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Poke the myth of Web3?Poke the iron plate.
2022-08-03 07:53:00 【vigor2323】
Lao Ji recently wrote a《time to poke Web 3.0 的神话了》.
The content is deeper,but not right,His general view is:Web3不行,It's just a hype.
一、The main argument of the old trick
1、Web3Users have no actual control over the data.
Web3 声称夺回数据所有权,交还给用户,其实只是把数据存储在不可篡改的公链(或侧链),用户并没有对数据的实际支配权.Don't say than platform,就是比 Web2 Users are quite different,一旦上链,用户无法进行修改、删除、隐藏等一系列重要权限的操作,甚至连创建都受到智能合约、社区规则及 DAO 的限制.
想要真正实现用户数据所有权,必须让权力来源于用户,也就是将数据放在用户自己的保险箱里(个人数据库),万维网创始人 Timothy Berners Lee 的 Solid 项目才是正确的方向.
2、Web3Unable to carry all the data volume in the world.
全球数据量太大,区块链技术无法承载,必须扩容;由于技术的制约,治本的扩容方案只能把数据放到链下,也就是建立一个去中心化的网络;建立一个取代 HTTP 的去中心化网络不可行,因为全球数据量太大.
当然,这一切的前提是 Web3 取代 Web2,成为下一代互联网,一如当年 Web2 取代 Web1 成为主流,这在理论上就不现实.如果 Web3 只是作为 Web2 的一种补充,在金融等某些领域发挥作用,那还是可以做到的.不过这样一来,What is the next generation Internet now is not suitable for.
Web3没有杀手级应用,因为Web3No user dividend period.道理很简单.互联网经过 30 年的发展,在需求端,用户已经完全饱和了,无论是用户规模、习惯、时长、还是衣食住行各场景下的应用,都已经发展到了极致,用户每天的空闲时间和消费能力就这么多,无论出现什么新产品,都不可能再挤出水来.
由于我们之前谈到过的技术问题,Web3在效率上远远无法同Web2相比,而效率又在很大程度上决定了服务和用户体验,因此在 Web2 的应用已经全面渗透各个领域的背景下,Web3 的产品想找到爆发的机会,很难很难.
4、Web3lack of business model,Can't make money from advertising
Web3 的去中心化与匿名机制,与广告这种经济模式是相悖的,因为广告的本质就是中心化.广告广告,就是广而告之,真正有价值的不是用户数据本身,而是经过结构化处理,并做标签分类、分析和建模的用户数据库.如果想套用,那么 Web3 就需要大幅增加个人数据的记录,但这又涉及我们之前讨论的区块链数据容量,一切又绕回去了.
5、The core competitiveness of the Internet is efficiency,So it must be centralized
其实互联网从自由竞争走向垄断是十分自然的,因为The core competitiveness of the Internet is efficiency,通过数据化来解决现实世界的信息流通问题.在这种竞争环境中,越是中心化就越有效率,越能提供更好的产品与服务,毕竟大平台的资金与资源是小团队没法比的.
从更宏观一点的视角,人类社会几千年的发展就是在不断追求效率的提升,绝对的自由与公正只在原始社会昙花一现,Then all the way towards the road down the efficiency.
The old meter,obviously standingWeb3Opposition said.
但Web3Is it really as unbearable as the old trick said??
Below I stand in the supporter's position,One by one against the.
如果你这么认为,你可以试试,you can use technical methods,put bitcoins in someone's wallet orPunkssent to your wallet?
The following address,静静地躺着235个比特币,you try?
the owner of this address,就是曾经在2010The discovery of Bitcoin is shockingbug的黑客.
Don't say you can't do it,The U.S. government can't.除了拥有者,No one in this world can do it.
As long as a danger manage his private key,He currency is sure in his wallet.
Web3所保护的数字资产(如Punk),是一样的,Ethereum is not as good as Bitcoin though,but still safe enough.
2、关于“Web3Unable to carry all the data volume in the world”
Carrying global data volume???
WebNo such ambitions,no mission.
WebJust to protect the user's asset ownership.
有什么理由,to make a new technology,What about carrying the burden of global data volumes?.
Web3,Only store the most important data.
As for someone saying it is“下一代互联网”,Said happily,听听就好.
Web3The advantage is that:Provides the security of digital assets,提供token功能.
The price of doing this is“效率低”.任何事物,有明显的优点,There is obvious shortcomings.
你说Web3没有“效率”,as if you said“警察”not engaged in production.
关于“杀手级应用”,don't worry.
2009年,那时3GLicence just came out not too long,我的一个朋友,At the time at the Mobile Design Institute,有次聊天,他向我大倒苦水:“3G是好,But there is no killer app!”
当时谁也没有想到,This Killer App That Soon Resurfaced,Is a hardware:iPhone.
4、关于“Web3lack of business model,Can't make money from advertising”
Web2business model may be advertising,Maybe a paid subscription.
但Web3的商业模式,I'm sure it's not an ad.
如果WebCan provide users with the ability to master digital assets,Are you worried that you don't have a business model??
有tokenThis natural built-inWeb3,还愁不能赚钱?
就好比,When will the financial industry use advertising as a business model?
5、关于“The core competitiveness of the Internet is efficiency,So it must be centralized”
Decentralization has many layers,You can speak on Weibo,You can post articles on the public account,you can do live,can you do a podcast,This is the face of decentralization.
以前,These privileges are newspapers、出版社、广播电台、TV monopoly,Not everyone can easily post something,You must have editor approval、Choreographer approval、Various leadership and authority recognitions,you can send something.
再以前,You have to be elite,Only paper can be circulated.
在Web2,People can be decentralized to the centralized platform to views,Although what he posted,May be deleted by background review,But after all, the rights of ordinary individuals to express their opinions have increased..
在Web3,Back-office capabilities are further weakened,No one can control the data on the blockchain(即便VGod engaged in Ethereum hard fork,also faced strong resistance),If you put a piece of writing records in the currency or the etheric fang,Then no one can delete it.
To see a thing is decentralized,要看本质,To see if power is devolved to the general public,rather than being dominated by a few.比如,Before writing a book,There is no ability to directly collect money from users,only the publisher,If a platform to make people have the ability of independent copyright works and collect royalties(NFT就在干这事),that helps achieve decentralization.
If you believe that humans will become more centralized,Then you shouldn't see it here.
人类的历史,It is the process of increasing the assets and interests that people own..
This is the result of the human productivity and to enhance protection.
Web2provides productivity,Web3provides protection.
Web3Bringing the power of cryptography to the general public,Let people protect their digital assets.
要知道,Cryptography was first a national-level capability,Ability to later become various commercial companies,现在,The ability to be every user.
This is a kind of decentralization.
任何东西,Didn't support the imagination so well,Not as bad as the opponents say.—卫sir
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