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Pop Harmony Basics Big Notes
2022-08-03 08:02:00 【Brother Mu Yao】
Chord strength and rhythm relationship
Two beats: strong-weak
Three beats: strong-weak-weak
Four beats: strong-weak-second strong-weak
major triads, minor triads
major triad = major third (interval 4 semitones) + minor third (interval 3 semitones)
Up to 13 chords: 3, 7, 9, 11, 13
Chords: Play with triads first, then upgrade to other chords
Diminished Triad
Diminished triad = minor third (interval 3 semitones) + minor third (interval 3 semitones)
It is generally used in the filling part before the transition to a minor triad. Take C-Am-Dm-G as an example:
- When C transitions to Am: You can add an A# dim3 chord with a semitone above A as the root on the beat before the minor triad Am (the 4th beat of C).
- When Am transitions to Dm: You can add a D# dim3 chord with a semitone above D as the root on the beat before the minor triad Dm (the 4th beat of Am).
Augmented Triad
Augmented triad = major third (interval 4 semitones) + major third (interval 4 semitones)
Augmented triads are more "proud" in listening sense and can be regarded as dominant chords. Finally, the main chord must be solved.Take C-Am-Dm-G-C as an example:
- When G resolves to C, the last 2 shots of G can be played
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