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[Personal work] Wireless network image transmission module
2022-08-01 20:01:00 【lovemengx】
A small work for learning hardware four-layer board design,It is still very popular,购买链接:
One can adapt to a variety of cameras through the command line and supports it HTTP 、UDP A wireless network image transmission module that transmits video streams.
- Toy scene,Like a remote control car,Live video streaming,It is convenient to observe the environment where the car is located.
- 视频监控,Can be installed indoors or outdoors,Real-time monitoring of indoor and outdoor status.
- 图像识别,可以进行人脸识别、行人识别、车牌识别等等.
三、Work function
网络配置、摄像头配置、The network video stream configuration is configured through the serial command line console.
- 指示灯,Blinking means not connected to the Internet,Steady light means the connection is successful.
- 看门狗,Some unexpected exception occurred,It will reboot itself and restore the configuration.
- 网络配置,Support serial port to configure wireless network,支持 STA 和 AP 模式.
- 自动配置,When the system starts, it will be based on the configuration information set last time,自动配置模块.
- 网络视频流,支持 UDP、HTTP 视频流,其中 UDP Requires a host computer、 HTTP 只需要浏览器即可.
- Image effects are configurable,According to the camera module Sensor 手册,The image effect can be debugged online in real time through serial port commands.
- The camera module is configurable,Modules use a common pin order,Different camera modules can be replaced,Then configure it dynamically through the serial port.
- Persistently store configuration information,网络配置、Network video streaming configuration、The camera module configuration can be stored on the module Flash 上.
- 提供 udp The picture uploads the source code of the host computer,Included is very simple and only requires a dozen lines of code udp Packing function,Very easy to port to other programs.
The main control uses the chip connection XR872,官方SDK深度开放,Has rich application-level sample code and documentation,If you are interested, you can carry out secondary development.
- 供电范围:3.3V ~ 5.5V.
- 串口参数:波特率:115200 数据位:8 停止位:1 校验位:无.
- 采用 DVP 接口,The output stream is YUV422 或 JPEG 的摄像头模组.
- Unconventional resolutions are supported,Requires camera module to also support,Of course, regular resolutions are also supported.
- 分辨率和帧率:[email protected]、[email protected],最大支持分辨率为 1920x1088.
初级玩法:Use the matching camera module gc0308,简单配置即可使用.
After getting the module for the first time,按照如下配置,Start the host computer to complete the initial configuration.
- 网络配置命令,For example, the connection name is dream、密码为 12345678
net sta disable
net sta config dream 12345678
net sta enable
- 开启 udp 视频推流,Specifies the host computer IP 地址和端口号
video udp start,
配置完成后,Configuration information will be logged flash 中,Restart or re-power automatic configuration.
高级玩法:Adjust the default configuration of the camera,Or adapt the new camera module by yourself.
- Configure the chip address of the camera module as 0x21、分辨率为 320x240、压缩质量为 64(1~99)
cam cfg 0x21,320,240,64
- Read the registers of the camera module,如读取 gc0308 的 0x00 寄存器得到 chip id
cam get 0x00
- Read multiple registers of the camera module
cam get 0x00,0x12,0x23,0x55...
- Write multiple sets of registers,Used to initialize the camera module,You can also debug video effects online when you start video streaming
cam set FE=00,01=0A,02=0C,E3=7D,E4=02,E5=71...
- Save the register configuration sequence,It is convenient for the automatic configuration to take effect after power-on
cam save clear
cam save add FE=00,01=0A,02=0C,E3=7D,E4=02,E5=71...
cam save add ......
cam save submit
When there are too many registers that require a one-time operation,The command line buffer is not large enough to handle,则可以省略掉 0x 符号,如上述 cam set 指令的示例.
To adapt the new camera module by yourself, you need to check the schematic pin sequence and power supply,If the pins just happen to be reversed,You can choose the front and rear pressure sockets that support up and down connections.
更多玩法:可以通过执行 help、cam help、video help Help Directives See examples of other directives.
self-adaptive conditions:
- The camera module power supply voltage can be supported 2.8V\1.8V.
- The output format of the camera module is YUV422 或 JPEG.
- The camera module pin sequence must be consistent with this module,If the order is reversed, a seat that is inserted forward and pressed back can be used,Can be inserted forward and backward.
- Initialization list of registers available to the camera module,General merchants will provide,Then you can issue the configuration through the serial port command.
- HTTP Video streaming is an experimental feature,建议使用 360 Extremely fast browser experience.
- HTTP The current best experience resolution is 320x240(Or increase the resolution and lower the quality),UDP 分辨率则是 640x480.
- Look at product popularity,We will consider adding new features to the product in the future,Such as adapting to different camera modules、二维码识别、Serial port image transmission, etc.
The attachments are included as follows:
- Deeply open SDK Source code and links to related development documentation.
- Contains the firmware required for this module、烧录软件、Burn the document.
- Contains the purchase address of the camera module required by this module.
- Contains the location diagram of the electronic components of this module.
- udp Video stream host computer source code and executable program.
Demonstration video of wireless network image transmission module
- 演示时,使用 xshell function of the quick command bar,Save time typing commands.
- Network configuration is demonstrated、HTTP 推流、UDP 推流、Online real-time switching resolution and other functions.
- 在视频的最后,The camera can be debugged online for demonstration,Did two actions to switch the resolution,You can see that the video stream changes accordingly.
- 修复:Adjust the wrong resolution configuration,Configuration information will still be saved to flash 的问题
- 新增:Support to detect network disconnection15The function of automatic reconnection after seconds
The first version released,All features described in this article are supported.
九、Hardware update records
- V1.3:Added support for some needs DVDD 1.8V 的摄像头模组(如 GC2145)
- V1.2:The first version released
十、List of debugged camera mods
- GC0308:The module configured by default in the system
- GC2145:请使用附件 GC2145_640x480.txt The command can be updated
If you have better or lit other types of camera module command parameters,You can also share it in the comments section.
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