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Learn Scala if Else statement
2020-11-07 22:18:00 【That's how Linux should learn】
scala It's a multi paradigm (multi-paradigm) Programming language , The original intention of the design is to integrate various features of object-oriented programming and functional programming .Scala Running on the Java Virtual machine , And compatible with existing Java Program . |
Scala IF...ELSE Statement is the result of execution through one or more statements (True perhaps False) To determine the code block to execute .
You can simply understand the execution process of conditional statements through the following figure :
if Statements are composed of Boolean expressions and subsequent statement blocks .
if The syntax format of the statement is as follows :
if( Boolean expression )
// If the Boolean expression is true The statement block is executed
If the Boolean expression is true Then execute the statement block in the braces , Otherwise, the statement block in the bracket will be skipped , Execute the statement block after the braces .
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
var x = 10;
if( x < 20 ){
println("x < 20");
Execute the above code , The output is :
$ scalac Test.scala
$ scala Test
x < 20
if After the statement, you can follow else sentence ,else The statement block within can be in the Boolean expression as false When it comes to execution .
if...else The syntax of is as follows :
if( Boolean expression ){
// If the Boolean expression is true The statement block is executed
// If the Boolean expression is false The statement block is executed
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
var x = 30;
if( x < 20 ){
println("x Less than 20");
println("x Greater than 20");
Execute the above code , The output is :
$ scalac Test.scala
$ scala Test
x Greater than 20
if After the statement, you can follow else if...else sentence , It is useful in the case of multiple conditional statements .
if...else if...else The syntax is as follows :
if( Boolean expression 1){
// If the Boolean expression 1 by true The statement block is executed
}else if( Boolean expression 2){
// If the Boolean expression 2 by true The statement block is executed
}else if( Boolean expression 3){
// If the Boolean expression 3 by true The statement block is executed
}else {
// If all of the above conditions are false Execute the statement block
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
var x = 30;
if( x == 10 ){
println("X The value of is 10");
}else if( x == 20 ){
println("X The value of is 20");
}else if( x == 30 ){
println("X The value of is 30");
println(" Unable to judge X Value ");
Execute the above code , The output is :
$ scalac Test.scala
$ scala Test
X The value of is 30
if...else Nested statements can be implemented in if One or more statements are embedded in if sentence .
if...else The syntax format of nested statements is as follows :
if( Boolean expression 1){
// If the Boolean expression 1 by true The statement block is executed
if( Boolean expression 2){
// If the Boolean expression 2 by true The statement block is executed
else if...else Nested statements similar if...else Nested statement .
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
var x = 30;
var y = 10;
if( x == 30 ){
if( y == 10 ){
println("X = 30 , Y = 10");
Execute the above code , The output is :
$ scalac Test.scala
$ scala Test
X = 30 , Y = 10
This paper addresses :https://www.linuxprobe.com/learn-scala-if.html
本文为[That's how Linux should learn]所创,转载请带上原文链接,感谢
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