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Experiment 1 assignment

2020-11-08 20:13:00 Guo kaini

The first question is

int main()
printf("This is my first C program:(\n");
return 0;

The second question is

#define p 3.14
int main()
    double a,b,v;
    printf(" Enter the radius of the cylinder \n");
    printf(" Enter the height of the cylinder \n");
    v = (p*a*a/2)*b;
    printf(" Cylinder volume =%.2lf",v);
    return 0;

Third question

int main() 
	float a, b, c, d;
	printf(" Enter the first number :\n");
	scanf("%f", &a);
	printf(" Enter the second number :\n");
	scanf("%f", &b);
	printf(" Enter the third number :\n");
	scanf("%f", &c);
	d = (a + b + c) / 3.0;
	printf(" The average =%.2f", d);
     return 0;

Fourth question

int main()
        int a, b, c, d;
        printf(" Enter seconds :\n");
        scanf_s("%d", &a);
	b = a / 3600; // Hours 
	c = (a % 3600) / 60; // minute 
	d = a % 60;// second 
	printf("%d second = by %d Hours %d minute %d second ",a, b, c, d);
	return 0;

Fifth question

#define PI 3.1415926
void main()
	float a, v;
	printf(" Enter the radius \n");
	scanf("%f", &a);
	v = 4 / 3 * PI * a * a * a;
	printf(" The volume is =%.2f", v);
	return 0;

Sixth question

void main() 
    printf("        *\n");
    printf("       *\n");
    printf("      *\n");
    printf("  *  *\n");
    printf("   *\n");
    return 0;              Be careful ( Show errors but run )

Question seven

int main() 
        float a, b;
        printf(" Enter your amount :");
	scanf("%f", &a);
	b = a * 1.05;
	printf("\n The final amount =%f", b);
    return 0;

The eighth question

int main()
	int  n, m;
	printf(" Enter a value x=");
	scanf("%d", &n);
	m = (3 * n + 2) * (n - 5) * (n - 1) * (n + 7) * n - 6;
	printf("(((((3x+2)x-5)x-1)x+7)x-6)=%d", m);
	return 0;

Question 9

int main()
	int q, w, e, r, f;
	printf(" Input amount =");
	scanf("%d", &q);
	w = q / 20;
	e = q % 20 / 10;
	r = q % 20 % 10 / 5;
	f = q % 5;
	printf("\n20$ want %d Zhang ", w);
	printf("\n10$ want %d",e);
	printf("\n5$ want %d",r);
	printf("\n1$ want %d",f);
	return 0;

Question 10

int main()
	float b,lilv,q1,q2,q3,h;
	printf(" Enter your original debt :\n");
	scanf("%f", &b);
	printf(" Enter the interest rate = \n");
	scanf("%f", &lilv);
        printf(" Enter the monthly repayment = \n");
	q1 =  (b-h) * lilv*0.01 / 12;
	q2 = (b -h-h+q1) *lilv*0.01 / 12;
	q3 = (b -h-h-h+ q1 + q2) * lilv*0.01 / 12;
 printf(" After the first payment =%.2f\n", b-h+q1 );
 printf(" After the second payment =%.2f\n", b-h-h+q1 + q2);
 printf(" After the third payment =%.2f\n", b-h-h-h+q1 + q2 + q3);
 return 0;

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