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Yyds dry inventory compiler and compiler tools
2022-07-02 04:00:00 【Light flavor】
Compiler and compiler tools
The previous article introduced the compiler , If we directly use the compiler to manage our large and medium-sized projects , It will be quite painful and impossible to maintain . In order to improve efficiency , Therefore, various compilation tools have been produced . So today we will introduce the corresponding compilation tools for mobile terminal development .
Apache Ant
Remember that one eclipse Development Android The age of ?eclipse Is based on Ant Tools to build Android Project .
Apache Ant By Java Tools for language development , from Apache The software foundation provides .Ant It's about compiling software 、 test 、 A tool to automate steps such as deployment , Mostly for Java Software development in the environment .Apache Ant The configuration file is written as XML Easy to maintain and write , And the structure is clear .
Ant Environment installation and configuration
1. download ant,http://mirror.esocc.com/apache//ant/binaries/apache-ant-1.9.1-bin.zip;
2. decompression , To configure ANT_HOME environment variable ;
3. Verify that the installation was successful :
ant -version
- 1.
Ant Build file
Generally speaking ,Ant The default build file for is build.xml, Put it in the top level directory of the project . However , There is no restriction that the build file must be named bulid.xml, It's not limited to the top-level directory of the project . You can name the build file another name , It can also be placed elsewhere in the project .
Ant To build a script, you need to understand projct、target、task Three concepts :
<project name="demo" default="hello">
- 1.
attribute :
- name : Project name
- default: Specify the running target name , If not specified, use the default target;
- basedir: Baseline path , Other relative paths are based on this benchmark path ;
- description: Project description information .
<target name="hello" depends="build,combineJavaScript" description="compile all source files into a single stand-alone script." />
- 1.
attribute :
- name:target name , This attribute is required ;
- depends: Depend on the goal , Not necessary
- if: This... Is executed only when the attribute is set target, Not necessary ;
- unless: This function is executed only when the property is not set target, Not necessary ;
- description:target Description information of , Not necessary ;
One target Can depend on other target. for example hello Depend on build target and combineJaveScript target,ant According to depends in target The order of occurrence is executed in turn , And each target Will only be executed once , Even if there are more than one target Depend on him .
Task It is divided into built-in task And customization task, Every task Is a piece of executable code .
1. built-in task
<copy file="${xxx}/xxx.java" tofile="${zzz}/xxx.js" />
- 1.
2. Customize task
Call task :
<glslToJavascript minify="${build.minification}" minifystatefile="${buildDirectory}/minifyShaders.state">
<glslfiles dir="${shadersDirectory}" includes="**/*.glsl" />
<existingjsfiles dir="${shadersDirectory}" includes="**/*.js" excludes="*.profile.js" />
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- 4.
Define the task :
<scriptdef name="glslToJavascript" language="javascript" src="${tasksDirectory}/glslToJavaScript.js" manager="bsf" classpathref="javascriptClassPath" loaderref="javascript.loader">
<attribute name="minify" />
<attribute name="minifystatefile" />
<element name="glslfiles" type="fileset" />
<element name="existingjsfiles" type="fileset" />
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Build file configuration example :
<target name="build" description="Compile main source tree java files">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
<javac destdir="${build.dir}" source="1.5" target="1.5" debug="true"
deprecation="false" optimize="false" failonerror="true">
<src path="${src.dir}"/>
<classpath refid="master-classpath"/>
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Compile the project
Write it well build.xml After the document , Execute under the path of the file ant You can compile .
Eclipse Integrate Ant
Eclipse Integrated in Ant, We can go straight to Eclipse Run in Ant. We can automatically generate by creating projects build.xml, Compile directly .
Please refer to the official website for details :https://ant.apache.org/ And Chinese tutorials :https://www.w3cschool.cn/ant/4xdp1hw8.html
Apache Maven Is a potential based on java Of apache ant A replacement for the build tool . Most of the java Projects are based on maven To manage . The relationship and characteristics between the two are as follows :
1. ant Scripts can be run directly in maven Medium .maven and ant The biggest difference is maven There is a foundation for compiling and all scripts , Namely POM(project object model). This model defines all aspects of the project , And then all kinds of scripts work on this model , and ant It's all about self definition .
2. Maven There is a clear definition of the packages that you depend on , If you use that bag , What is the version , Be clear at a glance . and ant It's usually simple inclde be-all jar. The ultimate result is , You can't be sure JBoss Medium lib Under the common-logging Which version of , The only way is to turn on META-INF Under the table of contents MANIFEST.MF. It is estimated that JBoss Sooner or later it will turn Maven Of .
3. Maven It's a compilation based on the central repository , That is to put the resources needed for compilation in a central warehouse , Such as jar,tld,pom, etc. . When it compiles ,maven The corresponding package will be found in the warehouse automatically , If the local warehouse doesn't have , Then download it from the set remote warehouse to the local . It's all automatic , and ant You need to define it yourself . The result of this benefit is , use maven The compiled project only needs to release the source code when it is released , It's very small , And vice versa ,ant We need to publish all the packages together , obviously maven Another win .
4. maven There are a lot of reusable scripts available , Such as generating website , Generate javadoc,sourcecode reference, etc. . and ant I need to write it myself . try maven site The effect of .
5. maven The deficiency is that there is no such thing as ant So mature GUI Interface , however mavengui We are working hard . Currently in use maven The best way is the command line , Fast and convenient .
To configure maven Environmental Science
1. Download decompression ( With Mac Environment, for example ):
$ curl -O http://mirrors.hust.edu.cn/apache/maven/maven-3/3.3.9/binaries/apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz
$ tar -xvf apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz
$ sudo mv -f apache-maven-3.3.9 /usr/local/
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2. Configure environment variables :
vim ~/.bash_profile
export MAVEN_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven-3.3.9
export PATH=${PATH}:${MAVEN_HOME}/bin
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3. Load profile :
source ~/.bash_profile
- 1.
4. Verify that it works :
$ mvn -v
Apache Maven 3.3.9 (bb52d8502b132ec0a5a3f4c09453c07478323dc5; 2015-11-11T00:41:47+08:00)
Maven home: /usr/local/apache-maven-3.3.9...
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Maven POM To configure
POM( Project Object Model, Project object model ) yes Maven The basic work unit of the project , It's a XML file , Contains basic information about the project , Used to describe how a project builds , Declare project dependencies , wait .
When performing a task or goal ,Maven Will find... In the current directory POM. It reads POM, Get the required configuration information , Then execute the goal .
POM The following configuration can be specified in :
- Project dependence
- plug-in unit
- Execution target
- The project build profile
- Project version
- Project developer list
- Related mailing list information
Maven structure Java project
mvn clean package
- 1.
You can automatically build . After the execution , We have built our own project and created the final jar file , Explanation of the order :
- We gave maven Two goals , First, clean up the target directory (clean), Then package the output of the project build as jar(package) file .
- Packed jar Documents can be found in target gain , The name is xxx-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Gradle It's based on Apache Ant and Apache Maven Concept of project automation to build open source tools . It uses one based on Groovy Domain specific languages (DSL) To declare project settings , Based on Kotlin Linguistic kotlin-based DSL, Abandoned based on XML All kinds of complicated configuration .
oriented Java Application oriented . Currently supported languages C++、Java、Groovy、Kotlin、Scala and Swift, Plan to support more languages in the future .
Maven There are some natural defects :
1. Maven The configuration file is XML Format , If your project depends on more packages , that XML The file will become very, very long ;
2. XML The files are not very flexible , If you need to add some custom logic to the build process , It's very troublesome ;
3. Maven Very stable , But the opposite is the new version java Insufficient support , Even if it's just to compile java11, Also need to update the built-in Maven plug-in unit .
Gradle There are two basic concepts in : project (projects) And tasks (tasks). The project consists of multiple tasks , A project can be understood as a build provided to different devices , Such as desktop version 、 Web version 、 Android version 、iOS Version and so on , It can also be understood as an act , For example, deploy the application to the production environment . The task is equivalent to Ant Of target, It can be understood as an atomic work in construction , For example, compile 、 pack 、 Execution, etc . It should be noted that ,Ant In his own orders, such as javac、copy Etc. is also called task, but Ant Of task Far from it Gradle Of task So free .
Gradle The construction of is divided into two stages , The first stage is the setting stage (configuration phase), Analyze build scripts , Deal with dependencies, execution order, etc , The script itself also needs to rely on to complete its own analysis . The second stage is the implementation stage (execution phase), This stage really builds the project and performs various tasks under the project .
Ant And Maven about Gradle, The former is easy to write , But the function is limited , There are many processes that require manual operation ; The latter relies on a huge dependency warehouse , Therefore, it has strong external dependency management , But adding local dependencies is inconvenient , And the project cannot be modified flexibly . and Gradle Can combine well Ant And Maven Their advantages , You can write tasks and combine them into projects at will , Direct use of Maven Warehouse , And it can well support transitive dependency and internal dependency
Summarize and compare :Ant They weave clothes by themselves ,Maven It's going to the store to buy clothes ,Gradle yes 3D Print clothes .
gradle Environmental installation
1. Download from the official website :https://gradle.org/releases/
2. Unpack the installation
3. Configure environment variables :GRADLE_HOME
4. Use gradle Compile and package commands
Reference resources
- Official website address :https://gradle.org/
The above description is based on compilation Java Project oriented , The following mainly compiles C/C++ project .
make The building rules are written in Makefile In the document , Learn how to Make command , You must learn how to write Makefile file .
make The grammar is quite complicated , Here we show the simplest example :
$(CC) -o $(EXEC) $(OBJS)
@echo '----------OK--------'
$(CC) -o [email protected] -c $<
rm -f $(OBJS)
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CMake It's a cross platform compilation tool .CMake Mainly write CMakeLists.txt file
adopt cmake The order will CMakeLists.txt File to make The required Makefile file , Last use make Command compilation source code to generate executable program or library file .
Ninja yes Google A speed focused build tool launched by a programmer in , Generally in Unix/Linux The program on passed make/makefile To build the compiler , and Ninja By organizing compilation tasks in parallel , Greatly improve the construction speed . I usually pass cmake To generate ninja Configuration of , Then compile .
Like us Andorid Source code AOSP as well as Webrtc All the compilation of ninjia.
Makefile It is designed to be handwritten , and Ninja It's designed for other programs . if Makefile yes C Language , that Ninja Assembly language . if Makefile It's a DSL, that Ninja It's a configuration file . Makefile Support the branch 、 Circulation and other process control , and Ninja Only some fixed configurations are supported .
The similarities between the two are , Are designed to control the compilation process . therefore , Their core functions , They are all designated targets , And the dependencies between goals , Automatically calculate the execution order .
And Makefile comparison , because Ninja Just focus on the core functions , So it's light 、 Advantages of high speed .
Makefile Default file name Makefile or makefile, Also the commonly used .make or .mk As a file suffix . Ninja The default file name for is build.ninja, Other documents are also in .ninja For the suffix . perform Makefile The program , The default is GNU make, There are also other implementations . Ninja Implementation procedure of , Namely ninja command .
stay Android In the project ,make It needs to be installed on the compilation host , As part of the environment . and ninja The order is Android The platform code comes with .
find prebuilts/ -name ninja
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Reference resources
- Tools to address :https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja
- 《Android Medium Ninja brief introduction 》
- 《Android Medium Kati》
- 《 Use ninja Command to improve the efficiency of single module compilation 》
- 《 stay Android Platform development environment installation ninja》
- 《Android In the compiler system Android.bp、Blueprint And Soong》
- 《Android.mk An in-depth introduction to 》
bazel The previous article has made a more detailed introduction , It is an open source build and test tool , Be similar to Make、Maven and Gradle. It uses a human readable high-level construction language .Bazel Projects that support multiple languages , And build output for multiple platforms .Bazel Support large code bases that span multiple repositories and a large number of users .
qmake Is similar to the cmake Tools for , It is qt Compiler with .Qt [1] It's a 1991 Year by year Qt Company Cross platform development C++ GUI application development framework . It can develop GUI Program , It can also be used to develop non GUI Program , For example, console tools and servers .Qt It's an object-oriented framework , Use special code to generate extensions ( Called metaobject compiler (Meta Object Compiler, moc)) And some macros ,Qt It's easy to expand , And allows true component programming .
Write it well cpp After the document , Execute orders separately : qmake -project、qmake、make, Then execute it , In fact, it only converts the configuration file into makefile Compile .
Reference resources
- Official website :https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmake-manual.html
xmake It's based on Lua A lightweight cross platform building tool for , Use xmake.lua Maintain project build , comparison makefile/CMakeLists.txt, Configuration syntax is more concise and intuitive , Very friendly to novices , You can get started in a short time , It enables users to focus more on the actual project development .
although , Easy to use is xmake A major feature of , but xmake It's also very powerful , It can be like Make/Ninja That way, you can compile the project directly , It can also be like CMake/Meson Generate project files like that , There is also a built-in package management system to help users solve C/C++ Integrated use of dependency libraries .
at present ,xmake It is mainly used for C/C++ Construction of the project , But it also supports other native Language construction , It can be realized with C/C++ Mixed compilation , At the same time, the compilation speed is also very fast , Can follow Ninja flat .
Reference resources
- Official website address :https://github.com/xmake-io/xmake
In large scale C/C++ project ( such as ffmpeg、openssl etc. ) in , Will provide us with one Configure file , Generally, it is after we execute this file , Re execution make, How is this file generated ? It is through autoconf.
This paper mainly introduces the compilation tools commonly used in mobile terminal development , It mainly includes Java and C/C++, Understanding compilation tools helps us develop efficiency tools for automatic construction , It can also help us quickly get started with the popular large-scale open source projects , Compile these projects 、 tailoring 、 Modification and other operations . The tools introduced in this article will be introduced and analyzed in detail for specific projects .
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