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Contest3145 - the 37th game of 2021 freshman individual training match_ H: Eat fish
2022-07-02 06:06:00 【This question AC sleep again】
using namespace std;
const int N=33333;
const int V=66666;
int fish1[N],fish2[N];
int temp1,temp2,cnt1,cnt2,ans;
void init()
memset( fish1,0,sizeof( fish1 ) );
memset( fish2,0,sizeof( fish2 ) );
bool cmp( int a,int b )
return a>b ;
int main()
int n,v,x,y,i;
while( ~scanf("%d%d",&n,&v) )
for( i=0;i<n;i++ )
if( x==1 ) fish1[cnt1++]=y;
else if( x==2 ) fish2[cnt2++]=y;
sort( fish1,fish1+cnt1,cmp ); // cnt1
sort( fish2,fish2+cnt2,cmp );
while( temp2<cnt2 ) // fish2 fill
if( 2*(temp2+1)<=v ) ans+=fish2[temp2++]; // <= Predetermination out of bounds
else break;
// temp2--; // here temp2 For quantity No reduction
while( temp1+2*temp2<v ) // fish1 fill Be careful not to take =
temp2--; // next while in temp2 Subscript subscript Need to get ( It can also be used below temp2-1 )
while( temp1<cnt1 )
if( fish2[temp2]<fish1[temp1]+fish1[temp1+1] ) // <=
ans+=( fish1[temp1]+fish1[temp1+1]-fish2[temp2] );
temp1+=2; temp2--;
else break; // Prevent falling into a dead cycle
return 0;
01 sort use cnt Sort
02 First use fish2 fill
1->2 false Last remaining 1 What do I do ?
2->1 true
03 fill fish1 Be careful not to take =
04 <= Predetermination out of bounds
05 temp Don't confuse the meaning
01 Number
02 Subscript
06 Deal with details
01 6e4*3e4==1.8e9 It's too big dp Overtime // k1 k2 Not initialized Compile error
02 1->2 more than 1 Not good treatment use 2—>1
03 The fish are not full even if they are all loaded What do I do ? cnt Count the remaining
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