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[TestLink] testlink1.9.18 solutions to common problems

2022-07-05 17:52:00 bulabula2022


TestLink It can effectively manage the whole process of testing , Because testing follows the whole life cycle of software until the end , So using TestLink To manage the testing process .

TestLink You can talk to Redmine Of the project ,testllink Problems found during the execution of use cases can be recorded redmine in , So choose TestLink Can improve Redmine Project process management system .

Solutions to common problems

I'm building testlink1.9.18 Solutions to problems encountered in the process , Now let's share

Built by myself testlink Detailed service process :win10 System testlink1.9.18 Environmental operation steps .doc-Web Server document class resources -CSDN download

The following content mainly depends on modifying the file config.inc.php Solved , The file directory is in testlink Under the document .

1. Change the size of the imported test suite and test case file
A、 open config.inc.php, lookup $tlCfg->import_file_max_size_bytes, The following data ‘409600’ Change to the expected data value .
B、$tlCfg->import_max_row = '10000' Is the size limit of one line of the imported file .

2. Ban TestLink Safety warning output
A、 open config.inc.php, Get into LOGGING term ;
B、 take $tlCfg->config_check_warning_mode in 'FILE' Change it to ' SILENT';

3. Prohibit users from registering
open config.inc.php, find $tlCfg->user_self_signup , Will follow true Change it to false, The login interface is cancelled New User link .

4. When solving execution TestLink The test case set shows the problem of garbled code
A) Get into ..\Testlink\lib\execute, Edit the file execSetResults.php,
B) lookup :$str .= htmlentities($elem) . ‘/’;
Replace with : $str .= htmlentities($elem, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '/';

5. Solution results are being viewed TestLink The chart shows the problem of garbled code
A) Will download or from Windows Fonts extracted from SIMYOU.TTF copy to Testlink Medium Pchart Font directory for , Path is :
notes : If the font is downloaded , You need to copy the font file to c:/windows/fonts Folder directory
B) modify config.inc.php: take
$tlCfg->charts_font_path = TL_ABS_PATH . “third_party/pchart/Fonts/tahoma.ttf”;
Reset the font in :
$tlCfg->charts_font_path = “c:/windows/fonts/SIMYOU.TTF“;

6.TestLink Time zone problem
TestLink The server time is different from Beijing time 8 In hours or so , It can be solved according to the following methods :
A) stay php.ini( stay C:\WINDOWS Under the table of contents ) Set in date.timezone The value of is PRC, Set the future as :date.timezone=PRC;
B) At the same time, uncomment this line of code , That is, remove the semicolon in front of it ;
C) restart Apache The server .

7.testlink apache The server sets the method of Internet access ( The server )
find apache The configuration file httpd.conf, Find the configuration :
Modify to allow remote access , The code is shown as follows :
<directory />
    options followsymlinks
    allowoverride none
    order deny,allow
    allow from all
And then , open windows A firewall —— Advanced settings —— Inbound rules —— New rules —— choice “ port ”—— next step —— choice tcp、 Specific local port ( Fill in 80)—— next step —— next step —— name —— complete

