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Test requirements for MIC certification of Bluetooth 2.4G products in Japan
2020-11-08 08:09:00 【I'm sorry.】
because 2.4GHz It's a kind of engineering medicine without license (ISM) Frequency band , So it's also the most widely used 、 One of the most crowded frequency ranges , Typical 2.4GHz The product has Bluetooth (Bluetooth),WIFI, Cordless telephone , wireless MIC etc. . This kind of product applies to Japan MIC( It's also called radio wave or TELEC) Specific tests required by Certification .
MIC Requirements are mandatory certification requirements for wireless products in Japan , It is similar to the domestic model approval for wireless products (SRRC) requirement . It follows the upper law of Japan radio wave law . The specific test specification is to follow the Ministry of general affairs of Japan (MIC) Notice 88 Regulation No , The update and maintenance of the test specification is also carried out by the Ministry of general affairs of Japan .
It's about 2.4GHz The specific standard of Bluetooth products is MIC No.88 Annex 43. The following is a list of specific test items that should be considered according to the standard , Mainly as follows :
1、 Frequency error test (FrequencyError Measurement);
2、 Coupling bandwidth / Carrier frequency bandwidth test (Occupied Bandwidth and Spread-spectrum Bandwidth / Factor);
3、 Stray disturbance test (UnwantedEmission Intensity Measurement);
4、 Antenna power error test (AntennaPower Error Measurement);
5、 Receiver spurious disturbance test (Limitationof Collateral Emission of Receiver Measurement);
6、EIRP Antenna power test (TransmissionAntenna Gain (EIRP Antenna Power) Measurement);
7、3dB Lobe bandwidth test (TransmissionRadiation Angle Width 3dB Bandwidth Measurement);
8、 Duty cycle test (DutyCycle Measurement);
9、 Take time to test (retentiontime);
10、 Interference protection and carrier interception (RadioInterference Prevention Capability & Carrier Sense Capability Measurement).
In Japan, MIC Certification is for WIFI Of 2.4G requirement , The specific test items are similar to Bluetooth products , But it needs to be pointed out that it is aimed at 2.4GHz WiFi Of the product 14 channel (Channel14:2471〜2497MHz), In Japan, TELEC It needs to be used separately in authentication Annex 44 Standard for testing and reporting .
For the above Certification , If you still have questions , Welcome to leave a message to discuss with each other , Together to promote !
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