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php microtime encapsulates the tool class, calculates the running time of the interface (breakpoint)
2022-08-03 12:11:00 【listen to the years】
There was a problem when we finished developing the relevant business procedures for the section we were responsible for and then published it online.Then, when troubleshooting, it was found that the interface timed out.So we need some way to know the execution time of each work link of this interface.Based on my ideas and experience, this article designs a tool class, through which we can know the running time of each work link.
php itself provides a function microtime, through this function and cooperate with us to break the point.We can know the time-consuming of various places when the program is running.
This sample is suitable for php-fpm mode or cli mode. If you use swoole-work, please consider the problem of dirty data (swoole-work resident memory, multiple threads share memory)
Encapsulate microtime and design a breakpoint class
startTime = microtime(true);//initialize an empty class$this->runTimes = new \StdClass;}public function addPoint(string $pointName){//Statistical breakpoint time$this->runTimes->{$pointName} = microtime(true);}// breakpoint time calculationpublic function calculation(){//Initialize an empty class to count$data = new \StdClass;// breakpoint time calculationif(!empty($this->runTimes)){foreach((array)$this->runTimes as $k=>$v){$data->{$k} = number_format(bcsub($v , $this->startTime,4) * 1000,4) . "milliseconds";}}return $data;}}
About the use of breakpoint classes
public function index14(){$runTime = new Point();/*** @var Test3 $test3*/$test3 = app()->make(Test3::class);//breakpoint -1$runTime->addPoint("test3_run");$userinfo = $test3->userService->get(867076808);//breakpoint-2$runTime->addPoint("user_service_get");$this->info($userinfo->username);//breakpoint-3$runTime->addPoint("print");// print breakpoint execution timedd($runTime->calculation());}
Output results
wsyUMcKjfP{+"test3_run": "9.8000ms"+"user_service_get": "27.5000ms"+"print": "27.9000ms"}
Generally we often use this auxiliary class to detect the time-consuming of
restFule interface
Time-consuming execution of a class method
Time-consuming mysql connection
Time-consuming mysql CURD operation
Time-consuming redis connection
Time-consuming redis query
Time-consuming to read and write files
Time-consuming to execute business programs
According to the execution of the program, we know the execution time of each work unit, and then design the optimization plan.
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