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Commodity management system -- the search function of SPU
2020-11-09 07:35:00 【I'm sorry.】
One API analysis
1 request
GET /product/spuinfo/list
2 Request parameters
page: 1, // The current page number
limit: 10, // Records per page
sidx: 'id', // Sort field
order: 'asc/desc', // sort order
key: ' Huawei ', // Search keywords
catelogId: 6, // Three levels of classification id
brandId: 1, // brand id
status: 0, // Goods state
3 Respond to
"msg": "success",
"code": 0,
"page": {
"totalCount": 0,
"pageSize": 10,
"totalPage": 0,
"currPage": 1,
"list": [{
"brandId": 0, // brand id
"brandName": " Brand name ",
"catalogId": 0, // classification id
"catalogName": " Category name ",
"createTime": "2019-11-13T16:07:32.877Z", // Creation time
"id": 0, // goods id
"publishStatus": 0, // Release status
"spuDescription": "string", // Commodity Description
"spuName": "string", // Commodity name
"updateTime": "2019-11-13T16:07:32.877Z", // Update time
"weight": 0 // weight
Two controller
* Function description : Query by criteria SPU Information
* @param params Filter conditions
* @return R Data returned to the front end
* @author cakin
* @date 2020/11/8
public R list(@RequestParam Map<String, Object> params) {
PageUtils page = spuInfoService.queryPageByCondition(params);
return R.ok().put("page", page);
3、 ... and Service layer
* Function description : Pagination query by condition
* @param params Filter conditions
* @return PageUtils Paging information
* @author cakin
* @date 2020/11/8
public PageUtils queryPageByCondition(Map<String, Object> params) {
QueryWrapper<SpuInfoEntity> wrapper = new QueryWrapper<>();
String key = (String) params.get("key");
// Keyword query
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(key)) {
wrapper.and((w) -> {
w.eq("id", key).or().like("spu_name", key);
// Splicing status
String status = (String) params.get("status");
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(status)) {
wrapper.eq("publish_status", status);
// Splicing brandId
String brandId = (String) params.get("brandId");
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(brandId) && !"0".equalsIgnoreCase(brandId)) {
wrapper.eq("brand_id", brandId);
// Splicing catelogId
String catelogId = (String) params.get("catelogId");
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(catelogId) && !"0".equalsIgnoreCase(catelogId)) {
wrapper.eq("catalog_id", catelogId);
// Pagination conditions and other composite conditions after splicing query
IPage<SpuInfoEntity> page = this.page(new Query<SpuInfoEntity>().getPage(params), wrapper);
return new PageUtils(page);
Four test
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