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Automated testing problems you must understand, boutique summary

2022-07-06 15:13:00 Test Xiaowan


1、 Why automated testing ?

2、 What problems can automated testing solve ?

3、 What are the shortcomings of automated testing ?

4、 Common automated testing framework ?

5、 Significance and necessity of interface testing

6、 Necessary skills for interface testing

7、 Interface automation testing

1、 Why automated testing ?

① The regression efficiency of black box test is low ;

② Contingency and uncertainty of manual testing ;

③ The coverage of regression is insufficient ;

④ The quality of the products delivered is not guaranteed , It's all about assessment ;

⑤ The more complex the system is , The more questions ;

⑥ Long online time 、 Butterfly effect caused by high construction failure rate ( Fast iteration , Overtime );

2、 What problems can automated testing solve ?

① Increase the response rate after the problem ;

② Reduce return costs ;

③ Improve return coverage ;

④ Improve return efficiency ;

⑤ Improve the stability of regression ;



3、 What are the shortcomings of automated testing ?

① Can't reduce the cost of investment , But to speed up the feedback of test results , Improve test quality ;

② Automation is for regression and smoke , Instead of discovering BUG;

③ The recording and playback function is chicken ribs , Visualization is not a good way ;

④ Not all system functions are suitable for automatic testing ;

4、 Common automated testing framework ?

Interface automation frameworks are often combined :

 Scheme 1 :Java+TestNG/Junit+Maven/ANT/Gradle+Jenkins+Mysql+Testlink/Redmine
 Option two :JMeter+Maven/ANT/Gradle+Jenkins+Mysql+Testlink/Redmine
 Option three :Python+Unittest/Pytest+Jenkins+Testlink/Redmine
 Option four :Python+Robot Framework+Jenkins+Testlink/Redmine

UI Automated test frameworks are often combined :

 Scheme 1 :Java+Selenium/Appium+TestNG/Junit+Maven/ANT/Gradle+Jenkins+Mysql+Testlink/Redmine
 Option two :Python+Selenium/Appium+Unittest/Pytest+Jenkins+Testlink/Redmine
 Option three :Python+Selenium/Appium+Robot Framework+Jenkins+Testlink/Redmine

Through some common frameworks above , What did you find ? They all have common characteristics : programing language + Unit test framework + Scan compiler + Continuous integration tools + database + Project management tools .

  • programing language : Write test script 、 Logging and output ;

  • Unit test framework : Provide test script to run 、 Configuration of some columns such as exception verification ;

  • Scan compiler : Scan and compile test files , Generally, it is better to use it with continuous integration tools ;

  • Continuous integration tools :Jenkins, Classic continuous integration tools ;

  • database : Test data management ;

  • Project management tools : Statistical management of test results ;

There are too many automated testing tools , The above just lists the high utilization rate and some open source tools , Specific frame selection , According to the specific project characteristics and team 、 Personal technical characteristics .

5、 Significance and necessity of interface testing

Interface , namely API, Application programming interface . following Mainly talk about the necessity and significance of interface testing :

The interface test is implemented under the multi system platform architecture , It has an extremely efficient cost-benefit ratio ( Of course , Unit testing is more profitable , But the cost of implementing unit testing is greater , Higher technical requirements , Therefore, we should choose the best scheme that is more suitable for ourselves ).

Interface testing naturally brings efficient defect detection and quality supervision capabilities to highly complex platforms , Complex platform , The bigger the system , The more effective the interface test is .

in general , Interface testing is the best solution driven by the internal requirements of ensuring the quality of high complexity systems and low-cost economic benefits , Mainly reflected in the following three aspects :



1、 Save testing costs

Calculate according to the data model , A program at the bottom BUG May cause the upper layer 8 about BUG, And at the bottom BUG It is more likely to cause the crash of the whole network ; Interface testing can provide low-cost and efficient solutions when the system complexity increases .

2、 Interface testing is different from unit testing

Interface test is a comprehensive, efficient and continuous test of system interface from the perspective of users .

3、 More efficient

Implement interface testing as automation and continuous integration , When the complexity and volume of the system are larger , The lower the cost of interface testing , Corresponding , The higher the benefit output .

6、 Necessary skills for interface testing

Skills required to conduct interface testing , Basically the following points :

Business flow : Understand the business logic interaction between the system and its internal components ;

Data flow : Understand the interface of I/O(input/output: Input and output );

agreement : Include HTTP agreement ,TCP/IP Protocol family ;

Tools : Tools can help us finish our work better and more efficiently , Common interface testing tools are :Jmeter、LoadRunner、SoapUI、Postman etc. ;

Database knowledge : Whether it's acquiring knowledge from a database , Or confirm the data landing , Or what the interface does to the data , All need to confirm , So database knowledge ( In fact, it's just adding, deleting, modifying and checking ) It's necessary to ;

Several necessary points of interface document : integrity 、 Uniformity 、 Fault tolerance ;

7、 Interface automation testing

1、 How to carry out interface testing ?

  • First , Debug a single interface , Ensure the correctness and smoothness of a single interface ( Similar to benchmarking in performance testing );

  • secondly , Clear data flow , Business flow ;

  • Last , take N A series of interface test scripts , Execution can be ;

The most important point , Don't think about too many and complex levels , First, do the most basic and simple , Half the battle , As for extensible third-party interfaces 、https、 Timing task 、 Automatic test report 、 Automatic e-mail and other functions , These are constantly accumulated and optimized , It's better to think too much than to act , Let the interface automation test fall to the ground , That's what we need to consider first .

2、 Issues that need to be clear before proceeding ?

① The test object now contains several pages ?

② Each page involves several interfaces ?

③ At which step do you call ?

④ What fields does each interface contain ?

⑤ Each field corresponds to which table in the database ?

⑥ What do the fields in each table mean ?

⑦ How each interface operates on the table ?

3、 Build an automated testing framework

What is a framework ? You can understand it as a complete ring , It can also be understood as a complete set of environment for running interface test scripts , platform , Anything can be ; Generally, an automated testing framework includes the following points .

Data pool : Storage and management of test data , It is generally integrated into one data package , These include :

log( Log files )、report( Test report file , It's usually xml Format )、case-data( Test data of a single interface , It's usually json Format )、server-data( Data connected in series with interface services , It can be used excel management )

Script management center : Unified management of interface test scripts 、 Storage 、 Dispatching center , Common tools are maven、ant etc. , Or you can use the functions provided by the unit test framework in the programming language , Just choose what's right for you ;

Operation platform Generally, these test scripts are run with the help of tools , Several of the tools mentioned above can be used (jemter、loadrunner、soapui etc. ), Again , It's important to choose the right ;

Continuous integration tools : The most common is Jenkins, Its function is to monitor the call and execution of external programs , Schedule or trigger scheduled tasks , Test script execution and other functions ;

Communication services :dubbo、spring_boot、thrift etc. RPC、REST Synchronous call service ;

Test result statistics management center : such as testlink, The purpose is to automatically update and upload test results , Better statistical test results , For later optimization ;

To make a long story short , The meaning of interface automation testing is : Data is separated from script , Automatic submission notification of test results , Improve the maintenance convenience of test scripts and test data, etc .

Thank everyone who reads my article carefully !!!

If you can use the following information, you can take it away directly :

1、 Self study development or test the necessary complete project source code and environment

2、 Test all templates in the work ( test plan 、 The test case 、 Test report, etc )

3、 Classic interview questions for software testing

4、Python/Java Automation test practice .pdf

5、Jmeter/postman Interface test full set of video acquisition

I personally sorted out some technical materials I have sorted out in my software testing career in recent years , contain : e-book , Resume module , Various work templates , Interview treasure , Self study projects, etc . Please find me in the comment area if you need it. Thank you




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