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A bunch of code forgot to indent? Shortcut teach you carefree!

2020-11-08 23:47:00 Tuffer tuffer

occasionally , Your code can drive you crazy :

if a == b:

The heat wrote a lot of , It turns out that I forgot Indent
What should I do ?
Press one by one tab Chant ! What can I do ?
wrong !
Today, let me teach you how to batch indent !

First select the code to be indented in batches ,
Then press the Tab Press the key .
Is it simple ?
You're going to say , What should I do if I indent too much ?

if a == b:

The method is as follows :
First select the code that you want to remove the indentation ,
Then press the Shift+Tab That's all right. .

Tips: Batch comment can select code and press Ctrl+/ Oh !

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