当前位置:网站首页>[Dark Horse Morning Post] Hu Jun's endorsement of Wukong's financial management is suspected of fraud, which is suspected to involve 39 billion yuan; Fuling mustard responded that mustard ate toenails
[Dark Horse Morning Post] Hu Jun's endorsement of Wukong's financial management is suspected of fraud, which is suspected to involve 39 billion yuan; Fuling mustard responded that mustard ate toenails
2022-08-01 16:34:00 【i dark horse】
1.8月1Date used fully cancel the restriction to move in:“国五”Can be in the national circulation
前不久,商务部等17部门发布《关于搞活汽车流通 扩大汽车消费若干措施的通知》(下简称“《通知》”).《通知》明确,支持二手车流通规模化发展,各地区严格落实全面取消二手车限迁政策,自2022年8月1日起,在全国范围(含国家明确的大气污染防治重点区域)取消对符合国五排放标准的小型非营运二手车的迁入限制,促进二手车自由流通和企业跨区域经营.(快科技)
2.Experts in response to the future to buy a house to buy package is as easy as
近日,E-house research institute, a think-tank center research director YanYueJin mentioned in a live interview,Future development will house toward the concept of consumer goods,In the future to buy a house would like to buy package easy,You can order online.Many netizens call,The problem is to buy buy package.
YanYueJin responded,他所说的“容易”,Actually from the consumption process perspective,而不是价格.但他同时表示,Understand to buy heat topic so high that there are many needs no problem,As a people's livelihood problem,In the future to buy a house must be easier,Instead of more and more difficult.(头条新闻)
3.Wu jun endorsement wukong financial fraud,Suspected involved390亿元
近日,知名演员@Wu jun due to the financial product overturned causing concern.据报道,Wu jun endorsement is jiufu's a“悟空”的理财产品,Suspected involved34万受害者,共计390亿元.
Many people ran to the Hu Junwei Po below“讨公道”,Have deceived people also ran to the Beijing people,Want to cancel wu jun first-level actor qualification.(21世纪经济报道)
4.Fuling pickle response pickle eat foot nails
It revealed that consumers in the wujiang river pickle of eating out toenails,7月31日下午,Chongqing Fuling Zhacai Group Co., ltd. issued an apology statement,In the first time to the situation of consumer feedback to verify.目前,The consumer feedback foreign body has been discarded,Have been unable to test and verify,“According to the further investigation of the incident and video data,Company production and technical personnel to its roots for pickle raw cabbage head”.涪陵榨菜表示,Have made full communication and consumer,And eliminate the misunderstanding.(每日经济新闻)
5.“二舅币”疑似诈骗130Million dollars after run
近日刷屏的“Cured the countless people consumed”的“二舅”,Should also be some criminals profit tool.Now there are already calledsecond uncle coin(二舅币)的数字货币,And the issuer suspected run.So far tokens, my uncle currency price has fallen99.7%.据统计,The total profit of the fraud as much as130万美元.(证券时报)
6.Tesla response owners drink and take the passenger to use automatic auxiliary driving hit the street lamp:The main driver's accelerometer
7月31日消息,据南方都市报报道,7月29日晚,Zhejiang hangzhou xixi wetland scenic spot a traffic accident happened in the dike near.与众不同的是,The owner said it was sitting on the co-pilot seat.
Location for car owners can sit to start the function of automatic driving,Tesla respond to say:“According to tesla's accelerometer Settings,People don't sitting on the driver's,The vehicle is unable to start.”同时,The tesla's researchers noticed someone online by placing a heavy weights in the main driver's extreme way,Start automatic auxiliary driving function.对此,该人员表示:“我们不建议这样做,Because when the car into the automatic auxiliary driving,If a vehicle accident,Still is a person full responsibility,且根据《 道路交通安全法 》相关规定,驾驶人应当处于车辆驾驶座位上”.(IT之家)
7.阿里等159Home was founded by the pre delisted list
据中新经纬,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 于当地时间7月29Daily update of a batch of“预摘牌名单”,阿里巴巴、蘑菇街、猎豹移动、Wave, pet, etc4Home is stock enterprises were added to list.
至此,The agency has successively will include baidu、京东、哔哩哔哩、拼多多在内的159Is in the home enterprises listed in“预摘牌名单”.其中153Home could not be proved within prescribed time limit has been transferred to determine conditions are not available for delisting list.
此前,京东、And a number of companies are in baidu issued announcement,Said it will actively comply with the applicable laws and regulations in market,并在条件允许的情况下,Keep in the stock market listing status.
Almost shares in enterprises are on the list,In fact only us regulators to perform《外国公司问责法》A regular program.只有连续三年被SEC认定使用未能被PCAOB审查审计底稿的审计机构出具年度审计报告,上市公司才会在美国交易所被退市.
8.恒大:Currently in the national insurance building projects, a total of732个
Group has failed to hand in building projects96%Have some or all of the return to work,Project has yet to return to work27个.自去年7On company a huge difficulties so far,Completed insurance pay floor task23.2万套.今年上半年,The national project realized total debt collection180.08亿元.(上游新闻)
9.上半年8Home dating platform vulgar pornographic information by questioning
据“网信中国”公众号消息,据统计,全国网信系统上半年累计依法约谈网站平台3491家.其中,On netease flower field、百合网、世纪佳缘、珍爱网、同城约会、A line of marriage、我主良缘、Marry U等8Home dating platform vulgar pornographic information ecological destruction network problems,北京市、上海市、广东省、Chongqing enterprise letter do respectively for8Home platform to interview,Order the comprehensive cleaning screen illegal information,And impose a fine of administrative punishment respectively.
10.Universal studios cheap half year card fraud From the mother buys group laid hands on him,Gold or super involved must
A pass around Beijing universal studios half infinite time scam,Because of delays in payment finally comes out,Thousands of people get involved.
According to the relevant victim memories,Diligence by themselves provide sales cheap one-day ticket beforehand in the form of,赢取大家的信任,And then begin to trend to promote the unit price higher half year card,By universal studios by reason of outbreak closed garden creation time difference“做局”,最终卷款潜逃,For network transfer of millions of dollars.
11.Hongxing, donate again1个亿
7月31日下午,“Hongxing, donate again1个亿”的词条冲上微博热搜,事件源于7月30Day hongxing, posted a tweet.当日,Hongxing, announced to the fujian province disabled person welfare foundation donated1One hundred million yuan of money,To help difficult disability groups.Henan since last year to donate5000All goods after rushed out of the,Hongxing, because many times giving rushed out.(证券时报)
12.The ticket was the first cut fuel surcharges for years, 800More than kilometers down to140元
近日,Flying pigs have received eastern airlines、上海航空、Colorful guizhou aviation and domestic shipping department inform,将于2022年8月5日0时(出票日期)起,调整国内航班燃油附加费征收标准.调整后的标准为,成人旅客:800公里(含)The following segment each passenger charge80元燃油附加费,800Km above segment each passenger charge140元,Respectively decreased compared to the previous20元、60元.这也是今年2In domestic for the first time since the shipping company again to collect fuel surcharge of cut.(澎湃新闻)
13.Multiple restaurant was fined for selling cold cucumber5千
7月下旬,Hefei multiple restaurants for not get cold foods business qualification selling cold dish was fined.其中,Package riverfront Wang Liangcai pickled fish WangHu city shop because there was no qualification on delivery platform for selling cold cucumber,被处以5000元罚款;Luyang district and chi establishments for online sales cold cucumber also be fine5000元.On a BBS in chizhou,Also has a cafe boss Posting reflect,Said he in the store“拍黄瓜”Do cold dishes were punished market regulators5000元.(新安晚报)
14.Lexus car accident victims' families voice
据极目新闻,7月28日,柳北高速广西贵港段,The accident after a lexus' GMC car door lock,3人被困车内,过路司机救出2人,1人不幸遇难.
7月29日晚,The dead woman's sister said,Rescue drivers have tried my best,They don't want it to continue fermentation.“人不在了,Hope she walked quietly,父母年纪也大了,I don't want to cause an effect to the old man.”
15.Toyota warned the British government:If the ban on hybrid,In the production or stop
据报道,Toyota motor warned the British government says,If the British government from2030Years started banning sales hybrid,Toyota's manufacturing、Retail and other business activities and investment in Britain's future will be affected,May stop production in the UK.英国计划2030Years ago to stop sales of new cars powered by gasoline and diesel,2035Years ago to stop selling hybrid cars.If the hybrid ban,Toyota Derbyshire burns in the UK, factory production of corolla will be eliminated.Toyota in burns and located in north wales di saide of engine factory employs nearly3000名员工.(界面)
16.Russian gas to Europe has stopped6The supply of natural gas
Gazprom announced that,Due to the neighbouring Latvia in violation of the terms relating to natural gas supply,Gazprom has stopped to Latvia gas.此前一天,Latvia gas company said,Has returned to buy Russian natural gas,And successfully avoid“卢布结算令”,Paid in euros gas,Rather than the requirements of the Russian rouble.Latvia gas company, a spokesman said,Latvia is not direct purchase of gas from the gas,But by a supplier.至此,Russia has stopped supplying natural gas to six European countries.(央视财经)
17.周鸿祎:I am not blasted Microsoft,360And Microsoft freemasonry
According to reports that“Zhou Hongyi Dui Microsoft reference360Free antivirus mode”,周鸿祎7月30In weibo, clarify said:“I am not blasted Microsoft,Is essentially freemasonry.”他表示,360And the success of Microsoft in the security ability and security market have proved that,The digital age isCSide a company to be safe,Because with vast end user,Can put the big data to the cloud to do safety analysis,拥有“看见”The genes and advantage.他认为,“360And Microsoft are future oriented company”.
18.Employees live mistakes:Dong mingzhu black face away
近日,有网友晒出68At the age of dong mingzhu rare live images of the,据悉,This time dong mingzhu appeared live,Is to introduce a new product.直播时,Anchorwoman not successfully start the electric,See the machine didn't react,Dong mingzhu subconscious turned to looked at power supply,And ask whether because there is no plug in.Anchorwoman said opened,Then dong mingzhu again for several times,强调称“How opened without electricity”.Dong mingzhu, unplug the product of the power cord to a side lose,And to remove themselves wearing a microphone,Plug into the hands of the anchorwoman after,The black face turned and left the studio.(新浪科技)
19.Wei li bin to car:For die casting are in short supply,7月ET7Less made thousands
7月31日消息,蔚来汽车董事长李斌在2022Wei to partners, revealed on,在6月4000On the basis of more than one,七月ET7Planned deliveries will be a higher level,But in short supply because of die casting,Due to less production of thousands of car.同时,根据规划,蔚来将在8月28Delivery of wei came toES7,并在9Delivery to the end of wei toET5.此外,According to the anhui province government,蔚来“十四五”During the planning capacity target as100万台.(财联社)
20.Gou responded by virtual currency scams used photos :Solemnly condemned Has started to track down
7月30日,Terry gou, office7月30According to a statement through social media,Recently there are black sheep industry to terry gou, founder photos related to fraud, such as placing a virtual currency AD,Terry gou, the office is a solemn condemns,The move has hit method,Legal team has contacted competent authorities start to track down,You never tested.Gou's office at the same time calling for,Guo never investment virtual currency industry,Never introduce more investment goods,Please people to carefully assess,Don't mistakenly fraud trap,In order to ensure personal property safety.(财联社)
21.Don't respond to rumors?Bill Gates said to spending time with buffett,永不老去
比尔·Gates said today send tweets with his best friend warren·Buffett to spend time together,永远不会老去.Said would you like to turn with buffett at any time“暴风雪”(与DQIce cream series products of the same name).The gates of the mandate of suspected response after buffett resigned from the board of directors of the gates foundation,There has been speculation about the two relations have deteriorated since.值得一提的是,Gates is used by the photos2010He visited China with buffett,Visit the buffett portfolio includingDQIce cream, industry of.在这一时期,Two people also met with zhang、李彦宏、Jack ma, and other well-known Chinese entrepreneur.
22.英特尔CEOResponse to the market value of beAMD超越:是“咎由自取”,但这已经是“谷底”
Results after Intel showed,Intel's second quarter revenue plummeted 22%,It also makes the closed on Friday at Intel's shares dropped nearly 9%,市值被 AMD Formal ahead.AMD Shares rose more than at the end of Friday 3%,市值 1530 亿美元,But Intel's market value after the shares fell to the 1480 亿美元.台湾《经济日报》称,AMD Market value before the 1530 亿美元,Beyond the share price fall Intel.英特尔 CEO 帕特・基辛格在接受采访时表示,Falling stock prices is to blame,Share price does this fall,But he reiterated that it is Intel's bottom,This also mean that he will be ready to be launched next battle turn.
23.市值蒸发3.7万亿元 Tencent holdings shares dropped back5年前
作为中国互联网头把交椅,腾讯股价从去年初就开始跌跌不休.The last trading day of this week,Hong Kong stocks also fell,恒生科技指数大跌近5% ,The tencent holdings or4.36%,Shares once again close to300港元关口,几乎回到了5Years ago the price.值得一提的是,在1年多前,Tencent shares close to750Hong Kong dollar historical peak,Are now close to60% .
24.Rural base update the prospectus,8Months only new1家餐厅
乡村基在7月25After the prospectus state display failure on,Recently updated prospectus,Impact the hkex again.数据显示,乡村基2019年、2020年、2021年及2022年前5月31收入分别为32.57亿元、31.61亿元、46.18亿元及17.93亿元.截至2022年5月31日,Country's country brand and Mr Rice are564家和582家门店,对比今年1In the prospectus submitted,Dining room number only new1家.(北京商报)
25.“Speed of the science and technology”Obtain ten million yuan of super angel round
8月1日消息,Dedicated to provide intelligent sewing“Speed of the science and technology”完成超千万元天使轮融资,The investor is workshop of frontier science and technology innovation fund,Financing will be used in product development and customer validation.以“Sewing robot”Clothing production the whole product realization process of intelligent,The hope to solve the problems of science and technology textile and garment industry has long recruitment difficult problem,Increase efficiency of the industrial production.
26.Intel shares close9%,市值被AMD超越
据界面新闻,The world's second largest microprocessor factoryAMDRecent share price continues to climb up,7月29Closed up more than more3%,Market value before the1530亿美元,Beyond the share price fall Intel.英特尔CEO帕特·On the same day when polled said kissinger,Falling stock prices is to blame,Share price does this fall,But he reiterated that it is Intel's bottom,Means that the following will be ready to turn raw.
At present our country has built the world's largest、技术领先的网络基础设施.截至今年6月底,我国5G基站数达到185.4万个,5G移动电话用户数超过4.5亿户,所有地级市全面建成光网城市,Gigabit fiber users breakthrough6100万户.(新华社)
28.开源鸿蒙OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta2发布
7月30日,开源鸿蒙 OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta2 版本发布,Bring a large number of updates,Including standard system foundation ability to improve、标准系统应用程序框架能力增强、Increase the standard system application development sample, etc.OpenHarmony 由华为公司贡献主要代码、 由多家共建,具备面向全场景、分布式等特点,是一款全领域、新一代、开源开放的智能终端操作系统.(IT之家)
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