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[C question set] of V
2022-07-02 22:01:00 【InfoQ】
write in front
Question 21 → Suppose you enter a number 5, Realization 1+2+3+4+5=16, Similarly, input any number to produce the sum of each number ( Recursive method implementation )
- Every recursive function should only make a limited number of recursive calls , Otherwise it will enter a dead end , Never quit , Such a procedure is meaningless .
- There are restrictions, When this restriction is met , Recursion will not continue .
- After every recursive callGetting closer to this limit.
Question 22 → Exchange two values with a pointer , Temporary variables cannot be created for exchange replacement
Question 23 → Write code , Demonstrate the movement of multiple characters from both ends , Converging in the middle .( One cycle delay 1s Then clear the screen , Finally print out the characters )
char arr1[] = "Cyuyuanyyds";
char arr2[] = "###########";
Sleep();// The time delay function , Be careful :S Use capital letters
system("cls");// Screen clearing function
Question 24 → use switch Branch statements enter Monday through Sunday , If you enter a range other than Monday to Sunday, print eroor (switch Statements for )
switch( expression )
case Constant expression 1:
sentence 1;
case Constant expression 2:
sentence 2;
case Constant expression n:
sentence n;
default :
By default, statement blocks ;
Question 25 → Please input a password , Then input Y Yes, confirm the password ,N Yes, confirmation failed
Question 21 code
int face(int n)
if (n <= 1)
return 1;
return (n+face(n - 1));// Attention priority
int main(void)
int n;
printf(" Please enter your number :");
scanf("%d", &n);
int ret = face(n);
printf("N = %d\n", ret);
return 0;
Question 22 code
void swap(int *x, int *y)
// Bitwise XOR hypothesis yes x = 1,y = 2
*x ^= *y;//x = x^y // 0001 ^ 0010 = 0011 = 3 here x = 3
*y ^= *x;//y = x^y // 0011 ^ 0010 = 0001 = 1 here y = 1
*x ^= *y;//x = x^y // 0011 ^ 0001 = 0010 = 2 here x = 2 result x = 2,y = 1
int main(void)
int a, b;
printf(" Please enter two numbers :");
scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
printf("a,b Exchange before : a = %d,b = %d\n", a, b);
swap(&a, &b);
printf("a,b After exchanging : a = %d,b = %d\n", a, b);
return 0;
Question 23 code
#include<string.h>//strlen Long header file
#include<windows.h>//system(""); Execute command header file
int main(void)
char arr1[] = "nageshijieshimeng";
char arr2[] = "#################";
int left = 0;// Subscript Access subscript elements from 0 Start
int right = strlen(arr1) - 1;// Length string Subscript Subscripts are less than the number of elements 1, So you have to subtract 1
while (left <= right)// When subscript <= Subscript ( character ) Then stop the cycle
arr2[left] = arr1[left]; // hold [arr1]n=[arr2]# On the left left First character
arr2[right] = arr1[right];// hold [arr2]g=[arr2]# On the right right First character
printf("%s\n", arr2);
Sleep(1000); // Delay 1000ms = 1s
system("cls");// Clear the current screen
printf("%s\n", arr2);// Finally print out the result
return 0;
Question 24 code
int main(void)
int input = 0;
printf("Please enter:");
scanf("%d", &input);
switch (input)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
Question 25 code
int main(void)
char password[20] = { 0 };
int ret = 0;
printf(" Please input a password :");
//password It's an array name , The array name itself is already addressed .
scanf("%s", password);
// When we program scanf The function has... When reading the buffer \n, So we should take \n This character of is read ! Note that the buffer will remain \n
int ch;
while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n');// build while Loop until the buffer '\n' Finished reading
printf(" Please confirm the password (Y/N):");
ret = getchar();// After reading , Proceed again getchar() An input to
if (ret == 'Y')
printf(" Confirm success !\n");
if (ret == 'N')
printf(" Confirmation failed !\n");
if (ret != 'Y'&&'N')
printf(" The input format is incorrect !\n");
return 0;
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