当前位置:网站首页>Vysor uses WiFi wireless connection for screen projection_ Operate the mobile phone on the computer_ Wireless debugging -- uniapp native development 008

Vysor uses WiFi wireless connection for screen projection_ Operate the mobile phone on the computer_ Wireless debugging -- uniapp native development 008

2022-07-06 14:47:00 Brain cooling

Sometimes when doing development , Real machine debugging is required for mobile phones , But when debugging the real machine, if , Always use your mobile phone to check

Connect the cable ... It is trouble

    1、 To use a wireless connection, you first need to download adb Configure environment variables

here adb Can download , It can also be used directly androidSDK Medium adb.exe file

D:\ProgramFiles\AndroidSDK\platform-tools For example, I use it AndroidSDK Medium , Then we put him directly

Configure it to the environment variable

Find computer properties

Find the environment variable , Then open the , see path,


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