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QT creator design user interface

2022-07-06 11:04:00 it_ xiangqiang

Qt Creator Design user interface

Design user interface

Qt Creator Design user interface _ Best practices

Qt Creator Provides an integrated visual editor , Used in “ Design ” Design in mode Qt Quick And widget based applications . Integration includes project management and code completion .

Development Qt Fast application

You can use the wizard to create Qt Quick project , Which can be found in “ Design ” Template code edited in mode .

Develop widget based applications

By using Qt Signal and slot mechanism , You can use Qt Designer The widgets and forms created are seamlessly integrated with the programmed code , This makes it easy to assign behavior to graphical elements . stay Qt Designer All properties set in can be dynamically changed in code . Besides , Features such as widget upgrades and custom plug-ins allow you to Qt Designer Use your own widgets in .

Best practices

Apply best practices , To ensure that you create UI On the expected platform ( For example, mobile devices ) Work effectively on .


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