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.NET-9. A mess of theoretical notes (concepts, ideas)
2022-07-31 04:55:00 【joyyi9】
Knowledge Notes
is mainly some professional terms, interpretation of concepts, and small knowledge
1. The three most popular web serversIt is Apache, Nginx, IIS.2. Difference between powershell and cmd: 1, written by CMDWe regard the BAT script as process-oriented, while PowerShell is object-oriented , is a script writing from the user's point of view; 2, CMD can only perform basic tasks, because PowerShell is object-oriented based on [.NET].
I. Database
//What is CRUDCRUD is to add (Create), retrieve (Retrieve), update (Update) and delete (Delete)Acronym for several words.CRUD is mainly used to describe the basic operation functions of the database or persistence layer in the software system.//What is a triggerTriggers are database objects related to tables that can be fired and executed before or after insert/update/deleteThe SQL statement defined in the trigger.
Second, .NET
Authentication(Authenticiton)or authentication is OKThe process of user identity.(User login process)Authorization) is the process of determining whether a user has permission to access a resource.(whether to allow changes to some data)
The difference between github, gitlab, gitee
- github is a repository for online code hosting based on git. It is open to the Internet and requires payment for the enterprise version.
- gitee is the code cloud, which is free for enterprises to use by oschina, so you don't need to build your own environment.
- gitlab is similar to github. It is generally used to build git private servers in the enterprise, and you need to build your own environment.
First, github charges for enterprises. Of course, I disagree. After all, I want to save money, so I can still use gitee or gitlab.
Second, although the code cloud is free, and you don't need to set up your own environment, there is always no sense of security in the enterprise putting the project on someone else's server.
Third, as a result, gitlab was derived, which is used for enterprises to set up private servers, and it is still on its own server.
RBAC Permission Mode
- https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43473773/article/details/120316830,
- https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44911308/article/details/108615759
- https://blog.csdn.net/qq_45874107/article/details/119839187
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/dev-cross-plat/vscode/using-vscode?view=powershell-7.2
- https://www.cnblogs.com/lavender000/category/1013349.html
$PSVersionTable //Hash table showing relevant PowerShell version information:Get-ExecutionPolicy //Execution PolicyGet-Help //Get help
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