当前位置:网站首页>The salary of testers is polarized. How to become an automated test with a monthly salary of 20K?

The salary of testers is polarized. How to become an automated test with a monthly salary of 20K?

2022-07-06 14:43:00 Programming simplicity

Ta Just graduated for half a year , I was promoted to a higher salary and became a test supervisor

( It's the same day 24 Hours , Why are your peers abandoning you ?)

95 After just work 2、3 year , Annual salary 50W+

( What beat us , Never age )

Average wage income of national test and development 15K/ month , Look how much you're missing ?

Average salary of automation test in Beijing :¥18.9K/ month ( The data comes from zhiyou.com )

The average salary of Shanghai Automation Testing :¥17.1K/ month ( The data comes from zhiyou.com )

He said it , There are several stages between technical Daniel and testing Xiaobai , And we ordinary testers who are separated between the two , Instead of wasting time worrying , To regret , It's better to study how to improve your ability !

People who really work hard ,

How hard ?

There are many desperate people in this world :

In order to get a lot of orders , Stay up all night for a week

Media people in order to get first-hand news , reject 、 No fixed abode

College students to support their families , Play every day 5 Part time job

Programmers for the normal operation of the company , New year's Eve is still Typing Code

And I'm —— An ordinary Tester , In order to get a higher salary , Become a test expert admired by others , It's hard 5 year !

Stand still every day ,

Wages don't rise for ten thousand years

Suddenly look back , The ups and downs of software testing 5 year , At first, every day's work was just a mouse click , Don't ask me how to write test cases , I don't know , I really doubt my existence value when I'm free , Take it every day 7000 The salary of , Floating in the bustling big Shanghai , If you don't have enough to eat, you won't die of hunger , The future is at a loss ……

Time flies , The longer you work, the more you will realize that testing is not so simple , Just click the mouse , Can't go long , Wages are gradually unable to meet the needs of life , Suddenly understand , For a tester , I don't have a good framework , Follow your feelings completely , Can't write a good test case at all .

The test is definitely not done alone , You can't avoid dealing with people , Most of them communicate with developers , If you encounter good development , The process goes like this :

You propose bug→ Find the cause of development → Find code problems in development → Development changes ;

If you encounter a bad Developer , The process goes like this :

You propose bug→ Development ignores you → Rain woman has no melon → Speak a bunch of development languages → Continue to ignore you → You can only sulk .

therefore , To facilitate communication with developers , I started learning programming languages , what Python、Java…… Don't try to write perfect code , But seek to narrow the generation gap with development .

I'm starting to get motivated , With the direction of efforts …

Many people fight in this era ,

Few people can spell

Continue my testing career , I suddenly found out , Test this line , It's always different , I will, others won't , Others will, but not themselves .

I remember an interview with a listed company , The interviewer asked me what I was best at , I was suddenly speechless , I can't say I'm good at learning , I can't say I'm good at searching information on the Internet , I can't say I'm good at clicking the mouse , There must be something to take , There must be outstanding technology !

Quickly understand the business → Sort out project requirements → Test case design …… These are the basic requirements of being a tester ,

If you want to better improve work efficiency , Can do automated testing → Performance testing → Security testing is really necessary ,

Similarly, each test is inseparable from an in-depth understanding of the business → Sort out the positioning test requirements → Design reasonable test cases → Select the appropriate test work → Master the use of test tools → Analyze test results ……

If you want to use test tools , You have to be able to write code , Just recording and playback , Peer to peer , It will certainly become the laughing stock of others , Again , The analysis results also need the blessing of the code 、 Understanding of hardware equipment and use of database ……

To make a long story short , Whatever is missing , For testers, they dig a hole for themselves , There's not enough evidence , Naturally, it will be developed , Not enough skills , Of course, it will be criticized by the leaders .

Everyone knows the truth , But many people don't know how to improve technology ? How to spell ?

Instead of fooling around

It's better to follow Daniel to learn the method

I've seen a lot of desperate colleagues , Learn this, too , Look at that, too , A lot of learning materials are collected , In the end, it's just “ With tactical diligence , Cover up strategic laziness ”, As a result, it still can't show its skill in the test project . In such a competitive era , The only thing waiting is to be surpassed by new people , Be eliminated by enterprises .

Company bosses often say :“ Many people fight in this era , Few people can spell ! We can't worry blindly , Be sure to master the method , Improve your skills , Combination of actual combat and Technology !”

I want to make good use of it , You must sharpen your tools first .

“ you share rose get fun ”! I also want to be your life mentor on the road of test development , Share my experience with you , Help you better break through yourself , Improve yourself !

therefore , I recommend you one 【Python automated testing 】, We can discuss communication software testing together , Learn software testing together 、 Interview and other aspects of software testing , Help you advance quickly Python automated testing / Test Development , On the road to high pay


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