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[Virtualization ecological platform] Raspberry Pi installation virtualization platform operation process

2022-07-31 11:07:00 rubik795


  1. 树莓派4 + ,内存最低4G.
  2. A memory card,8G以上.配套读卡器
  3. 硬盘/U盘,看个人需求

树莓派配置USB Boot (官方教程)And turn on the hard disk to boot

树莓派OSMirror flash and configureUSB Boot

  1. 下载树莓派OS镜像

    1. 下载地址:Operating system images – Raspberry Pi
    2. I chose the Raspberry PiOS精简版,I have a screen,If there is no screen,慎重选择,The desktop version will be a bit friendlier
  2. Flash the downloaded firmware into the memory card.

    1. 我是M1的MAC,使用的软件是balenaEtcher.开源软件:https://www.balena.io/etcher/
  3. Insert the memory card into the Raspberry Pi,启动树莓派.Basic Raspberry PiosThe operation is not verbose here,设置用户名,密码,链接即可.

    1. If there is no way to remote link,可以GoogleTake a Raspberry Pi4B的ssh开启
  4. 进入系统后,更新系统,安装rip-eeprom.Execute the following commands in order.

 # 更新当前软件包
 sudo apt update
 # 升级当前软件包
 sudo apt upgrade
 # 安装rip-eeprom,如果已经安装过的,可以忽略
 sudo apt -y install rpi-eeprom
 # 更新下rpi-eeprom
 sudo rpi-eeprom-update -a
 sudo reboot -h
  1. If the above command is executed abnormally,或者失败的.系统重启后,Just try to execute it again.Rebooted again.

  2. If there are other specific problems that cannot be solved,欢迎留言

Turn on the hard disk to boot



  • After downloading the kernel boot firmware,解压下来,打开boot文件夹,Copy everything inside to the memory card
  • Put these few in the filek开头的文件删除掉


  • 打开下载好的BIOS固件.Overwrite the entire contents of the firmware to the memory card

Flash the virtualization system



Mirror brush

  • Flash the image into itu盘.There is no default boot for this image,You need to guide yourself
    • windowsThe system can be done with the help of tools
      • https://rufus.ie/ Mirror Boot Tool,使用默认配置即可.
    • mac inter架构,You can use the built-in Disk Utility,将U盘格式化成uefi格式,Flash into the boot
    • mac arm架构的,Currently there is no way to do it,需要借助windows电脑了.
      • 找有windows电脑的朋友,下载工具,拿U盘制作一个,然后将Ueverything on the plate(包括隐藏文件)All packaged and sent to myself,Then unzip it into the one you want to useU盘中.亲测可行.

Install virtualization

Insert the memory card and U盘插入树莓派,开机即可.

where the Raspberry Pi icon appears,按下esc按键,进入BIOS系统,进行配置



  • Device Manage (进入BIOSOptions for the first page of the page)
  • Raspberry Pi Configuration
  • Advanced Configuration
  • Limit RAM to 3 GB —> This default is enable,将这个改为disable
  • 一直esc进行返回,When prompted to save,按Y进行保存,All the way back to the main page

配置二:将UTurn the disk to the highest setting,使用U盘启动

  • Boot Maintenance Manage (进入BIOSOptions for the first page of the page)
  • Boot Options
  • Change Boot Order
  • Just click enter after entering,The second in the displayed device box is the name of the device.找到自己的U盘/硬盘,按+No. to move it to the first one
  • 一直esc进行返回,When prompted to save,按Y进行保存,All the way back to the main page
  • BIOS主页选择continueProceed to continue startup




Everything that follows is installed by default,按照提示enter或者F11.

注意点:The password needs to be the same twice,Password needs to contain upper and lower case letters,数字及特殊字符,Otherwise, the verification will fail


安装完成后,会进行重启,It will load normally after restarting.全部加载完成后,The virtual platform will be displayedip.

Log in with your computerip,username是root,The password is the password you just set.

到此为止,The Raspberry Pi virtualization platform is installed.

Please look forward to the follow-up tutorial

