2022-08-05 03:25:00 【New Reading of the Classic of Tea.】
Feel free to test to discover web frameworksthinkphp v6.0.0,Arbitrary file manipulation vulnerabilities may exist
Other than that, nothing was found,f12也没有发现什么异常,dirsearch扫描一下发现了www.zip
Access the download file
namespace app\home\controller;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
use think\facade\Db;
use think\facade\View;
use app\common\model\User;
use think\facade\Request;
use app\common\controller\Auth;
class Member extends Base
public function index()
if (session("?UID"))
$data = ["uid" => session("UID")];
$record = session("Record");
$recordArr = explode(",", $record);
$username = Db::name("user")->where($data)->value("username");
return View::fetch('member/index',["username" => $username,"record_list" => $recordArr]);
return view('member/index',["username" => "Are you Login?","record_list" => ""]);
public function login()
if (Request::isPost()){
$username = input("username");
$password = md5(input("password"));
$data["username"] = $username;
$data["password"] = $password;
$userId = Db::name("user")->where($data)->value("uid");
$userStatus = Db::name("user")->where($data)->value("status");
if ($userStatus == 1){
return "<script>alert(\"该用户已被禁用,无法登陆\");history.go(-1)</script>";
if ($userId){
return redirect("/home/member/index");
return "<script>alert(\"用户名或密码错误\");history.go(-1)</script>";
return view('login');
public function register()
if (Request::isPost()){
$data = input("post.");
if (!(new Auth)->validRegister($data)){
return "<script>alert(\"The current username is already registered\");history.go(-1)</script>";
$data["password"] = md5($data["password"]);
$data["status"] = 0;
$res = User::create($data);
if ($res){
return redirect('/home/member/login');
return "<script>alert(\"注册失败\");history.go(-1)</script>";
return View("register");
public function logout()
return "<script>location.href='/home/member/login'</script>";
public function updateUser()
$data = input("post.");
$update = Db::name("user")->where("uid",session("UID"))->update($data);
return json(["code" => 1, "msg" => "修改成功"]);
return json(["code" => 0, "msg" => "修改失败"]);
public function rePassword()
$oldPassword = input("oldPassword");
$password = input("password");
$where["uid"] = session("UID");
$where["password"] = md5($oldPassword);
$res = Db::name("user")->where($where)->find();
if ($res){
$rePassword = User::update(["password" => md5($password)],["uid"=> session("UID")]);
if ($rePassword){
return json(["code" => 1, "msg" => "修改成功"]);
return json(["code" => 0, "msg" => "修改失败"]);
return json(["code" => 0, "msg" => "原密码错误"]);
public function search()
if (Request::isPost()){
if (!session('?UID'))
return redirect('/home/member/login');
$data = input("post.");
$record = session("Record");
if (!session("Record"))
$recordArr = explode(",",$record);
$recordLen = sizeof($recordArr);
if ($recordLen >= 3){
session("Record",implode(",",$recordArr) . "," . $data["key"]);
return View::fetch("result",["res" => "There's nothing here"]);
session("Record",$record . "," . $data["key"]);
return View::fetch("result",["res" => "There's nothing here"]);
return View("search");
Audit code foundsession:ThinkPhP6 会默认在 /runtime/session 创建一个sess_xxxx格式的session文件,这里的xxxx就是PHPSESSID(32位),And the content of the file issession的内容,也就是key的内容.并且发现了:
if ($userId){
return redirect("/home/member/index");
这里把uid写入当前的session中,That is what we originally constructedPHPSESSID=1111111111111111111111111111.php的session是没有uid的,没办法实现search功能,这里可以把uid赋给session,That is, you can write horses in the search page(Put the package there to modify and put the package,This will upload the horse)
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