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The UVM Primer——Chapter2: A Conventional Testbench for the TinyALU
2022-07-02 12:51:00 【ICER Xiaoshi tablet】
In the building UVM Before validating the environment , Let's start with SystemVerilog Verify the platform , Then, step by step, transition to the complete UVM Verification platform .
TinyALU The requirements for the verification platform are as follows :
- Full test TinyALU The function of
- Simulation RTL Each line of code and the path through these lines of code
So we need to create the content that needs to be covered , Then create a verification platform to cover the code . And create a self checking verification platform , In this way, there is no need to check manually when running back .
TinyALU Functional coverage model
We use SystemVerilog Of covergroup To achieve ( For details, please refer to the green book SystemVerilog), Coverage targets are as follows :
- Test all instructions
- Full of all instructions ”0” Input simulation
- Full of all instructions ”1” Input simulation
- Run after reset of all instructions
- A single cycle instruction is followed by a multiplication instruction
- A single cycle instruction is run after the multiply instruction
- Simulation of two consecutive runs of instructions
After all the above conditions are verified and passed , We can confirm this TinyALU Is available . Whether to achieve 100% Code coverage also needs to be checked .
testbench file
Put the verification platform in the same simulation file , This file contains three parts : incentive 、 Self inspection and coverage . Instantiate in the file DUT, And for it Apply an incentive and Use self-test and Overlay acquisition Of always Module to monitor it .
testbench Variable definitions
Define motivation in a form that is easy to define TinyALU Instructions , The verification platform signal is defined as follows :
module top;
typedef enum bit[2:0] {no_op = 3'b000,
add_op = 3'b001,
and_op = 3'b010,
xor_op = 3'b011,
mul_op = 3'b100,
rst_op = 3'b111} operation_t;
byte unsigned A;
byte unsigned B;
bit clk;
bit reset_n;
wire [2:0] op;
bit start;
wire done;
wire [15:0] result;
operation_t op_set;
assign op = op_set;
tinyalu DUT (.A, .B, .clk, .op, .reset_n, .start, .done, .result);
Use SystemVerilog The enumeration type of will TinyALU The instruction of is defined as enumerating variables . In order to facilitate the use of the verification platform , We will DUT Not found in rst_op Instruction adds instruction enumeration type .assign Statement is used to enter instructions into DUT On the command bus .
We use SystemVerilog Of byte and bit To define incentive variables . Last , We use the form of port sequence mapping ( So you don't have to write the signal name twice , It's a good feature ) To exemplify DUT.
covergroup modular
use covergroup To capture functional coverage . First define covergroup, Re instantiate and use it to collect
covergroup op_cov;
coverpoint op_set {
bins single_cycle[] = {[add_op : xor_op], rst_op,no_op};
bins multi_cycle = {mul_op};
bins opn_rst[] = ([add_op:mul_op] => rst_op);
bins rst_opn[] = (rst_op => [add_op:mul_op]);
bins sngl_mul[] = ([add_op:xor_op],no_op => mul_op);
bins mul_sngl[] = (mul_op => [add_op:xor_op], no_op);
bins twoops[] = ([add_op:mul_op] [* 2]);
bins manymult = (mul_op [* 3:5]);
covergroup zeros_or_ones_on_ops;
all_ops : coverpoint op_set {
ignore_bins null_ops = {rst_op, no_op};}
a_leg: coverpoint A {
bins zeros = {'h00};
bins others= {['h01:'hFE]};
bins ones = {'hFF};
b_leg: coverpoint B {
bins zeros = {'h00};
bins others= {['h01:'hFE]};
bins ones = {'hFF};
op_cov This covergroup To ensure that we cover all instructions and possible combinations between these instructions .zeros_or_ones_on_ops This covergroup Used to check whether we use all... On all instructions 0 And all 1 Operands are tested .
After defining these covergroup after , We need to Statement , Exemplification and collection :
initial begin : coverage
oc = new();
c_00_FF = new();
forever begin @(negedge clk);
end : coverage
This is a very simple coverage model . We check on the falling edge of each clock TinyALU Input and record instructions and data . To achieve complete coverage, we need to use constrained random excitation .
tester modular
You can write a direct test case for each coverage target to verify , For small DUT It is feasible. . A more efficient way is to use random incentives , And it is a random excitation with constraints . Use here get_op( ) and get_data( ) Two functions to realize random excitation with constraints :
initial begin : tester
reset_n = 1'b0;
@(negedge clk);
@(negedge clk);
reset_n = 1'b1;
start = 1'b0;
repeat (1000) begin
@(negedge clk);
op_set = get_op();
A = get_data();
B = get_data();
start = 1'b1;
case (op_set) // handle the start signal
no_op: begin
@(posedge clk);
start = 1'b0;
rst_op: begin
reset_n = 1'b0;
start = 1'b0;
@(negedge clk);
reset_n = 1'b1;
default: begin
start = 1'b0;
endcase // case (op_set)
end : tester
This cycle is TinyALU Generated 1000 individual transaction. Each time we cycle from get_op() Get random instructions in , from get_data( ) Get random operands in , Then drive them to TinyALU, And executed start Signal protocol . These two functions ensure that we get legal instructions and valid data .
scoreboard Cycle self-test
Scoreboard Recycle the expected results to check TinyALU Result . The cycle will monitor done The signal , whenever done Signal up ,scoreboard according to TinyALU The input of predicts the result , And check whether it is correct .
always @(posedge done) begin : scoreboard
shortint predicted_result;
case (op_set)
add_op: predicted_result = A + B;
and_op: predicted_result = A & B;
xor_op: predicted_result = A ^ B;
mul_op: predicted_result = A * B;
endcase // case (op_set)
if ((op_set != no_op) && (op_set != rst_op))
if (predicted_result != result)
$error ("FAILED: A: %0h B: %0h op: %s result: %0h",
A, B, op_set.name(), result);
end : scoreboard
Simple verification platform
It has been finished by now TinyALU Verification platform , Delivery function coverage , Check whether all instructions work properly , Little work to generate incentives , With only one module and file .
But this verification platform is not a good example , All the behaviors are mixed together in one file . this
These make this verification platform difficult to reuse . How to improve the verification platform ? The first thing we noticed was scoreboard modular , coverage Module and tester Modules are defined on top of completely different functions , They don't have to be in the same file . After separating them , We can reuse the modules in this verification platform to other verification platforms , It is convenient to modify other Test Other modules in the module , Like motivation .
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