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[quick start of Digital IC Verification] 6. Quick start of questasim (taking the design and verification of full adder as an example)

2022-07-05 20:09:00 luoganttcc

Reading guide : The author has the honor to be a pioneer in the field of electronic information in China “ University of electronic technology ” During postgraduate study , Touch the cutting edge Numbers IC Verification knowledge , I heard something like Huawei Hisilicon Tsinghua purple light MediaTek technology And other top IC related enterprises in the industry , Pairs of numbers IC Verify some knowledge accumulation and learning experience . Want to get started for help IC Verified friends , After one or two thoughts , This column is specially opened , In order to spend the shortest time , Take the least detours , Most learned IC Verify technical knowledge .


QuestaSim yes Mentor Upgraded version of the company ModelSim, Industry is benchmarked EDA The manufacturer's tools include :Cadence The company's NC-Sim,Synopsys The company's VCS. The most common tool for chip verification in industry is VCS, It has incomparable advantages over the other two tools , Especially in the scene of large-scale integrated circuits . however QuestaSim a VCS Of License It's cheaper , At the same time, it consumes less resources , It is generally used in the development of small-scale integrated circuits ! Such as FPGA Verification in progress , The common one is QuestaSim .FPGA The verification scenario of is relatively simple , It's usually used Verilog Directly built TestBench (flatten, No hierarchy), This verification scenario is often called VTB. and ASIC It is necessary to use SystemVerilog as well as UVM Methodology , To build a hierarchical verification environment , This verification scenario is often called SVTB.

One 、QuestaSim install

1.1、Windows Lower installation

  • The installation package and installation guide can be found at < here > obtain …( Extraction code :s7nh)

1.2、Linux Lower installation

  • Installation is difficult , You can find bloggers to share the built virtual machine …

Two 、QuestaSim Use

notes : Whether in the Linux Next or windows Next ,QuestaSim The basic operation methods are the same !

This section will begin with a Full adder demo, To achieve Questasim Quick to use .

The overall process can be summarized as :

  • Build a library library
  • Building engineering project
  • ( To write ) Add simulation file
  • compile compile
  • Simulation simulate
  • function run

2.1、QuestaSim start-up

  • Linux Next , stay Terminal Input in vsim & Can be in backstage start-up QuestaSim.

notes :& Means running in the background vsim command , Does not occupy the current terminal.

  • windows Next , Double click the start icon directly to start !

2.x、 Closure of works

By the way , Every time open Questasim The last project will be retained by default , How to turn it off ?

  • In turn, click :File -> Close Project

 Insert picture description here

  • Select... In the pop-up window Yes
     Insert picture description here

  • At the same time Library Find... In the column work, Right click selection Delete To delete !
     Insert picture description here

  • Select in the pop-up dialog box Yes
     Insert picture description here

2.2、 New project (GUI The way )

2.2.1、 establish Library

Each project has a corresponding library ,Verilog or SystemVerilog Wait for the source file to compile , Will compile The results of are stored in the corresponding library , Then we can get the data from the library during the simulation call The result of compilation .

How to build a library :File -> New -> Library

 Insert picture description here

Generally, the name of the library defaults to work that will do

 Insert picture description here

Then on the main interface Library You can see the newly created work library , Some dependent libraries of subsequent running simulation will be placed in this , Other libraries are the default libraries for tool operation , Don't delve into .

 Insert picture description here

2.2.2、 Building engineering

The establishment method of the project :File -> New -> Project

  • Project Name You can do whatever you want , Here I set it to full_adder
  • ProjectLocation You can do whatever you want , Here I set it to C:/Users/CLAY/Desktop, It's my windows desktop .
  • Default Library Name To be established with the previous section Library name work Agreement , Or we won't find it Library

 Insert picture description here

And then it pops up Add items to the project, Let's choose Close, Back DUT and TB Add after the source file is written !

 Insert picture description here

2.2.3、 To write DUT and TestBench

 Insert picture description here


module full_adder(
    input   wire    a_in,
    input   wire    b_in,
    input   wire    c_in,
    output  wire    sum_out,
    output  wire    c_out
// Method 1 : Gate level description <span class="token punctuation">(</span> Truth table and logical expression description <span class="token punctuation">)</span>
assign sum_out <span class="token operator">=</span> a_in ^ b_in ^ c_in<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
assign c_out   <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token punctuation">(</span>a_in <span class="token operator">&amp;</span> b_in<span class="token punctuation">)</span> <span class="token operator">|</span> <span class="token punctuation">(</span>b_in <span class="token operator">&amp;</span> c_in<span class="token punctuation">)</span> <span class="token operator">|</span> <span class="token punctuation">(</span>a_in <span class="token operator">&amp;</span> c_in<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>

// Method 2 :RTL Level description <span class="token punctuation">(</span>assign Continuous assignment statement  c_out  and  sum_out yes wire type <span class="token punctuation">)</span> 
assign <span class="token punctuation">{<!-- --></span>c_out, sum_out<span class="token punctuation">}</span> <span class="token operator">=</span> a_in + b_in + c_in<span class="token punctuation">;</span>*/

// Method 3 :RTL Level description <span class="token punctuation">(</span>always block  c_out  and  sum_out yes reg type <span class="token punctuation">)</span>
reg c_o, sum_o<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
always @<span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span> begin
    <span class="token punctuation">{<!-- --></span>c_o, sum_o<span class="token punctuation">}</span> <span class="token operator">=</span> a_in + b_in + c_in<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
assign <span class="token punctuation">{<!-- --></span>c_out, sum_out<span class="token punctuation">}</span> <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token punctuation">{<!-- --></span>c_o, sum_o<span class="token punctuation">}</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>*/


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module full_adder_tb;
    reg ain, bin, cin;
    wire sumout, cout;
//Task1  Example full adder module 
full_adder u_full_adder<span class="token punctuation">(</span>
    .a_in   <span class="token punctuation">(</span>ain   <span class="token punctuation">)</span>,
    .b_in   <span class="token punctuation">(</span>bin   <span class="token punctuation">)</span>,
    .c_in   <span class="token punctuation">(</span>cin   <span class="token punctuation">)</span>,
    .sum_out<span class="token punctuation">(</span>sumout<span class="token punctuation">)</span>,
    .c_out  <span class="token punctuation">(</span>cout  <span class="token punctuation">)</span>
<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>

//Task2  produce clock/Reset The signal 
parameter CLK_PERIOD <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token number">20</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
reg clk, reset_n<span class="token punctuation">;</span>

initial begin
    clk <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token number">0</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
    forever begin
        <span class="token comment">#(CLK_PERIOD/2)clk = ~clk;</span>

initial begin
    reset_n <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token number">0</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
    <span class="token comment">#100</span>
    reset_n <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token number">1</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>

//Task3  Drive the simulation to capture the corresponding 
initial begin
    <span class="token comment">#110 ain = 0; bin = 0; cin = 0; //00</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 ain = 0; bin = 1; cin = 0; //01</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 ain = 1; bin = 0; cin = 0; //01</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 ain = 1; bin = 1; cin = 0; //10</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 ain = 0; bin = 0; cin = 1; //01</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 ain = 0; bin = 1; cin = 1; //10</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 ain = 1; bin = 0; cin = 1; //10</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 ain = 1; bin = 1; cin = 1; //11</span>
    <span class="token comment">#50 $finish;</span>

//Task4  Examination result 
[email protected]<span class="token punctuation">(</span>posedge clk<span class="token punctuation">)</span>begin
    if<span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token operator">!</span>reset_n<span class="token punctuation">)</span> begin
        <span class="token variable">$display</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"%t:%m:resetting ..."</span>, <span class="token variable">$time</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>//counter <span class="token number">5</span> clock
    <span class="token keyword">else</span> begin
        <span class="token variable">$display</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"%t:%m:resetting finish!"</span>, <span class="token variable">$time</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>//the 6th clock

initial begin
    <span class="token comment">#115 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b00) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b01) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b01) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b10) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b01) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b10) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b10) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);</span>
    <span class="token comment">#20 if({cout,sumout} != 2'b11) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);</span>

//initial begin
//  <span class="token variable">$vcdpluson</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>


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2.2.4、 Add files

Usually our code is in GVIM And other text editing tools , Instead of Questasim Written in , It will be written in Questasim in Add Existing File.

 Insert picture description here

Or in the Project In the bar , Right click the blank space and select Add to Project -> Existing File...

 Insert picture description here

 Insert picture description here

 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here

When I'm done , The interface is as follows

 Insert picture description here

2.2.5、 Compile the file

Select any of the above files , then : Right click -> Compile -> Compile All

 Insert picture description here
If there is no mistake , Above picture Status The column will show
 Insert picture description here
meanwhile , Under the Transcript There will be a prompt message of successful compilation in !

After successful compilation, you can work Corresponding Library See full_adder and full_adder_tb these two items. , As shown in the figure below

 Insert picture description here

notes : If there is a syntax error in the file , It will prompt the compilation failure , The interface is as follows :
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
Double click the error message in the above figure , You can view the specific error content , Then locate the location where the error occurred .
 Insert picture description here
You can see from the above picture that , The error occurs when full_adder_tb.v Of 12 Near the line , The reason for the mistake is ) An extra one is added ,, Open the source file and modify it , recompile , You can eliminate the error !

2.2.6、 Simulation

stay Library Tab TestBench file full_adder_tb, Then right-click , choice Simulate without Optimization.
 Insert picture description here

notes :Questasim Logic with relatively small amount of computation , So Simulate without Optimization and Simulate with full Optimization The difference is not great !

in addition , Tested on Linux Click on Simulate without Optimization Error prompt will appear , But click Simulate This error will not occur .

Then you can see sim tab , Run the simulation hierarchy Show it !

 Insert picture description here

2.2.7、 Add the signal :TestBench Driving and sampling

For simple simulation, I will look at the waveform , But the actual normal process is TestBench Write incentives well , And then do automation Comparison of , Not just through the waveform check Corresponding DUT Whether the behavior is right . wave form check Generally, when the automatic comparison fails , Used when debugging , To check is DUT The problem is TestBench problem .

stay sim Tab to find u_full_adder, Then right-click to choose Add wave Or shortcut key ctrl+w Add waveform to wave Interface !
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here

2.2.8、 Set simulation time

There are two ways to set the simulation time :

  • The first is in TestBench Set in
  • The second is in the simulation tool Qestasim Set in

Set the simulation time in the simulation tool , There are two ways :①、 From the command line ;②、 Through the graphic interface .

  • ①、 adopt Command line How to operate , Just in Transcript Enter the corresponding command in . If you want to run here 200ns, Input run 200ns that will do :

 Insert picture description here

Corresponding wave The interface will also display the corresponding waveform :

 Insert picture description here

  • ②、 If you want to set the simulation time in the simulation tool through the graphical interface , You can set the simulation time in the toolbar 200ns, And then click run that will do !

 Insert picture description here

Corresponding wave The interface will also display the corresponding waveform :

 Insert picture description here

2.2.9、 Verify a full adder

  • function
    • Truth table
  • verification
    • Functional integrity
    • Exhaustive method
    • Code coverage
  • experiment
    • compile
    • Simulation
    • Look at the waveform

The full adder is relatively simple , Directly verify all Pattern that will do !


stay Transcprit Input in run -all, Because the command will encounter $finish stop it , The dialog box of whether to exit will pop up , Choose here “ no ”!

 Insert picture description here

stay Transcprit in , Check to see if there is TB Error printing information in , If it is not stated that the verification is completed !

 Insert picture description here

2.3、 New project ( Command line mode )

notes : Command line mode is compared with graphical interface mode , Smaller footprint , Run faster !

2.3.1、 establish 、 compile 、 Operation engineering

  • New filename Makefile, Add the following :
    • If Makefile The file name is not Makefile, Then you need to add -f Parameters , And then there was Makefile file name !
all: create_lib compile simulate

vlib work

vlog -l com.log full_adder.v full_adder_tb.v

vsim -l sim.log -c -voptargs=+acc work.full_adder_tb -do “log -r *;run -all;quit -f”

rm -rf work mti_lib transcript modelsim.ini *.log vsim.wlf

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  • contrast GUI To create a project ,Transcript The command of the window is as follows :
vlib work
vlog -work work -vopt -stats=none full_adder.v full_adder_tb.v
vsim -voptargs=+acc work.full_adder_tb -c -do "run -all;quit -f"
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You can see our new Makefile Content and Transcript Window commands are almost the same . In fact, it must be so , We just put these commands together to run !

Questasim The meaning of some command parameters :

  • -c:command Pattern , Don't start the GUI
  • -l: Store the log in the following file
  • -do "xxx" perform xxx command
  • log -r *: Generate waveform file
  • -work work: Appoint work Directory name is work
  • -vopt:simulate full optimization
  • -novopt:simulate without optimization
  • -voptargs=+acc:simulate

In development , It's usually log Problems arise , To see the waveform ! meanwhile , In order to speed up work efficiency , Usually a terminal changes its code , A terminal running simulation , It is very convenient !

Input... At the terminal make command , You can run the Makefile Script files :

notes : If Makefile Your name is not Makefile, If so Makefile_text, Then run the Makefile You should enter make -f Makefile_text

 Insert picture description here

All log information is as follows :

[[email protected] full_adder]$ make
vlib work
vlog -l com.log full_adder.v full_adder_tb.v
QuestaSim vlog 10.7c Compiler 2018.08 Aug 17 2018
Start time: 16:43:33 on Aug 31,2021
vlog -l com.log full_adder.v full_adder_tb.v 
-- Compiling module full_adder
-- Compiling module full_adder_tb

Top level modules:
End time: 16:43:33 on Aug 31,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:00
Errors: 0, Warnings: 0
vsim -l sim.log -c -voptargs=+acc work.full_adder_tb -do “log -r *;run -all;quit -f”
Reading pref.tcl

# 10.7c

# vsim -l sim.log -c -voptargs=“+acc” work.full_adder_tb -do “log -r *;run -all;quit -f”
# Start time: 16:43:36 on Aug 31,2021
# ** Note: (vsim-3812) Design is being optimized…
# // Questa Sim
# // Version 10.7c linux Aug 17 2018
# //
# // Copyright 1991-2018 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# // All Rights Reserved.
# //
# // QuestaSim and its associated documentation contain trade
# // secrets and commercial or financial information that are the property of
# // Mentor Graphics Corporation and are privileged, confidential,
# // and exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act,
# // 5 U.S.C. Section 552. Furthermore, this information
# // is prohibited from disclosure under the Trade Secrets Act,
# // 18 U.S.C. Section 1905.
# //
# Loading work.full_adder_tb(fast)
# Loading work.full_adder(fast)
# log -r *
# run -all
# 10:full_adder_tb:resetting …
# 30:full_adder_tb:resetting …
# 50:full_adder_tb:resetting …
# 70:full_adder_tb:resetting …
# 90:full_adder_tb:resetting …
# 110:full_adder_tb:resetting finish!
# 130:full_adder_tb:resetting finish!
# 150:full_adder_tb:resetting finish!
# 170:full_adder_tb:resetting finish!
# 190:full_adder_tb:resetting finish!
# 210:full_adder_tb:resetting finish!
# 230:full_adder_tb:resetting finish!
# 250:full_adder_tb:resetting finish!
# 270:full_adder_tb:resetting finish!
# 290:full_adder_tb:resetting finish!
# ** Note: KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 68: …token comment">#̲ Time: 300 n…ls
com.log full_adder_tb.v full_adder.v Makefile sim.log vsim.wlf work

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notes : About Makefile Review some small knowledge points , Refer to the figure below :
 Insert picture description here

It can be seen that , adopt Makefile Script can create a project 、 Load the file 、 Compiler Engineering , Running the project and other steps Together with , The operation is more efficient and convenient !

2.3.2、 Check the waveform

notes : The waveform file is just terminal Print log Only when there is something wrong will I go to see !、 Method 1 : adopt vsim.wlf The file to view

terminal Medium log When something goes wrong , Input... At the terminal vsim & start-up Questasim, As shown in the figure below :

 Insert picture description here

Then click File -> Open, As shown in the figure below :

 Insert picture description here

And then again Files of type Choose from All Files(*), Then choose vsim.wlf Open the can !

 Insert picture description here

 Insert picture description here

And then vsim Right click in the column full_adder_tb, choice Add Wave,( You can also click full_adder_tb Then press the shortcut key ctrl+w) You can add waveforms to Wave In the bar .

 Insert picture description here

 Insert picture description here、 Method 2 : modify Makefile
all: create_lib compile simulate

vlib work

vlog -l com.log full_adder.v full_adder_tb.v

#vsim -l sim.log -c -voptargs=+acc work.full_adder_tb -do “log -r ;run -all;quit -f"
vsim -l sim.log -voptargs=+acc work.full_adder_tb -do "add wave -position insertpoint sim:/full_adder_tb/;log -r *;run -all”

rm -rf work mti_lib transcript modelsim.ini *.log vsim.wlf

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  • Mainly simulate Our dependence has changed : Cancel -c That is, do not use command line mode , Cancel quit -f That is, no forced exit , increase add wave -position insertpoint sim:/full_adder_tb/* Add tb Waveform signal .

After modification , Run at terminal make command , Can be in Questasim Medium Wave Column to view the waveform !

2.3.3、 Help document

There are two ways to view help documents , One is to view help documents through the installation directory , The other is through the command line help Command to view help documentation !

But whatever it is , Here's the thing to remember :EDA Reference books are for reference , Not for reading from beginning to end !、 Method 1 : View help documents through the installation directory
  • have access to which vsim Order to find Questasim Installation position of , Let's say mine is /opt/mentor/questasim10.7/questasim/bin/vsim
  • And then into /opt/mentor/questasim10.7/questasim/docs/pdfdocs/ You can view all the help documents
  • Use evince xxx You can quickly open a document

 Insert picture description here、 Method 2 : From the command line help Command to view help documentation

The command line type the following command , Redirect help Help document :

  • vlog -help > vlog.help
  • vsim -help > vsim.help

If you want to see the meaning of compilation or simulation options , Enter the following command :

  • gvim vlog.help open help Help document
  • /cover Search keywords cover

 Insert picture description here

attach :QuestaSim Common operations

Set the waveform color

Right click the signal you want to set , And then choose Properties

 Insert picture description here

choice Wave Color Under the Colors...

 Insert picture description here

Set the desired waveform color in the pop-up window

 Insert picture description here

Waveform grouping Group

Method 1 : Manual grouping

Hold down ctrl+ Left mouse button , Select the waveform signals you want to divide into a group ( Or by ctrl+A Select all waveforms ), Then right-click to choose Group

 Insert picture description here

Then set the desired group name !
 Insert picture description here

Method 2 : Shortcut key grouping

Hold down ctrl+ Left mouse button , Select the waveform signals you want to divide into a group ( Or by ctrl+a Select all waveforms ), Then press the shortcut key ctrl+g Realize quick grouping !

After grouping , Want to change the group name again , Double click the group name to pop up the following dialog box , Can be changed .

 Insert picture description here

Clear the waveform Restart

Clear all waveforms that have been displayed in the waveform window

 Insert picture description here

Run all Run -All

Run -All Automatically run into the code $finish Stop after statement .

 Insert picture description here

notes :run xx ns after , At this time Run -All If the simulator finds that it is not finished , Will continue to run , If it is found that the operation has been completed , At this time, the simulator will not continue to run !

add to / eliminate Cursor

Method 1 :

 Insert picture description here

Method 2 :

 Insert picture description here

One caveat , eliminate Cursor Before , You need to select the one you want to delete first Cursor!

Set up Cursor The unit displayed between is frequency

stay Cursor Between the display , Right click selection Grid,Timeline & Cursor Control...

 Insert picture description here

Check Show freqency in Cursor delta
 Insert picture description here

Waveform local method

Method 1 :

Hold down ctrl key , Then hold down the left mouse button , Drag to the right .

 Insert picture description here
Method 2 :

ctrl+ Mouse wheel

Position the cursor to the specified time point

First select the cursor you want to locate , then Edit -> Goto

 Insert picture description here
If you want to locate 200ns, Input to Goto time Enter... In the column 200ns that will do , Pay attention to check Move active cursor

 Insert picture description here

Quickly locate on the signal / Lower edge

Select the signal to be located , Select the cursor to be positioned , Then click the following icon , Hover the mouse over an icon , You can see the English interpretation of the icon :

 Insert picture description here

Reference resources


