electrical business developed,Convenient for young people to have adapted to service the door,另一方面,Promote personality、自由、The younger generation and easy,Clearly and fireworks breath strong market,Do not live a plane.
现在,Change happens in quietly.
以90Represented by the number of young people after,Are keen to explore the market near home and this.在豆瓣,有“菜市场爱好者”小组,14All members reside,Share roaming market wonderful;在小红书,Agent store market is food bloggers general options.In the vegetable market to buy clothes、烫头、拍大片,Trill web celebrity also love vegetable market.
很难否认,The outbreak largely changed the young man's life view and consumption.
More eager to feel the ordinary everyday,Willing to come out,Hands to buy food cooking,Studying the life of healthy eating habits,Understand conducting comparison,精打细算过日子——当然,更深层的原因,也可能是90Really no longer young.
Standing in a larger industry level,近两年,Fresh electricity beset by artificial cost and profit model,Online prices are no longer have an advantage,And gradually shrinking territory,用户用脚投票,Always choose the better alternative.The market,In the current urban planning and design of,Also increasingly towards younger、Trend of the direction.
Young people into the market,The market waiting for young people.
Buy happiness
Some Internet companies work in Beijing Mr. Lei,最近一年,Weekend two days always insipid and steadfast.
5Some more after getting up,He'll go to a nearby park running,Now can even run10公里,结束后,On the way home without extra trouble back to breakfast,叫醒爱人,饭毕,Together go to the vegetable market near the purchase again.
It is a large farmers market outside of north rings,Almost wholesale nature,Vegetables and meat prices are very cheap.Mr. Lei, for example,A fresh one and a half jins of heavy bass,能以20The price of the yuan win,“The price is more than ten dollars cheaper than online”.
He told the new retail business review,Your working day will be in the unit dining hall,But increasingly feel the canteen dishes lay particular stress on greasy mouth,Work within three to five years,Weight is soaring nearly ten catties.
“Very need time to catch the weekend,A good supplement on protein、维生素.”Mr. Lei from a drawing of the lunch,清蒸鲈鱼、White boiled shrimp,With the height when,Constitutes a hearty meal.
Sports rectified,自己做饭,Consciously change eating habits,Mr. Lei thin QiBaJin.He was satisfied with the results,Wet markets are melting into the daily life of a ring,于他而言,Is synonymous with health and par.
Juju happy recently,The wife of a this is near to the.That's when she moved to explore the surrounding results—— A hundreds of square shop,Fresh fruits and vegetables is complete,There are some nuts,Run by a family,忙中有序.
Wife of shop-owner is good at doing business.
Juju excitedly explained,She casually refers to what kind of melon seeds,Wife of shop-owner exclaimed“You too will pick,This particular delicious”;她要9块9The specials strawberries,Wife of shop-owner patience bagging while reminding“熟透了,Can't eat best to the fridge”.
A night,She went to buy a banana,Found only four didn't have to pick,Wife of shop-owner was cheerfully immediately cried:“The cashier and three,免费送给你,不坏,Is a bit black scar,Have to hurry to eat.”
If these are just ordinary business savvy,Juju can see the real street human feelings.
她还记得,One day at noon busy,A young girl at the age of about six or seven holding two bananas and a few dollars in cash,In the check-out queues in a crowded,Mother call outside busy,The store tally men looked up to see,The cashier shouted at a distance:“The child's first married,One yuan to go.”
Juju was used to online shopping, the number of young people,为此,Also opened a fresh member of electricity,Are now increasingly willing to go offline that this.
There was evening meal points,The store will have“Three to five yuan”Choose the greens,运气好的话,Can also choose to spinach、Leek and water spinach,Spinach make soup,Chives stuffing,Water convolvulus stir-fried,All very homely and delicious.
某次,She wants to buy eggs,The store just sold out,Wife of shop-owner told her“By this time tomorrow,一定有”,次日,Juju just entered the door,Wife of shop-owner quickly say hello:“姑娘,The egg to the.”
In a city of twenty million people,This is a kind of by a stranger remember warm.
不久之前,人类学学者、Distinguished tourism college of sun yat-sen university associate professor Zhong Shu such as,In a speech a seat on the stage to share the research on market.
她提到,美国从上世纪70年代开始了“Retail revolution”,Large chain supermarket gradually replaced the small market,但在国内,Even if the carrefour、Giants such as wal-mart has entered China for decades,Vegetable market is not as in the United States be replaced.
其中一个很重要的原因是,长久以来,Vegetable market is a small society rely on acquaintance relationship,It includes the greengrocer purchase chain,As well as old customers between social.
“A lot of interesting people and things were a smelting furnace,Social relations and social communication occurs in the market.”Zhong Shu as saying.
但很难否认,It is still a target elderly users offline retail field.The research mentioned,Nanjing city has360Dishes there market,其中,Middle-aged and old customers80%,53%Market turnover decline year by year.
Over the past ten years,Fresh electrical contractor in the domestic usher in rapid development.
2005年,Easy fruit fresh set up,The appearance of marks a fresh electricity,2014年,Because capital involved in,Represented by a prerequisite for the daily optimal fresh warehouse model,The circuit for outbreak;而后,盒马、京东、Meituan etc have incoming,疫情前后,多多买菜、Orange heart optimization community group buying players play,In the wild and money in the game,Young people are online shopping education success.
但最近,Industry is another direction.
Ding dong continuous withdraw more city buy vegetables,包括广东、Anhui and hebei regional cities such as,And municipalities directly under the central government, tianjin,The foreseeable situation is,It will continue to focus on a secondary focus city,逐步收缩.
这家公司在2019~2021年间,年净亏损分别为18.73亿元、31.77亿元、64.3亿元,Large a waste of money.
The daily optimal fresh is direct rumors have failed.7月底,The daily optimal fresh internal an online conference audio show,Companies borrow governance under the air,Inform employees home office,But direct stopped all internal accounts,Employees directly by collective fired,甚者,有人发现,Company has put the valuables such as computer control a,Including a lot of staff personal computer.
Community group as a whole losing more earlier,Once the ambitious each platform,Already put,不必赘述.
First-tier cities of young people who are their main users,只是,Each platform business across the shrinkage on the other side of the,年轻人们,Also in the environment to promote the change habits.
Lin Qiong described his most recent state,用了四个字:知足常乐.
The angular drift north guangdong girl four years,To a firm of head Internet education product.过去两年时间,The outbreak superposition industry turmoil,The company in layoffs fragile,Watching the familiar colleagues one by one to leave,Despite his lucky enough to not“毕业”,Salary is shrinking,Also has no promotion pay may.
Just north drift also have ambition,Lin Qiong today but have to accept the present state of.
She told the new retail business review,工作不忙,Don't have much chance to hang out again,Just started to live——Learn to like my mother,趁着周末,To the vegetable market to pick a chosen ingredients.
Shred hind legs meat can let vendor、切薄片,The size of the ribs can chop ChengXiang to,When buying food, can be to pick a handful of spring Onions,Listen to vendor aunt cooking lessons again.
当然,It is one of the most interesting,Market of uncles and aunts playing“私域流量”No worse than the Internet.Lin Qiong laughs,Because often go to a stall to buy a meat,How will the boss WeChat,Often can see the boss update in the circle of friends“好货”,还标注了“如果量大,Can be door-to-door delivery”.
Vendors do not understand“互联网黑话”,But the practice real“黑话”,Lin Qiong suddenly reflection,Industry buckish boring,她开始思考,Maybe it's time to back to guangzhou.
The market is changing
If you focus on urban planning and design,Will find a clear trend,近两年,Web celebrity vegetable market is a high-frequency word.
Vegetable market in Beijing three source,Because close to the embassy district,Surrounding the five-star hotel、Foreign apartment with,寸土寸金,早在许多年前,Has been a well-known“Web celebrity market”.明星、Five-star hotel chefs often come here to buy some food,Because there is fresh food from all over the world、Different taste.
在小红书,探店博主、旅游博主、Life bloggers are often visit three source market,There are even many young people choose to come here to take wedding photos,The vendor is normal.
But three source than that,过去数年间,To undertake here include《薛兆丰经济学讲义》新书首发、宝马汽车、Unionpay cloud pay more than cultural enterprises and promotion activities such as flash.
今年,Well quickly shop also held in Qingdao hing road farmers market literature exhibition,Draw a wave of young people punching tide.
艾瑞咨询发布的《2021年中国智慧菜场行业研究报告》中提及,From the fresh retail channel,The market remains the largest fresh retail channel,2020年,China's vegetable market fresh retail total fresh56.0%.
中国有近4M market,Traditional market is filthy environment、信息化程度低、管理粗放、食品安全等问题,In recent years become a focus around the specification of the object.
Build web celebrity market,Is the market in a miniature to attract young people.
去年,Xi 'an jianguomen market upgrade,Introduced the art block、酒吧、Exhibition and street fairs form,A model of become younger.The velveteen factory formerly known as xi 'an old market,Trapped in update iteration are complicated,最终,Reform will culture creativity blocks and its compatibility,Made a web celebrity clock point.
Similar to the jianguomen market,And sand lakes in wuhan and fair、Suzhou towers bazaar, etc,All was popular.
New retail business review, want to say is,诚然,Web celebrity market ultimately not mainstream,More is as urban culture carrier,Be geared to the needs of the outside world a card.
换言之,Market reform tide,With young people return to ordinary life is also not necessarily causal relationship.The former is one of the city construction planning level,The latter more points to the generation of mood change.
但无论如何,Rising market,Young people sink,There are both more broadly a collision,这就足够了.
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