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The underlying data structure of Redis
2022-08-02 02:04:00 【Stars with morning】
动态字符串 SDS
我们都知道在 Reids of which we save key 都是字符串的形式,value Often also a string or a collection of strings.Visible strings are also Redis 中最常用的一种数据结构.
我们也都知道 Redis 底层是用 C 语言所写的,但是 Redis In strings this is not exactly straightforward to use C 语言的字符串,因为对于 Redis 来说,C Many problems arise with language strings,This does not fully meet the needs.
因为 C 语言当中,字符串的底层是字符数组,So want to get the length of the string,It is necessary to loop through the operation to get the result,Get the length of the string directly without sending;
并且在 C 语言当中,It the end of the string will be used ‘\0’ used to mark the end language,这对 Redis 来说,是non-binary safe;
在 C Once the string is created in the language,is stored in the constant pool,stored in the constant pool,we all know无法修改的.
而正是因为这些原因,所以 Redis Created a string structure that conforms to its own,称为简单动态字符串(Simple Dynamic String),简称为 SDS.
Let's first look at creating SDS The underlying source code when:(用 C 语言写的)
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr8 {
/* uint8_t 中的8表示占 8 个字节 */
uint8_t len; /* Represents the number of bytes in the saved string,does not contain an identifier indicating the end */
uint8_t alloc; /* Indicates the number of bytes requested,does not contain an identifier indicating the end */
unsigned char flags; /* 表示不同 SDS type of head,用来控制 SDS 的头大小 */
char buf[]; /* save the stored string */
在这之中,We clearly see the string of bytes stored for maximum 2的8次方(-257 ~ +255) ,这显然是很不合理的,但是别慌, Redis I definitely won't commit such a low-level operation.,在 Redis in the specific implementation,It implements something like Java polymorphism.(共有5 个)在这的 flags It's a control over this version.
This obviously meets our needs.
we keep talking SDS is a dynamic string.
举个例子:We are now going to create a string “hi” 的 SDS 的.
Then the structure it initially creates is:
现在我们要给 SDS 追加一段字符串“,Tom”,在这时 Redis First, it will apply for new memory space:
如果新字符串小于1M,Then the new space isThe length of the extended string的两倍 + 1;
如果新字符串大于1M,Then the new space isThe length of the extended string+1M+1.
This method of allocating memory space slightly larger than the actual need is called称为内存预分配.
那么当前这个 SDS The structure after inclusion is:
As for Shang Min's expansion mechanism,Finally add 1 ,is to save the identifier at the end of the string,但是在 SDS 当中,The symbol that identifies the end of the string is the preceding len 长度,所以从本质上来说,it is possible to save the envoy identifier,但是不建议使用.
SDS 优点
- 获取字符串长度的时间复杂度为O(1)
- 支持动态扩容
- 减少内存分配次数(动态的)
- It implements binary security(因为 Redis 当中,Read the length of the string is determined by the header information)
IntSet 是 Redis 当中 Set 集合的一种实现方式,is based on an array of integers,and is readable and variable,有序,and the only feature.
typedef struct intset {
uint32_t encoding; /* 表示编码方式,支持存放16位、32位、64位 */
uint32_t length; /* 表示元素的个数 */
int8_t contents[]; /* 整数的数组,保存集合数据 */
} intset;
在这个当中 encoding is composed of three modes,respectively represent the size of the stored integer.
在 IntSet 当中,为了方便查找, Redsi 会将 IntSet All data in升序 way to save in sequence contents 数组当中.
Now we want to save an array as 5,10,20 的数组,Then its underlying concrete implementation is:
现在,数组中每个数字都在 int16_t 的范围内,因此采用的编码方式是 INTSET_ENC_INT16,每部分占用的字节大小为:
contents:2字节 * 3 = 6字节
在这个时候,We want to add a number to it:5000,But this number now exceeds the current int16_t 的范围,所以在这,IntSet Automatically upgrades the way the encoding happens to find the right size.
So its general process of expansion is as follows:
- First upgrade the code to INTSET_ENC_INT32 , 每个整数占4字节,并按照新的编码方式及元素个数扩容数组.
- During expansion, the elements in the array are copied to the correct position after expansion in reverse order..
- 然后,将待添加的元素放入数组末尾.
- 最后,将 inset 的 encoding 属性改为 INTSET_ENC_INT32,将length 属性改为4.
Finally, modify the header information of the structure.
Let's take a look at the source code when adding:(I have made a note in the code)
Add data flow:
intset *intsetAdd(intset *is, int64_t value, uint8_t *success) {
uint8_t valenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value);//获取当前值的编码
uint32_t pos;//要插入的位置
if (success) *success = 1;
//Whether the encoding exceeds the current intset 的编码
if (valenc > intrev32ifbe(is->encoding)) {
//out of coding,需要升级,调用intsetUpgradeAndAdd具体实现
return intsetUpgradeAndAdd(is,value);
// The data added at that time has not exceeded
else {
// 在当前 intset 中查找值与 value same element label
if (intsetSearch(is,value,&pos)) {
if (success) *success = 0;
//若找到了,then there is no need to insert,直接返回失败
return is;
// 数组扩容
is = intsetResize(is,intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1);
// move the array pos All elements after to pos+1,make room for new space
if (pos < intrev32ifbe(is->length)) intsetMoveTail(is,pos,pos+1);
// 插入新元素
// reset the length of the element
is->length = intrev32ifbe(intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1);
return is;
IntSet 升级流程:
/* Upgrades the intset to a larger encoding and inserts the given integer. */
static intset *intsetUpgradeAndAdd(intset *is, int64_t value) {
//获取当前 intset 的编码
uint8_t curenc = intrev32ifbe(is->encoding);
uint8_t newenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value);
// 获取元素个数
int length = intrev32ifbe(is->length);
//When judging the newly added element is greater than0还是小于0,greater than the tail of the queue,less than the leader of the team
int prepend = value < 0 ? 1 : 0;
// 重置编码为新编码
is->encoding = intrev32ifbe(newenc);
// 重置数组大小
is = intsetResize(is,intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1);
// 倒序遍历,Move old elements to new locations one by one,_intsetGetEncoded按照旧编码方式查找旧元素
while(length--)// _intsetSet按照新编码方式插入新元素
/* 插入新元素,prepend决定是队首还是队尾*/
if (prepend)
// 修改数组长度
is->length = intrev32ifbe(intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1);
return is;
And in the new data,Find if the current element already exists,采用的是二分查找.(The code for binary search will not be analyzed in detail.,大致看一下)
众所周知,在 Redis 中,It is in the form of a key-value pair(key-value pair)的数据库,So we can quickly add, delete, modify and check according to the key.,And the mapping relationship between keys and values is through Dict 来实现的.
DictIt is mainly realized by three parts: 哈希表(DictHashTable)、hash node(DictEntry)、字典(Dict)
typedef struct dictht {
// entry数组
// 数组中保存的是指向entry的指针
dictEntry **table;
// 哈希表大小
unsigned long size;
// 哈希表大小的掩码,等于的是 size - 1
unsigned long sizemask;
// entry个数
unsigned long used;
} dictht;
hash node source code:
typedef struct dictEntry {
void *key; // 键
union {
void *val;
uint64_t u64;
int64_t s64;
double d;
} v; // 值
// 下一个Entry的指针
struct dictEntry *next;
} dictEntry;
in when we Dict When adding key-value pairs inside,Redis 会首先根据 key 计算出 hash 值(h),然后利用 h & sizemask With operation to calculate the index of the element should be stored in the array position.
The source code of the dictionary:
typedef struct dict {
dictType *type; // dict类型,内置不同的hash函数
void *privdata; // 私有数据,在做特殊hash运算时用
dictht ht[2]; // 在一个Dict包含两个哈希表,其中一个是当前数据,另一个一般是空,rehash时使用
long rehashidx; // rehash的进度,-1表示未进行
int16_t pauserehash; // rehash是否暂停,1则暂停,0则继续
} dict;
而在 Dict Inside it's storage is illustrated as:
Here you can observe that there are two hash tables in a dictionary,But generally when using only onehash 表,另一个hashthe table is only inrehash的时候才会被使用.
Dict 的 rehash
在 Dict 当中的 HashTable 就是数组结合单向链表的实现,When there are many elements in the set,will inevitably increasehash 冲突的机会,在链表过长的时候,Then its query efficiency will inevitably decline..
所以在 Dict Each time a new key-value pair is added, it is checked负载因子(LoadFactor = used / size),and under the following two conditions.就会触发hash 扩容的机制.
- 哈希表的 LoadFactor >= 1,and the server is not executing BGSAVE 或BGREWRITEAOF 等后台进程.
- 哈希表的 LoadFactor > 5
static int _dictExpandIfNeeded(dict *d){
// 如果正在rehash,则返回ok
if (dictIsRehashing(d)) return DICT_OK; // 如果哈希表为空,则初始化哈希表为默认大小:4
if (d->ht[0].size == 0) return dictExpand(d, DICT_HT_INITIAL_SIZE);
// 当负载因子(used/size)达到1以上,并且当前没有进行bgrewrite等子进程操作
// 或者负载因子超过5,则进行 dictExpand ,也就是扩容
if (d->ht[0].used >= d->ht[0].size &&
(dict_can_resize || d->ht[0].used/d->ht[0].size > dict_force_resize_ratio){
// 扩容大小为used + 1,底层会对扩容大小做判断,实际上找的是第一个大于等于 used+1 的 2^n
return dictExpand(d, d->ht[0].used + 1);
return DICT_OK;
Of course, in addition to over-expansion,When shrinking, it will also make a judgment on the responsible factor,当 LoadFactor < 0.1 的时候,hash shrink.
// t_hash.c # hashTypeDeleted()
if (dictDelete((dict*)o->ptr, field) == C_OK) {
deleted = 1;
// 删除成功后,检查是否需要重置Dict大小,如果需要则调用dictResize重置 /* Always check if the dictionary needs a resize after a delete. */
if (htNeedsResize(o->ptr)) dictResize(o->ptr);
// server.c 文件
int htNeedsResize(dict *dict) {
long long size, used;
// 哈希表大小
size = dictSlots(dict);
// entry数量
used = dictSize(dict);
// size > 4(哈希表初识大小)并且 负载因子低于0.1
return (size > DICT_HT_INITIAL_SIZE && (used*100/size < HASHTABLE_MIN_FILL));
int dictResize(dict *d){
unsigned long minimal;
// 如果正在做bgsave或bgrewriteof或rehash,则返回错误
if (!dict_can_resize || dictIsRehashing(d))
return DICT_ERR;
// 获取used,也就是entry个数
minimal = d->ht[0].used;
// 如果used小于4,则重置为4
if (minimal < DICT_HT_INITIAL_SIZE)
// 重置大小为minimal,其实是第一个大于等于minimal的2^n
return dictExpand(d, minimal);
also mentioned above inRedis happened in BGSAVE 或者 BGREWRITEAOF 的时候,will temporarily prevent rehash
rehash 到底是什么?
Whether expanding or shrinking,must create a new hash table,resulting in a hash table size 和 sizemask 变化,而 key The query is with sizemask 有关.So it is necessary for each hash table to key 重新计算索引,插入新的哈希表,这个过程称为 rehash.
而 rehash的大致过程如下:
- To calculate the new hash 表的 realeSize,值取决于当前要做的是扩容还是收缩:
如果是扩容,则新 size 为第一个大于等于dict.ht[0].used + 1的2^n.
如果是收缩,则新 size 为第一个大于等于dict.ht[0].used的2^n (最小不得小于4)
- 按照新的 realeSize 申请内存空间,创建 dictht,并赋值给 dict.ht[1];
- 设置 dict.rehashidx = 0,标示开始 rehash;
- 将 dict.ht[0] 中的每一个 dictEntry 都 rehash 到dict.ht[1]当中来;
- 最后将 dict.ht[1] 赋值给 dict.ht[0],给 dict.ht[1] 初始化为空哈希表,释放原来的 dict.ht[0] 的内存.
在这个过程中,开始rehash时 dict中的 rehashidx 的默认值(-1)会变为0,再最后rehash 完毕之后,会将 rehashidx The value of is changed to-1.
But here we have another question to consider, Redis 是单线程的,在 rehash When the amount of data is too large,Then it will cause the thread to enter the blocking state,Very bad experience for us.
所以 Dict 中的 rehash It's never done in one go.因此发展到现在rehashis divided into multiple,done incrementally.So also called it渐进式 rehash.
And its specific process is as follows:
- 计算新hash表的size,值取决于当前要做的是扩容还是收缩:
如果是扩容,则新 size 为第一个大于等于dict.ht[0].used + 1的2^n.
如果是收缩,则新 size 为第一个大于等于dict.ht[0].used的2^n (最小不得小于4)
- 按照新的size申请内存空间,创建dictht,并赋值给dict.ht[1]
- 设置dict.rehashidx = 0,标示开始 rehash
- 每次执行新增、查询、修改、删除操作时,都检查一下 dict.rehashidx 是否大于 -1,如果是则将 dict.ht[0].table[rehashidx] 的 entry 链表 rehash 到dict.ht[1],并且将 rehashidx++.直至 dict.ht[0] 的所有数据都 rehash到 dict.ht[1]
- 将 dict.ht[1] 赋值给 dict.ht[0] ,给 dict.ht[1] 初始化为空哈希表,释放原来的dict.ht[0]的内存
- 最后将rehashidx赋值为-1,代表rehash结束
- 在 rehash 过程中,新增操作,则直接写入 ht[1],查询、修改和删除则会在dict.ht[0] 和 dict.ht[1] 依次查找并执行.这样可以确保ht[0]的数据只减不增,随着rehash最终为空
Here also explains whyDict 当中的rehashidx 默认表示的是-1 ,rather than what we often think 0 ,在 rehash 的过程当中,we willrehashidxSeat array corner marker to use
它是类似 java 的 HashTable,底层是数组加链表来解决哈希冲突
Dict contains two hash tables,ht[0] 平常用,ht[1] 用来 rehash时使用的
扩容大小为第一个大于等于used + 1的2^n
收缩大小为第一个大于等于used 的2^n
Dict采用渐进式 rehash,每次访问 Dict 时就执行一次 rehash;保证了 rehash时ht[0]只减不增,新增操作只在ht[1]执行,other operations on both hashes
ZipList 是一种特殊的 “双端链表” ,It consists of a series of specially coded contiguous memory blocks.可以在任意一端进行压入 / 弹出操作, 并且该操作的时间复杂度为 O(1).
而 ZipList 的基本机构为:
属性 | 类型 | 长度 | 用途 |
zlbytes | uint32_t | 4字节 | 记录整个压缩列表占用的内存字数 |
zltail | uint32_t | 4字节 | Records of the tail is compressed column table the starting address of the node distance compress list how many bytes,通过这个偏移量,可以确定表尾节点的地址. |
zllen | uint16_t | 2字节 | 记录了压缩列表包含的节点数量. 最大值为UINT16_MAX (65534),如果超过这个值,此处会记录为65535,但节点的真实数量需要遍历整个压缩列表才能计算得出. |
entry | 列表节点 | 不定 | 压缩列表包含的各个节点,节点的长度由节点保存的内容决定. |
zlend | uint8_t | 1字节 | 特殊值 0xFF (十进制 255 ),用于标记压缩列表的末端. |
ZipList 中的 Entry It is not like an ordinary linked list that records the pointers of the preceding and following nodes,因为记录两个指针要占用 16 个字节,浪费内存.
所以在 ZipList another set of structures.
- previous_entry_length:前一节点的长度,占1个或5个字节.
- encoding:编码属性,记录content的数据类型(字符串还是整数)以及长度,占用1个、2个或5个字节
- contents:负责保存节点的数据,可以是字符串或整数
ZipList Problems with chain updates
在 ZipList 的每个 Entry 都包含 previous_entry_length 来记录上一个节点的大小,长度是1个或5个字节:
现在,假设我们有N个连续的、长度为 250~253 字节之间的entry,因此entry 的 previous_entry_length 属性用1个字节即可表示.
Now we add new at the head positionentry 数据大小为254bytes.Then according to the followingentry 里的 pre_entry_len 判断,大小改为5bytes,那么后面的entry The sum is greater than or equal to254了,再往后的entryHe also need to change itpre_entry_len 的大小,这样依次向下.
ZipList The special conditions of continuous space expansion operation called many times连锁更新(Cascade Update).在新增、删除都可能导致连锁更新的发生.
- 压缩列表的可以看做一种连续内存空间的"双向链表"
- 列表的节点之间不是通过指针连接,而是记录上一节点和本节点长度来寻址,内存占用较低
- 如果列表数据过多,导致链表过长,可能影响查询性能.
- 增或删较大数据时有可能发生连续更新问题.
QuickListfor storing large amounts of data.
为了缓解这个问题,我们必须限制 ZipList 的长度和 entry 大小.
我们可以创建多个 ZipList 来分片存储数据.
Redis在3.2版本引入了新的数据结构 QuickList,它是一个双端链表,只不过链表中的每个节点都是一个 ZipList.
在为了避免 QuickList 中的每个 ZipList 中 entry 过多,Redis 提供了一个配置项:list-max-ziplist-size 来限制.
- 如果值为正,则代表ZipList的允许的entry个数的最大值
- 如果值为负,则代表ZipList的最大内存大小,分5种情况:
其默认值为 -2;
在 Redis In addition to control ZipLis t的大小,QuickList It is also possible toZipList做压缩.通过配置项 list-compress-depth 来控制.Because linked lists are generally accessed more from the beginning and the end,So the beginning and the end are not compressed.This parameter is to control the number of nodes that are not compressed at the beginning and end:
- 0:特殊值,代表不压缩
- 1:标示 QuickList end of each1个节点不压缩,中间节点压缩
- 2:标示 QuickList end of each2个节点不压缩,中间节点压缩
typedef struct quicklist {
// 头节点指针
quicklistNode *head;
// 尾节点指针
quicklistNode *tail;
// 所有ziplist的entry的数量
unsigned long count;
// ziplists总数量
unsigned long len;
// ziplist的entry上限,默认值 -2
int fill : QL_FILL_BITS; // 首尾不压缩的节点数量
unsigned int compress : QL_COMP_BITS;
// 内存重分配时的书签数量及数组,一般用不到
unsigned int bookmark_count: QL_BM_BITS;
quicklistBookmark bookmarks[];
} quicklist;
typedef struct quicklistNode {
// 前一个节点指针
struct quicklistNode *prev;
// 下一个节点指针
struct quicklistNode *next;
// 当前节点的ZipList指针
unsigned char *zl;
// 当前节点的ZipList的字节大小
unsigned int sz;
// 当前节点的ZipList的entry个数
unsigned int count : 16;
// 编码方式:1,ZipList; 2,lzf压缩模式
unsigned int encoding : 2;
// 数据容器类型(预留):1,其它;2,ZipList
unsigned int container : 2;
// 是否被解压缩.1:则说明被解压了,将来要重新压缩
unsigned int recompress : 1;
unsigned int attempted_compress : 1; //测试用
unsigned int extra : 10; /*预留字段*/
} quicklistNode;
- 是一个节点为ZipList的双端链表
- 节点采用ZipList,解决了传统链表的内存占用问题
- 控制了ZipList大小,解决连续内存空间申请效率问题
- 中间节点可以压缩,进一步节省了内存
SkipList(跳表)The essence is still a linked list.and doubly linked list
It also has some characteristics of its own:
- 元素按照升序排列存储
- 节点可能包含多个指针,指针跨度不同.
simple concept map:
// t_zset.c
typedef struct zskiplist {
// 头尾节点指针
struct zskiplistNode *header, *tail;
// 节点数量
unsigned long length;
// 最大的索引层级,默认是1
int level;
} zskiplist;
// t_zset.c
typedef struct zskiplistNode {
sds ele; // 节点存储的值
double score;// 节点分数,排序、查找用
struct zskiplistNode *backward; // 前一个节点指针
struct zskiplistLevel {
struct zskiplistNode *forward; // 下一个节点指针
unsigned long span; // 索引跨度
} level[]; // 多级索引数组
} zskiplistNode;
- 跳跃表是一个双向链表,每个节点都包含score和ele值
- 节点按照score值排序,score值一样则按照ele字典排序
- 每个节点都可以包含多层指针,层数是1到32之间的随机数
- 不同层指针到下一个节点的跨度不同,层级越高,跨度越大
- 增、删、改、The search efficiency is basically the same as that of the red-black tree,But the implementation is simpler
这里只是RedisObject 的头部信息.
typedef struct redisObject {
unsigned type:4;
unsigned encoding:4;
unsigned lru:LRU_BITS;
int refcount;
void *ptr;
} robj;
unsigned type:4; 表示对象类型,分别是 String、hash、list、set和zset,占4个bit位.
#define OBJ_STRING 0
#define OBJ_LIST 1
#define OBJ_SET 2
#define OBJ_ZSET 3
#define OBJ_HASH 4
unsigned encoding:4; Indicates the underlying encoding method,共有 11 种,占 4 个bit 位
unsigned lru:LRU_BITS; Indicates the last time the object was accessed,its possession24个 bit位,It is easy to judge that the idle time is too long key.
int refcount; Represents an object reference counter,计数器为 0,then the object is unreferenced,是可以被回收的.
void *ptr;: 表示指针,Points to the space where the actual data is stored.
在 Redis 中会根据存储的数据类型不同,选择不同的编码方式,共包含11种不同类型:
编号 | 编码方式 | 说明 |
0 | OBJ_ENCODING_RAW | raw编码动态字符串 |
1 | OBJ_ENCODING_INT | long类型的整数的字符串 |
2 | OBJ_ENCODING_HT | hash表(字典dict) |
8 | OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR | embstr的动态字符串 |
10 | OBJ_ENCODING_STREAM | stream流 |
在 Redis will also vary according to the type of data stored,选择不同的编码方式.每种数据类型的使用的编码方式如下:
数据类型 | 编码方式 |
OBJ_STRING | int、embstr、raw |
OBJ_LIST | LinkedList和ZipList(3.2以前)、QuickList(3.2以后) |
OBJ_SET | intset、HT |
OBJ_ZSET | ZipList、HT、SkipList |
OBJ_HASH | ZipList、HT |
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