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Understanding data structures starts with this article~

2020-11-09 10:49:00 Big data

Data structure as a basic part of programming , I haven't systematically combed , In addition to the relevant knowledge learned before , The rest is basically returned to the school .

Recently, I'm going to rearrange a data structure tag , View of , In the process of carding, you may realize many things you didn't think of before .

This paper combs the preface of data structure , It's also the most basic part . Although basic, there are still many new things to share , The final list is as follows :


One In data structure C(C++) language knowledge

Most of the examples in data structure are in the form of C language-written , To understand the example , At least master the basic concepts of data type and function .

1.1 data type

1.1.1 Structural type

In addition to the basic data types in data structures , It also uses a relatively complex structural type .

Structural type generally refers to the use of existing basic types (int 、float、double etc. ) Or self created structured data types that you recreate , Data types in structs can be inconsistent .


Structured data definition method :


typedef struct
    int a;
    char b;
    float c;



The code uses  typedef  The keyword defines the name TypeC Structural data for , You can see that structured data can be a collection of different data types .

Here with a one-dimensional array for the next comparison, easy to understand , The types in the array are consistent, but the types in the structure can be inconsistent :




alike , Structured data may also form arrays , Compare two-dimensional arrays :



It can be seen that structured data storage is more flexible , It's also easier to get data .


1.1.2 Pointer type

Pointer is C The soul of language , stay C Language Can operate memory directly through pointer . Compare the Java,Java There is no pointer in ,Java There is only a quotation in ,Java The reference in is actually an object , Still need to occupy memory , So in terms of execution efficiency Java It's not as good as C Of .


Definition of pointer :


int *a;

double *b;

TypeC *c;


The definition is very simple , A common identifier is preceded by a * The sign indicates the pointer .

hypothesis m Is a pointer variable , also m It points to a variable n, that m The variables are stored in n Address ,*m It's taking variables n The content of .

&n Is to take n The address of ,m = &n It's a variable n The address of is assigned to m, That's what they say The pointer m Point to n.


// In code   Put the variable  n  Assign a value to a variable  x 
x = n  Equivalent to  x = *m; (*m It's taking variables n The content of )


1.1.3 Node type


Generally, the construction of node data cannot be separated from pointer , Here we mainly look at the construction of linked list and binary tree node :


  • Linked list

The definition of linked list node :


typedef struct Node
 int data;// The value of the node 
struct Node *next;// Point to  Node  Pointer to node 


Be careful : All defined structural types contain pointer types , And the pointer type points to the same structural type as itself , Then we need to define the structural type of typedef struct Add the name of the node type . above typedef struct Node, This Node Must be added .


  • Binary tree


Definition of binary tree node :


typedef strcut BTNode
 int data;// Save values 
struct BTNode *lchild;// Point to the left child node 
struct BTNode *rchild;// Point to the right child node 



  • Node creation


The node has been defined , Using the node creation method is recommended :


BTNode *BT;
BT = ( BTNode *) malloc(sizeof(BTNode)) //  Fixed way to apply memory 


The fixed mode is node space application function :



explain :

malloc () : How to apply for memory needed by new node

sizeof:C Keywords in , It is used to calculate the space occupied by nodes


BT = ( BTNode *) malloc(sizeof(BTNode))


After the above code is executed , Will get BTNode Node of type , And assign the address of the node to BT. If you want to get the content of the node, assign it to x Variable , You should use :


 x = BT -> data;


You can see that using structure variables to get data components , have access to ".", Instead, you use a pointer to a struct variable to get the component , Use "->".


If you want to use "." To get data The value in should be written like this :


x = (*BT).data //  Equivalent to  x= BT-> data


From the contents of the second part of the pointer, we can see that  *BT In fact, it takes the value of the variable it points to , That's the variable that you're pointing to , Since it is a variable value, it is natural to use ".", and BT It means the pointer , Pointer value should be used naturally "->".


1.1.4 typedef and #define


These two words are usually used to name variables .


typedef  It's actually C Keywords in language , It means to alias variables .


#define  Actually sum #include equally , It's a preprocessing instruction , Preprocessing is also called precompiling , It's a pre compile step , use  #define In general, a constant is defined for an identifier :


#define maxValue 100; //  Defined constant  maxValue  by  100



1.2 function


The function part is more complicated , But when using functions, be clear about the most basic problems , Whether the parameters passed in to the function will change 、 Whether the parameter passes a value or a pointer ( Address ).


1.2.1 Whether the parameters passed in to the function will change

The function passes in the type if it passes a value , Parameters don't change in general , Because the transmission value The formal and actual parameters of a function are actually two variables , They will not affect each other , such as :


int x = 0;
void insert(int y)
 y++;  //  After calling the function, the original  x  Value doesn't change 



But when you pass in an address instead of a number :


int x = 0;
void insert(int &y)
 y++;  //  After calling the function, the original  x  Values change , The address passed in is equivalent to 


When the parameter passed in is a pointer type , And when the pointer type needs to be changed :


int x = 0;
void insert(int *&y)
 y++;  //  After calling the function   The pointer  y  Values change 



1.2.2 Pass value or reference or pointer


The determination of the parameters of the function needs to be considered , Can't generalize , As for parameter types, pass values or references or pointers , Need specific analysis :

such as , I want to manipulate the data , It's a good time to pass and quote :


// Data operations pass in values or addresses 
void insert (dateList &l, int)
// The insert 



To manipulate linked list data , It's better to pass the pointer :


// It's not appropriate to pass in the whole list operation , You can pass in the head pointer of the linked list 
int searchAndDelete(LNode *C,int x){
// List operation 

Two Time complexity and space complexity


2.1 Time complexity


Time complexity is a measure of the number of basic operations of the algorithm .


So identify which of the basic operations in the algorithm , And calculate the basic number of operations , Finally, the time complexity is calculated .


2.2 Spatial complexity


Space complexity refers to the measurement of the storage space required by the algorithm at runtime . Different judgments need to be made according to different types of data structures .


About time complexity and space complexity , I also had a detailed introduction to :)


What is the time complexity



3、 ... and Basic concepts of data structures and algorithms


3.1 The basic concept of data structure


The data structure contains 3 Aspects of : Logical structure 、 Storage structure and operation of data .


  • Logical structure


Logical structure refers to the logical relationship between data , It has nothing to do with the storage structure of the data , The same logical structure may have multiple storage structures .


The logical structure is divided into   Linear structure   And   Nonlinear structure .


Linear structure refers to the existence between data elements “ one-on-one ” The linear relationship of , Such as arrays 、 Single chain list, etc .


There is a one to many relationship in the nodes of nonlinear structures , It can be divided into tree structure and graphic structure .


  • Storage structure


Generally, there are 4 A common storage method : Sequential storage 、 Chain store 、 Index storage 、 Hash store .


Sequential storage : Logically adjacent nodes are stored in physically adjacent storage cells , The logical relationship between nodes is represented by the adjacency of storage units .


Chain store : Logically adjacent nodes do not require physical storage to be adjacent , The logical relationship between nodes is represented by additional pointer fields .


Index storage : Index is stored in addition to the establishment of storage node information , We also need to create an additional index table to identify the node location .


Hash table (Hash Storage ): According to the key words of the node, the storage address of the node is calculated by hash function .


3.2 The basic concept of algorithm


Computer algorithms refer to the sequence of steps to solve a problem , It can be understood as a complete problem-solving step composed of basic operation and prescribed operation sequence .


Characteristics of the algorithm : Fineness 、 deterministic 、 Input 、 Output 、 The feasibility of .


Here are some simple examples of algorithms :








Frankly speaking, data structure and algorithm are just a simple concept , In the sharing of the following chapters, we will gradually deepen .


Data structures and algorithms are the soul of the program , No matter how the architecture changes , These soul things don't change , So it's very important to understand them .



-- The End --

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