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Scala practice questions + answers
2022-08-01 21:32:00 【xiexiexie0520】
ScalaThe data for the practice questions can be passedURL链接下载,All are free!
- 学生信息表(data/students.txt):https://download.csdn.net/download/holiday0520/86268311
- 学生分数表(data/score.txt):https://download.csdn.net/download/holiday0520/86268316
- 学生科目表(data/subject.txt):https://download.csdn.net/download/holiday0520/86268317
pom.xmlThe file needs to import dependencies
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/junit/junit -->
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1、统计班级人数 [班级,人数]
2、统计学生的总分 [学号,姓名,年龄,总分]
1、The scores of each subject of the top ten students in the statistical grade [学号,姓名,班级,科目,分数]
2、统计总分大于年级平均分的学生 [学号,姓名,班级,总分]
3、统计每科都及格的学生 [学号,姓名,班级,科目,分数]
4、Count the top three in each class [学号,姓名,班级,分数]
5、统计偏科最严重的前100名学生 [学号,姓名,班级,科目,分数]
import org.junit.{
Before, Test}
import scala.io.{
BufferedSource, Source}
class Demo_StudentExam {
var students: List[Stu] = _
var scores: List[Sco] = _
var subjects: List[Sub] = _
//Receive one by the studentid构成的List,借助Map结构关联StuStudent Data and SubSubject data,最终输出:[学号,姓名,班级,科目,分数]
def filterWithIdsAndPrint(ids: List[String]): Unit = {
//Turn student and subject data into Map的形式
val stuMap: Map[String, String] = students
.map(stu => (stu.id, stu.name + "," + stu.clazz)).toMap
val subMap: Map[String, String] = subjects
.map(sub => (sub.subId, sub.subName)).toMap
//从scoresin according to the incoming batchids对数据进行过滤
.filter(sco => ids.contains(sco.id))
.map(sco => {
val id: String = sco.id
val subId: String = sco.subId
val nameClazz: String = stuMap.getOrElse(id, "anonymous,")
val subName = subMap.getOrElse(subId, "")
//Load three copies of the data,进行初始化
def readFile(): Unit = {
val stuBS: BufferedSource = Source
//Load score data
val scoBS: BufferedSource = Source
//Load subject data
val subBS: BufferedSource = Source
students = stuBS
.map(line => {
//Slice and build dataStu对象
val splits: Array[String] = line.split(",")
val id: String = splits(0)
val name: String = splits(1)
val age: Int = splits(2).toInt
val gender: String = splits(3)
val clazz: String = splits(4)
Stu(id, name, age, gender, clazz)
scores = scoBS
.map(line => {
//Slice and build dataSco对象
val splits: Array[String] = line.split(",")
val id: String = splits(0)
val subId: String = splits(1)
val score: Int = splits(2).toInt
Sco(id, subId, score)
subjects = subBS
.map(line => {
//Slice and build dataSub对象
val splits: Array[String] = line.split(",")
val subId: String = splits(0)
val subName: String = splits(1)
val subScore: Int = splits(2).toInt
Sub(subId, subName, subScore)
def printData(): Unit = {
//1.统计班级人数 [班级,人数]
def clazzCnt(): Unit = {
.groupBy(clazz => clazz)
.map(kv => s"${kv._1},${kv._2.size}")
//2.统计学生的总分 [学号,姓名,年龄,总分]
def stuSumScore(): Unit = {
val sumScoreMap: Map[String, Int] = scores
.groupBy(sco => sco.id)
.map(kv => {
val id: String = kv._1
val scoS: List[Sco] = kv._2
//将每个学生的6subject gradesscoreTake out and sum
val sumScore: Int = scoS.map(_.score).sum
//以二元组形式返回,最终mapAfter the logic is processed, you will get oneMap
(id, sumScore)
.map(stu => {
val id: String = stu.id
val sumScore: Int = sumScoreMap.getOrElse(id, 0)
id + "," + stu.name + "," + stu.age + "," + sumScore
//1.The scores of each subject of the top ten students in the statistical grade [学号,姓名,班级,科目,分数]
def question1(): Unit = {
//计算学生总分,Find the top ten students
val top10Ids: List[String] = scores
.groupBy(sco => sco.id)
.map(kv => {
val id: String = kv._1
val sumScore: Int = kv._2.map(_.score).sum
(id, sumScore) //If returned is a 2-tuple,则mapYou will get one after processingMap
.toList //MapThere is no sorting method in ,所以需要转成List
.sortBy(kv => -kv._2) //降序排序
/* //Turn student and subject data into Map的形式 val stuMap: Map[String, String] = students .map(stu => (stu.id, stu.name + "," + stu.clazz)).toMap val subMap: Map[String, String] = subjects .map(sub => (sub.subId, sub.subName)).toMap scores //从scores中根据top10IdsFilter out the top ten student grades .filter(sco => top10Ids.contains(sco.id)) .map(sco => { val id: String = sco.id val subId: String = sco.subId val nameClazz: String = stuMap.getOrElse(id, "anonymous,") val subName = subMap.getOrElse(subId, "") s"$id,$nameClazz,$subName,${sco.score}" }).foreach(println) */
//2.统计总分大于年级平均分的学生 [学号,姓名,班级,总分]
def question2(): Unit = {
//Calculate the grade point average:372.704
val avgScore: Double = scores
.sum / students.size.toDouble
//Turn student data into Map的形式
val stuMap: Map[String, String] = students
.map(stu => (stu.id, stu.name + "," + stu.clazz)).toMap
.groupBy(sco => sco.id)
.map {
case (id: String, scoList: List[Sco]) =>
(id, scoList.map(_.score).sum)
.filter(kv => kv._2 > avgScore)
.map {
case (id: String, sumScore: Int) =>
val nameClazz: String = stuMap.getOrElse(id, "")
//3.统计每科都及格的学生 [学号,姓名,班级,科目,分数]
def question3(): Unit = {
//by subjectidConstruct one with the full marks of the subjectsMap
val subScoreMap: Map[String, Int] = subjects
.map(sub => (sub.subId, sub.subScore)).toMap
//6Students who pass all subjectsid构成的List
val everySubPassStuIds: List[String] = scores
//Filter out each student's failing subject grades
.filter(sco => sco.score >= subScoreMap.getOrElse(sco.subId, 0) * 0.6)
.groupBy(sco => sco.id)
.map(kv => (kv._1, kv._2.size))
.filter(kv => kv._2 == 6)
//4.Count the top three in each class [学号,姓名,班级,分数]
def question4(): Unit = {
//统计每个学生的总分,以学生id作为key,Student's total score asvalue构建Map
val stuScoreMap: Map[String, Int] = scores
.groupBy(sco => sco.id)
.map(kv => {
val id: String = kv._1
val sumScore: Int = kv._2.map(_.score).sum
(id, sumScore) //If returned is a 2-tuple,则mapYou will get one after processingMap
.map(stu => {
val sumScore: Int = stuScoreMap.getOrElse(stu.id, 0)
(stu.id, stu.name, stu.clazz, sumScore)
.groupBy(t4 => t4._3)
.flatMap(kv => {
val stuS: List[(String, String, String, Int)] = kv._2
//Sort the top three in each class in descending order of the total score
.sortBy(t4 => -t4._4)
.map(t4 => s"${t4._1},${t4._2},${t4._3},${t4._4}")
//5.统计偏科最严重的前100名学生 [学号,姓名,班级,科目,分数]
def question5(): Unit = {
//归一化处理:The total marks for each subject are not exactly the same,All are converted into percentages for calculation
//by subjectidConstruct one with the full marks of the subjectsMap
val subScoreMap: Map[String, Int] = subjects
.map(sub => (sub.subId, sub.subScore)).toMap
val top100ids: List[String] = scores
//遍历scores,Convert all fractions to percentiles
.map(sco => {
val subScore: Int = subScoreMap.getOrElse(sco.subId, 100)
(sco.id, sco.score / subScore.toDouble * 100)
//Group by each student,计算方差
.groupBy(t2 => t2._1)
.map(kv => {
val id: String = kv._1
val scoList: List[(String, Double)] = kv._2
val avgScore: Double = scoList.map(_._2).sum / scoList.size
val variance: Double = scoList
.map {
case (id: String, score: Double) =>
Math.pow(score - avgScore, 2)
}.sum / scoList.size
(id, variance)
.sortBy(t2 => -t2._2)
case class Stu(id: String, name: String, age: Int, gender: String, clazz: String)
case class Sco(id: String, subId: String, score: Int)
case class Sub(subId: String, subName: String, subScore: Int)
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