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IT industry salary has been far ahead! Ten years later, is the programmer still a high paying profession?

2020-11-08 16:34:00 112Q

10 I just graduated with a master's degree two years ago , Write in a small company C++, The starting salary of graduates has already exceeded the average annual salary in Australia .

10 I won't say how much money I'll take this year . What can be disclosed , In the Australian market , Senior Programmer (senior developer) The annual income of a person is higher than that of other industries, and the annual income of a family is very common . Those bright industry employees, such as real estate agents , Working hard to earn a base salary + bonus , It's not as good as a programmer lying down and making money .

And in a certain level, there is the phenomenon of position and salary hanging upside down . Chief technology officer (tech lead) Not necessarily better than senior programmers (senior) Take it high ; Senior programmers are likely to be higher than project managers , Although the administrative level of the latter is higher than that of the former ; And in the same company, senior programmers must be more than analysts (business analyst) Take it high , Although these two are basically the same level . Who can work and fight , The market is still very clear .

and IT The explosive point of the industry in this decade is a large-scale growth .10 There were no mobile computing years ago (iPhone App Store yes 2008 It didn't appear until ), There are no tablets , No cloud computing , No, VR, No self driving car , There is no sharing economy . Now? ?10 Years later ? We should look at problems from the perspective of development .

Spurt IT The business is nothing but a few points , It's all about writing programs 1 The training class cheated money in the last month , The Internet is a bubble. , wait ... Like any other industry , It is inevitable that the practitioners are mixed , What's more? IT More money , It's true that cats and dogs all come to share a share . but IT The good thing about business is that , The ability of practitioners is the easiest to quantify .

Github Participation ,Stackoverflow The achievement of , Open source project code , I can't write a program on the whiteboard , How the ability can be reflected in every minute . And that's why , Experienced programmers are especially valuable . I've seen a layman boss come to a technical seminar to think about it “ Find some programmers to do the project ”, As a result, the cattle are not birds , He became angry with embarrassment . And I'm very clear about hiring myself : Low handed , Few elites . But the master (aka:me) Can identify your combat effectiveness at a glance , Other industries , All right ?

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility , A qualified programmer is not that easy to be . An examination of accounting CPA Even by “ authentication ” 了 , Just follow up the changes of laws and regulations every year . Who certifies you as a programmer ? Which company's certification did you take , Don't say it doesn't have to be recognized , Can the company that gives you a license survive the next 5 The years are uncertain . Keep up with the trend of Technology ( I met with you 5 year Silverlight The programmer , It's crying without tears ), Knowledge keeps updating . Just want to get a piece of the pie and make quick money , It won't last a few years and it'll be eliminated .

The layman has been rumor about programmers 30 The retirement age , And the truth is IT The trend is to be senior 、 Elitism , With the improvement of cloud computing platform , The productivity of thousands of people in Indian outsourcing companies is normal . And this trend is IT Improvement of automation level , It will become more and more obvious .

On the other hand ,IT Automation is accompanied by unemployment in other industries , Part of what you earn is money from other industries . At this stage, the most famous and intensified example is UBER The leading sharing economy , The taxi industry all over the world is in full swing . The trend in Silicon Valley is likely to be Wall Street's highly intelligent and profiteering industry .( Maybe already , Goldman's employees have more yard farmers than traders )

So here's your question . The programmer 10 You'll make more in the year ahead , Income index growth , The premise is that you grow with the industry . and IT The gap between the rich and the poor within the industry will also increase .

Yes, of course ,“ The programmer ” The profession itself is not static . Several other answers also mention that programmers need to keep up with the times . In this day and age , image 2000 That's the way to fix a given platform ( such as .NET, J2EE etc. ) The market that can live for a long time is no longer . Yesterday, I had dinner with people in the industry and discussed the issue of recruitment requirements .

Requirements for high-end programmers , Not proficient in a language or platform , It's engineering capability / Ability to solve problems . In other words , You should come up with a solution for the project , Then find the best tools for the solution , And these tools may or may not be used by you , If you haven't used it , That's not a reason to avoid the tool . In this case , Emphasize that you are “ A language programmer ” Will be out of date , The alternative is that “ The whole stack ”.

With Javascript/HTML Front end as an example , Many new employees feel that they can't keep up with the development of front-end technology , Because of all kinds of libraries / Tools / Framework and even Javascript Language itself is evolving at a high speed . Do you know why you can't catch up ? Because all you have is a little bit of the ability to use tools , But you still don't have the ability to solve problems , When the tool itself changes , You can't get used to it .

The above is the experience of a programmer who has been working for many years .

In addition, I am a CC++ The programmer , If you want to improve your programming skills better , study hard C/C++ Programming knowledge ! So you're lucky ~

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