2022-07-02 02:04:00 【我菜就爱学】
序言: 这一篇文章是对之前学习线性滤波和非线性滤波的回顾。之前都是分章节介绍滤波器对图片的处理,这一小节将前文介绍的知识点以代码为载体,展现给大家,用滑动条的方式来控制学习到的各种滤波(方框滤波、均值滤波、高斯滤波、中值滤波、双边滤波)的参数值。通过滚动条来控制图像在各种平滑处理下的模糊度,不仅可以与原图对比看出效果,而且也有一定的可玩性,哈哈。
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
Mat g_srcIamge, g_dstImage1, g_dstImage2, g_dstImage3,g_dstImage4, g_dstImage5;//存储图片的Mat类型
int g_nBoxFilterValue = 3;//方框滤波参数值
int g_nMeanBlurValue = 3;//均值滤波参数值
int g_nGaussianBlurValue = 3;//高斯滤波参数值
int g_nMedianBlurValue = 10;//中值滤波参数值
int g_nBilateralFilterValue = 10;//双边滤波参数值
static void on_BoxFilter(int, void *);//方框滤波
static void on_MeanBlur(int, void *);//均值滤波
static void on_GaussianBlur(int, void *);//高斯滤波
static void on_MedianBlur(int, void *);//中值滤波器
static void on_BilateralFilter(int, void *);//双边滤波器
int main()
system("color 5E");
g_srcIamge = imread("E:\\Pec\\shihao.jpg", 1);
if (!g_srcIamge.data)
return false;
g_dstImage1 = g_srcIamge.clone();
g_dstImage2 = g_srcIamge.clone();
g_dstImage3 = g_srcIamge.clone();
g_dstImage4 = g_srcIamge.clone();
g_dstImage5 = g_srcIamge.clone();
namedWindow("【<0>原图窗口】", 1);
imshow("【<0>原图窗口】", g_srcIamge);
namedWindow("【<1>方框滤波】", 1);
createTrackbar("内核值:", "【<1>方框滤波】", &g_nBoxFilterValue, 40, on_BoxFilter);
on_MeanBlur(g_nBoxFilterValue, 0);
namedWindow("【<2>均值滤波】", 1);
createTrackbar("内核值:", "【<2>均值滤波】", &g_nMeanBlurValue, 40, on_BoxFilter);
on_MeanBlur(g_nMeanBlurValue, 0);
namedWindow("【<3>高斯滤波】", 1);
createTrackbar("内核值:", "【<3>高斯滤波】", &g_nGaussianBlurValue, 40, on_BoxFilter);
on_GaussianBlur(g_nGaussianBlurValue, 0);
namedWindow("【<4>中值滤波】", 1);
createTrackbar("内核值:", "【<4>中值滤波】", &g_nMedianBlurValue, 50, on_MeanBlur);
on_MedianBlur(g_nMedianBlurValue, 0);
namedWindow("【<5>双边滤波】", 1);
createTrackbar("内核值:", "【<5>双边滤波】", &g_nBilateralFilterValue, 50, on_BilateralFilter);
on_BilateralFilter(g_nBilateralFilterValue, 0);
cout << endl << "请调整滚动条观察图像效果~\n\n" << "\t按下“q”键时,程序退出~\n";
while (char(waitKey(1)) != 'q') {
return 0;
static void on_BoxFilter(int, void *)//方框滤波
boxFilter(g_srcIamge, g_dstImage1, -1, Size(g_nBoxFilterValue + 1, g_nBoxFilterValue + 1));
imshow("【<1>方框滤波】", g_dstImage1);
static void on_MeanBlur(int, void *)//均值滤波
blur(g_srcIamge, g_dstImage2, Size(g_nMeanBlurValue + 1, g_nMeanBlurValue + 1), Point(-1, -1));
imshow("【<2>均值滤波】", g_dstImage2);
static void on_GaussianBlur(int, void *)//高斯滤波
GaussianBlur(g_srcIamge, g_dstImage3,
Size(g_nGaussianBlurValue * 2 + 1, g_nGaussianBlurValue * 2 + 1), 0, 0);
imshow("【<3>高斯滤波】", g_dstImage3);
static void on_MedianBlur(int, void *)//中值滤波器
medianBlur(g_srcIamge, g_dstImage4, g_nMedianBlurValue * 2 + 1);
imshow("【<4>中值滤波】", g_dstImage4);
static void on_BilateralFilter(int, void *)//双边滤波器
bilateralFilter(g_srcIamge, g_dstImage5, g_nBilateralFilterValue, g_nBilateralFilterValue * 2,
g_nBilateralFilterValue / 2);
imshow("【<5>双边滤波】", g_dstImage5);
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