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Deep understanding of lambda expressions
2022-07-02 04:17:00 【Mingmingruyue senior】
One 、 background
Java 8 Of Lambda The expression is no longer “ New characteristics ”.
Now many people use... At work Lambda expression .
however , Do you really understand Lambda The underlying principle of expression ?
This paper gives its own understanding , Hopefully that helped .
Two 、 analysis
Here is a very simple code , Which USES Stream
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class ListDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<DogDO> dogs = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> tom = dogs.stream().filter(dog -> dog.getName().startsWith("tom")).map(dog -> dog.getName().toLowerCase()).collect(Collectors.toList());
We use Jclasslib
plug-in unit (《 Those who meet late IDEA plug-in unit 》 In the introduction ), Check bytecode :
You can also use it yourself javac and javap Instructions to execute on the command line .
Such as :
javac ListDemo.java
javap -p -s -c -v -l ListDemo
We can see one more inner class and BootstrapMethods
0 aload_0
1 ldc #20 <tom>
3 invokevirtual #21 <java/lang/String.startsWith : (Ljava/lang/String;)Z>
6 ireturn
amount to :
private static boolean lambda$main$0(String name){
return name.startsWith("tom");
0 aload_0
1 invokevirtual #19 <java/lang/String.toLowerCase : ()Ljava/lang/String;>
4 areturn
amount to
private static String lambda$main$1(String name){
return name.toLowerCase();
It can be seen from the above simple analysis , Essentially lambda The expression will eventually be compiled as a private static method .
main Method
0 new #2 <java/util/ArrayList>
3 dup
4 invokespecial #3 <java/util/ArrayList.<init> : ()V>
7 astore_1
8 aload_1
9 ldc #4 <jam>
11 invokeinterface #5 <java/util/List.add : (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z> count 2
16 pop
17 aload_1
18 ldc #6 <tom cat>
20 invokeinterface #5 <java/util/List.add : (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z> count 2
25 pop
26 aload_1
27 ldc #7 <tom jetty>
29 invokeinterface #5 <java/util/List.add : (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z> count 2
34 pop
35 aload_1
36 ldc #8 <gom jetty>
38 invokeinterface #5 <java/util/List.add : (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z> count 2
43 pop
44 aload_1
45 invokeinterface #9 <java/util/List.stream : ()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;> count 1
50 invokedynamic #10 <test, BootstrapMethods #0>
55 invokeinterface #11 <java/util/stream/Stream.filter : (Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;> count 2
60 invokedynamic #12 <apply, BootstrapMethods #1>
65 invokeinterface #13 <java/util/stream/Stream.map : (Ljava/util/function/Function;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;> count 2
70 invokestatic #14 <java/util/stream/Collectors.toList : ()Ljava/util/stream/Collector;>
73 invokeinterface #15 <java/util/stream/Stream.collect : (Ljava/util/stream/Collector;)Ljava/lang/Object;> count 2
78 checkcast #16 <java/util/List>
81 astore_2
82 getstatic #17 <java/lang/System.out : Ljava/io/PrintStream;>
85 aload_2
86 invokevirtual #18 <java/io/PrintStream.println : (Ljava/lang/Object;)V>
89 return
adopt invokedynamic
Instructions execute dynamic method calls .
Such as
50 invokedynamic #10 <test, BootstrapMethods #0>
We can directly on the plug-in , Click the command to jump to the corresponding official instruction document :
from JVM file You can see This method is to realize dynamic call calculation , It is converted into a dynamic calculation call through a constant pool key amount symbol reference , among CallSite An instance is a target method call instance .
You can keep up in the plug-in
invokedynamic #10 In the constant pool #10 For the following :
among BootstrapMethods # 0
You can see that this is right java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory#metafactory
Call to , The return value is java.lang.invoke.CallSite object , This object represents the actual execution of the target method call .
/** * Facilitates the creation of simple "function objects" that implement one * or more interfaces by delegation to a provided {@link MethodHandle}, * after appropriate type adaptation and partial evaluation of arguments. * Typically used as a <em>bootstrap method</em> for {@code invokedynamic} * call sites, to support the <em>lambda expression</em> and <em>method * reference expression</em> features of the Java Programming Language. * * <p>This is the standard, streamlined metafactory; additional flexibility * is provided by {@link #altMetafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup, String, MethodType, Object...)}. * A general description of the behavior of this method is provided * {@link LambdaMetafactory above}. * * <p>When the target of the {@code CallSite} returned from this method is * invoked, the resulting function objects are instances of a class which * implements the interface named by the return type of {@code invokedType}, * declares a method with the name given by {@code invokedName} and the * signature given by {@code samMethodType}. It may also override additional * methods from {@code Object}. * * @param caller Represents a lookup context with the accessibility * privileges of the caller. Specifically, the lookup context * must have * <a href="MethodHandles.Lookup.html#privacc">private access</a> * privileges. * When used with {@code invokedynamic}, this is stacked * automatically by the VM. * @param invokedName The name of the method to implement. When used with * {@code invokedynamic}, this is provided by the * {@code NameAndType} of the {@code InvokeDynamic} * structure and is stacked automatically by the VM. * @param invokedType The expected signature of the {@code CallSite}. The * parameter types represent the types of capture variables; * the return type is the interface to implement. When * used with {@code invokedynamic}, this is provided by * the {@code NameAndType} of the {@code InvokeDynamic} * structure and is stacked automatically by the VM. * In the event that the implementation method is an * instance method and this signature has any parameters, * the first parameter in the invocation signature must * correspond to the receiver. * @param samMethodType Signature and return type of method to be implemented * by the function object. * @param implMethod A direct method handle describing the implementation * method which should be called (with suitable adaptation * of argument types, return types, and with captured * arguments prepended to the invocation arguments) at * invocation time. * @param instantiatedMethodType The signature and return type that should * be enforced dynamically at invocation time. * This may be the same as {@code samMethodType}, * or may be a specialization of it. * @return a CallSite whose target can be used to perform capture, generating * instances of the interface named by {@code invokedType} * @throws LambdaConversionException If any of the linkage invariants * described {@link LambdaMetafactory above} * are violated, or the lookup context * does not have private access privileges. */
public static CallSite metafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller,
String invokedName,
MethodType invokedType,
MethodType samMethodType,
MethodHandle implMethod,
MethodType instantiatedMethodType)
throws LambdaConversionException {
AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory mf;
mf = new InnerClassLambdaMetafactory(caller, invokedType,
invokedName, samMethodType,
implMethod, instantiatedMethodType,
return mf.buildCallSite();
namely lambda Expressions write code to private static methods , Then construct the implementation of the target type .
In order to see the effect more intuitively , You can IDEA Add... To this type of operating parameters
-Djdk.internal.lambda.dumpProxyClasses= The path you want to output to on your computer
You can see the compiled inner class :
have access to Luyten decompiler .
The download address is here :
View source code :
You can see that the compiler automatically generates for us Predicate
and Function
Inner class , Class called [ The goal is Class$$Lambda$ Numbers ]
In the form of , Invoke the static method above in the internal class .
The logical level is equivalent to the following code :
package other.list;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class ListDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> dogNames = new ArrayList<>();
dogNames.add("tom cat");
dogNames.add("tom jetty");
dogNames.add("gom jetty");
List<String> tom = dogNames.stream().filter(new ListDemo$$Lambda$1()).map(new ListDemo$$Lambda$2()).collect(Collectors.toList());
private static boolean lambda$min$0(String name) {
return name.startsWith("tom");
private static String lambda$main$1(String name) {
return name.toLowerCase();
static class ListDemo$$Lambda$1 implements Predicate<String> {
public boolean test(String name) {
return lambda$min$0(name);
static class ListDemo$$Lambda$2 implements Function<String, String> {
public String apply(String name) {
return lambda$main$1(name);
3、 ... and 、 expand
With the above explanation , I'm sure you're right Lambda Expressions have a deeper understanding .
Please guess and verify Map.forEach What is the underlying implementation of the writing method ?
Example :
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class LambdaMapDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
map.put(i, String.valueOf(i));
// How does the underlying layer achieve ?
map.forEach((k, v) -> {
System.out.println("k:" + k + " -> v:" + v);
I believe you can see below main Bytecode of function , It should already be possible to figure out how to implement it :
0 new #2 <java/util/HashMap>
3 dup
4 invokespecial #3 <java/util/HashMap.<init> : ()V>
7 astore_1
8 iconst_0
9 istore_2
10 iload_2
11 bipush 10
13 if_icmpge 37 (+24)
16 aload_1
17 iload_2
18 invokestatic #4 <java/lang/Integer.valueOf : (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;>
21 iload_2
22 invokestatic #5 <java/lang/String.valueOf : (I)Ljava/lang/String;>
25 invokeinterface #6 <java/util/Map.put : (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;> count 3
30 pop
31 iinc 2 by 1
34 goto 10 (-24)
37 aload_1
38 invokedynamic #7 <accept, BootstrapMethods #0>
43 invokeinterface #8 <java/util/Map.forEach : (Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V> count 2
48 return
Please write your own logical equivalent code .
I hope you can see Lambda expression , You can make up for the ability of the underlying implementation by yourself .
Four 、 summary
A lot of knowledge seems to be used to it , But you can continue to dig deep , You can learn different knowledge .
Only when we really understand a knowledge point can we have enough confidence in the interview .
in addition Lambda Is good , But don't “ Covetous cup ”, The abuse of Lambda There will be challenges to the readability and maintainability of the code .
If you are interested, you can continue to read another article :
《Lambda The solution to the complexity brought by expressions 》
It's not easy to create , If this article helps you , Welcome to thumb up 、 Collection and attention , Your support and encouragement , It's the biggest driving force of my creation .
Reprint please indicate the source :https://blog.csdn.net/w605283073/article/details/121571573
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