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XSS (cross site scripting attack) for security interview

2022-07-06 14:16:00 Unknown white hat

1、XSS principle : Developers did not do a good job of filtering , As a result, we can close the tag and insert and execute malicious JS Code

2、xss Type classification

DOM type : from DOM The document is parsed

reflective : Plug and play , Not stored in the database

Storage type : Stored in the database , Cause persistent attacks

3、 frequently-used JS function

document.cookie(): Pop up the browser of the current web address cookie

console.log('xss'): Log output at the console

4、 Way around

4.1. Change case :<SCript>

4.2. Code bypass (html Entity encoding 、 Decimal hexadecimal octal encoding 、unicode code )、

4.3. Turn off the tag : Use the greater than sign > Closing the tag makes xss take effect

4.4. Double write and forgive :<scr<script>ipt>

4.5. You can use spaces . Line break ,tab Key or /**/,/*!a*/, Bypass keyword detection in the form of

4.6. use / Instead of spaces
4.7. Use inverted quotation marks instead of parentheses 、 Double quotes
4.8. use throw Replace brackets
4.9. use html Entity encoding : Instead of a colon
4.10. use jsfuck Encoding bypasses most character filtering

5、 Scan tool


6、XSS Fishing platform

kali Tools :BEEF

Free platform :https://xss.pt/

Phishing statement :<img src=https://xss.pt/hook.js>

7、xss defense

7.1、 Filter sensitive characters , for example :aler()、<script>、onerror

7.2、 increase httponly: Front end execution is prohibited JS Code


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