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Thesis reading_ Chinese NLP_ LTP

2022-07-05 17:41:00 xieyan0811

English title :N-LTP: An Open-source Neural Language Technology Platform for Chinese
Chinese title : Open source Chinese neural network language technology platform N-LTP
Address of thesis :https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.11616v4.pdf
field : natural language processing
Time of publication :2021
author :Wanxiang Che etc. , Harbin Institute of technology
Source :EMNLP
Quantity cited :18+
Code and data :https://github.com/HIT-SCIR/ltp
Reading time :22.06.20

Journal entry

It is based on Pytorch For chinese Of Offline tools , Take the trained model , Minimum model only 164M. Directly support word segmentation , Six tasks such as named entity recognition , The six tasks basically revolve around word segmentation 、 Determine the composition of the word 、 Relationship .
Actually measured : Better than expected , If used to identify a person's name , The effect is OK , Directly used in vertical fields , Results the general , Further fine tuning may be required .

Article contribution

  • Support six Chinese natural language tasks .
  • be based on Multitasking framework , Sharing knowledge , Reduce memory usage , Speed up .
  • High scalability : Support Introduced by users BERT Class model .
  • Easy to use : Support Multilingual interface C++, Python, Java, Rust
  • Achieve better results than the previous model

Design and Architecture

chart -2 Shows the software architecture , It consists of a coding layer shared by multiple tasks and a decoding layer implemented by each task .

Shared coding layer

Use pre trained models ELECTRA, The input sequence is s=(s1,s2,…,sn), Add symbols to make it s = ([CLS], s1, s2, . . . , sn, [SEP]), Please see BERT principle , The output is the corresponding hidden layer code
H = (h[CLS],h1, h2, . . . , hn, h[SEP]).

Chinese word segmentation CWS

After coding H Substitute linear decoder , Classify each character :

y Is the probability that each character category is each label .

Position marking POS

Location marking is also NLP An important task in , For further parsing . At present, the mainstream method is to treat it as a sequence annotation problem . It will also be encoded H As input , Label of output position :

y Is the probability that the character in this position belongs to a label , among i It's location information .

Named entity recognition NER

The goal of named entity recognition is to find the starting and ending positions of entities , And the category of the entity . Use in tools Adapted-Transformer Method , Add direction and distance features :

The last step also uses a linear classifier to calculate the category of each word :

among y yes NER The probability of belonging to a tag .

Dependency resolution DEP

Dependency parsing mainly analyzes the semantic structure of sentences ( See online examples for details ), Look for the relationship between words . Double affine neural network and einser Algorithm .

Semantic analysis SDP

Similar to dependency analysis , Semantic dependency analysis also captures the semantic structure of sentences . It parses sentences into a dependency syntax tree , Describe the dependencies between the words . That is to say, it points out the syntactic collocation relationship between words , This collocation is related to semantics . Specific include : Subject predicate relationship SBV, The verb object relationship VOB, Settle China relations ATT etc. , See :
from 0 To 1, Teach you how to use it hand in hand NLP Tools ——PyLTP
The specific method is to find semantically related word pairs , And find the predefined semantic relationship . The implementation also uses the double affine model .

When p>0.5 when , They think that words i And j There is a connection between .

Semantic Role Labeling SRL

The main goal of semantic role tagging is to recognize the predicate centered structure of sentences , The specific method is to use end-to-end SRL Model , It combines double affine neural network and conditional random field as encoder , The conditional random field formula is as follows :

among f Used to calculate from yi,j-1 To yi,j The probability of transfer .

Distillation of knowledge

To compare individual training tasks with multi task training , Introduced BAM Method :



$ pip install ltp

On-line demo


Sample code

from ltp import LTP

ltp = LTP()
seg, hidden = ltp.seg([" He asked Tom to get his coat ."])
pos = ltp.pos(hidden)
ner = ltp.ner(hidden)
srl = ltp.srl(hidden)
dep = ltp.dep(hidden)
sdp = ltp.sdp(hidden)

among seg Function implements word segmentation , And output the segmentation result , And the vector representation of each word .

Fine tuning model

Download the source code

$ git clone https://github.com/HIT-SCIR/ltp

In its ltp There is... In the catalog task_xx.py, Trainable and tuning model , Usage as shown in the py Internal example . Form like :

python ltp/task_segmention.py --data_dir=data/seg --num_labels=2 --max_epochs=10 --batch_size=16 --gpus=1 --precision=16 --auto_lr_find=lr


Stanza It supports a multilingual NLP Tools , The comparison of Chinese modeling effect is as follows :

in addition , Experiments also prove that , Faster using federated models , Less memory .

Reference resources

Usage examples :LTP– Extract time, person and place

