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Experiment 6 inheritance and polymorphism

2022-07-06 13:55:00 Wen Wen likes Guo Zia

Experiment six    Inheritance and polymorphism

The experiment purpose

1. Master the use method of interface

2. Master the inheritance of subclasses 、 Subclass object creation process

3. Master the inheritance and hiding of member variables 、 Method inheritance and rewriting

Experimental hours 6 Class hours

Experimental content

1. Write a program for the elderly card of the bus 、 Student card and ordinary citizen card provide charging function . Recharge 、 Charging function extraction , Defined in an interface , Then it is implemented by these three card classes . Finally, write a test class , It is used to test the card swiping operation of bus class III cards .

package code61;

public interface Buscard {  // Defining interfaces Bus card

void recharge();

void charge();


package code61;

public class Oldpeople implements Buscard {  // Implementation interface

public void recharge() {

System.out.println(" The elderly card is recharged successfully !");  // Rewrite the recharge method of the interface


public void charge() {

System.out.println(" Use a senior citizen card , Deduct one yuan !");  // Rewrite the charging method of the interface



package code61;

public class People implements Buscard {  // Implementation interface

public void recharge() {

System.out.println(" The ordinary citizen card has been recharged successfully !");  // Rewrite the interface recharge method


public void charge() {

System.out.println(" Use an ordinary citizen card , buckle 2 element !");  // Rewrite the interface charging method



package code61;

public class Student implements Buscard {  // Implementation interface

public void recharge() {

System.out.println(" Student card recharge succeeded !");  // Rewrite the interface recharge method


public void charge() {

System.out.println(" Use student cards , buckle 1.5 element !");  // Rewrite the interface charging method



package code61;

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO  Automatically generated method stubs

Oldpeople O = new Oldpeople();


O.charge();  // Define the elderly card object , And call recharge 、 Charging method

Student S = new Student();


S.charge();  // Define student card object , And call recharge 、 Charging method

People P = new People();


P.charge();  // Define the citizen card object , And call recharge 、 Charging method



2. Design four classes 、 An interface , The relationship between classes is as follows :


In the class App Use in Compute、Circle、Rectangle class , stay Compute Class Shape Interface (Shape Object as computeArea The formal parameters of the method ),Circle、Rectangle Class implementation interface Shape, rewrite area() Method . In the figure “+” It means public,“-” It means private, The upper column in the block diagram is the name of the class or interface , The middle column is the attribute , The next column is the method .

stay App Class main() in :

  1. Create a Compute Class object 、 One Circle Class object and a Rectangle Class object .
  2. call Compute Object's computeArea Method ( The actual parameters are Circle object ) Calculate the area of a circle .
  3. call Compute Object's computeArea Method ( The actual parameters are Rectangle object ) Calculate rectangular area .

package code62;

public class App {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO  Automatically generated method stubs

Compute a = new Compute();

Circle b = new Circle(2);

Rectangle c = new Rectangle(2,2);

System.out.println(" The area of the circle is :"+a.computArea(b));  // call Compute Object's computeArea Method , The argument is Circle object

System.out.println(" The area of the rectangle is :"+a.computArea(c));  // call Compute Object's computeArea Method , The argument is Rectangle object



package code62;

public class Circle implements Shape {  // Implementation interface

private int radius;

public Circle(int radius) {



public double area() {

return PI*radius*radius;  // Rewrite the interface area Method , Find the area of a circle



package code62;

public class Compute {

public double computArea(Shape s) {  //Shape Object as the formal parameter of the method

return s.area();



package code62;

public class Rectangle implements Shape {  // Implementation interface

private int width;

private int height;

public Rectangle(int width,int height) {




public double area() {

return width*height;  // Rewrite the interface area Method , Find the rectangular area



package code62;

public interface Shape {  // Defining interfaces

double PI=3.14;

double area();


3. Ordinary door and alarm door .

(1) Define an interface Alarm( Call the police ), Contains an alarm method void alarm( );

(2) Define a class Door( Ordinary door ),Door Class has a private property name( brand ); Yes 4 Public methods getName、setName、open( Open door )、close( close );open、close The function of the method is determined by yourself .

(3) Define a class AlarmDoor( Alarm door ), Inherit Door class , Implementation interface Alarm, Override abstract methods in interfaces alarm( The function of the method is determined by yourself ).

(3) Write a test class DoorTest, stay main In the method , Give various types of alarm doors and ordinary doors , Call to open the door 、 close 、 Alarm and other actions .

package code63;

public interface Alarm {  // Defining interfaces

void alarm();


package code63;

public class AlarmDoor extends Door implements Alarm {  // Inherit Door class , Implementation interface Alarm

public void alarm() {

System.out.println(this.getName()+" Toot toot ! The alarm goes off !");  // Override abstract methods in interfaces



package code63;

public class Door {

private String name;  // Private property name

public String getName() {  

return name;


public void setName(String name) {



public void open() {

System.out.println(this.name+" The door is open !");


public void close() {

System.out.println(this.name+" The door is closed !");



package code63;

public class DoorTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO  Automatically generated method stubs

AlarmDoor a1 = new AlarmDoor();

a1.setName(" Low level alarm door !");


a1.alarm();  // Create objects a1, And call each method

AlarmDoor a2 = new AlarmDoor();

a2.setName(" Advanced alarm door !!!");



a2.alarm();  // Create objects a2, And call each method

AlarmDoor a3 = new AlarmDoor();

a3.setName(" Ordinary door .");


a3.close();  // Create objects a3, And call each method



4.   Design five classes ( Test class 、 Computer class 、 Mobile phones 、 Chargers 、U Disk class )、 An interface (Usb Interface ), The relationships between various types are as follows :


(1) stay UsbTest Class main In the method , Create a Xiaomi Mobile object 、 A millet CDQ012M Charger object 、 A Lenovo computer 、 One Kingston U Disk object . Then plug the charger into the mobile phone to charge , take U Insert the disk into the computer .

(2) stay Mobile Class InsertUsb In the method , Connect Usb.

(3) stay Computer Class InsertUsb In the method , Connect Usb.

(4) stay Charger Class connect In the method , Output “ Charger connected , Charging ...”.

(5) stay UDisk Class connect In the method , Output “ Connected U Disc apparatus , Reading data ...”.

package code64;

public class Charger implements Usb {

private String brand;

public Charger(String brand) {



public void connect() {

System.out.println(" Charger connected "+this.brand+", Charging ...");  // Rewrite the interface connect Method



package code64;

public class Computer {

private String brand;

public Computer(String brand) {



public void insertUsb(Usb device) {


device.connect();  // Construction connection method



package code64;

public class Moblie {

private String brand;

public void Moblie(String brand) {



public void insertUsb(Usb device) {


device.connect();  // Construction connection method



package code64;

public class UDisk implements Usb {

private String brand;

public UDisk(String brand) {



public void connect() {

System.out.println(" Connected U Disc apparatus "+this.brand+", Reading data ...");  // Rewrite the interface connect Method



package code64;

public interface Usb {  // Defining interfaces

void connect();


package code64;

public class UsbTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO  Automatically generated method stubs

Moblie a = new Moblie();

a.Moblie("Xiaomi");  // Create a phone object

Charger b = new Charger(" millet CDQ012M");  // Create charger object

Computer c = new Computer(" lenovo ");  // Create computer objects

UDisk d = new UDisk("Kingston");  // establish U Disk object

a.insertUsb(b);  // Plug the charger into the phone

c.insertUsb(d);  //U Insert the disk into the computer



5. Design a weapon system , Requirements are as follows :

(1) Define an ammunition class Bullet, There is a ammo name attribute name. Design a construction method and set、get Method .

(2) Define an interface for loading ammunition Loadable, This interface has a loaded abstract method load().

(3) Define an interface that can launch ammunition Launchable, The interface has an abstract method of emission launch().

(4) Define a weapon class Weapon, It can be loaded , It can also be launched .

     Weapons have an attribute name( Name of weapons )、 Usable ammunition bullet(Bullet object ) And corresponding get、set Method .

rewrite load Method , Output loaded ammunition in method .

rewrite launch Method , Output the fired ammunition in the method .

(4) Definition 3 Common weapons :Tank、Flighter、WarShip All inherit weapons Weapon. Every ordinary weapon class has a parameter name Construction method of , Create an ammunition object in the construction method .

tanks Tank The ammunition used is artillery , fighter Flighter The ammunition used is missiles , ships WarShip The ammunition used is torpedo .

(5) Define a class Army, Represents an army , Include :.

1) attribute :ArrayList<Weapon> weapon Various weapons used to store military equipment , Find the collection class by yourself ArrayList Usage and generic knowledge points ;

2) How to obtain the number of weapons owned by the army getNum;

3) How to add weapons addWeapon

4) The way to load all weapons with ammunition loadAll;

5) The way to make all weapons attack luanchAll.

(6) Write a test class , stay main In the method :

1) Build a strong army ;

2) Add various types of weapons , Including tanks 、 aircraft 、 ships .

3) Export the number of weapons owned by the army ;

4) Let all weapons be loaded with ammunition ;

5) Let all weapons be fired .


package code65;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Army {

ArrayList<Weapon> weapon;

public Army() {

weapon = new ArrayList<Weapon>();  // Store all kinds of weapons for military equipment


public int getNum() {

return weapon.size();  // Get the number of weapons the army has


public void addWeapon(Weapon weapon) {

this.weapon.add(weapon);  // Add weapons


public void loadAll() {

System.out.println(" All weapons are ready to be loaded ...");

int a=1;

for(Weapon weapon:weapon) {



a++;  // Let all weapons be loaded with ammunition



public void luanchAll() {

System.out.println(" All weapons are ready to fight ...");

int a=1;

for(Weapon weapon:weapon) {



a++;  // Let all weapons fire ammunition




package code65;

public class Bullet {

private String name;

public Bullet(String name) {  // Construction method



public void setName(String name) {



public String getName() {

return name;



package code65;

public class Flighter extends Weapon {  // Inherited weapon class

public Flighter(String name) {


Bullet bullet = new Bullet(" missile ");  // Create missile object




package code65;

public interface Launchable {  // Define an interface that can launch ammunition

void launch();


package code65;

public interface Loadable {  // Define an interface for loading ammunition

void load();


package code65;

public class Tank extends Weapon {  // Inherited weapon class

public Tank(String name) {


Bullet bullet = new Bullet(" The shells ");  // Create shell object




package code65;

public class WarShip extends Weapon {  // Inherited weapon class

public WarShip(String name) {


Bullet bullet = new Bullet(" torpedo ");  // Create a torpedo object




package code65;

public class Weapon implements Loadable,Launchable {  // Implement two interfaces

private String name;

private Bullet bullet;

public String getName() {

return name;


public void setName(String name) {



public Bullet getBullet() {

return bullet;


public void setBullet(Bullet bullet) {



public void load() {

System.out.println(" load "+this.bullet.getName());  // Rewrite the loading method of the interface


public void launch() {

System.out.println(" launch "+this.bullet.getName());  // Rewrite the emission method of the interface



package code65;

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO  Automatically generated method stubs

Tank a1 = new Tank("99 tanks ");

Flighter a2 = new Flighter(" fighters 20 ");

WarShip a3 = new WarShip(" Wuhan ship ");

WarShip a4 = new WarShip(" Wuhu ship ");

Flighter a5 = new Flighter(" fighters 31 ");

Flighter a6 = new Flighter("F35 ");  // Build an army

Army a = new Army();






a.addWeapon(a6);  // Add all kinds of weapons

System.out.println(" The number of weapons the army is equipped with :"+a.getNum());

a.loadAll();  // Let all weapons be loaded

a.luanchAll();  // Let all weapons fire



6. Design five classes , The relationship between classes is as follows


In the class App Use in Paint、Rectangle、Circle、Rabit class , stay paint Class AsciiArt abstract class (AsciiArt Object as setArt Method parameters ),Rectangle、Circle、Rabit Class inherits abstract class AsciiArt, And rewrite draw() Method .

Specific design steps :

  1. App Class main( )

1) Create a Paint object paint

2) Show the list of works

======== List of works =======

  1. rectangular
  2. round
  3. Little rabbit


Please select :

3) According to the choice , Show different works

    ① Draw a rectangular

        a. Create a Rectangle object rect.

b. call paint Of setArt Method , take rect Set to paint Object to display the work .

c. Call object paint Of draw Methods display works .

② A circle

a. Create a Circle object c.

b. call paint Of setArt Method , take c Set to paint Object to display the work .

c. Call object paint Of draw Methods display works .

    ③ Draw a little rabbit

        a. Create a Rabit object rabit.

b. call paint Of setArt Method , take rabit Set to paint Object to display the work .

c. Call object paint Of draw Methods display works .

  1. Paint Class draw( )

① Show the name of the work 、 author .

② Calling a member variable art Of draw Methods display works .

  1. Rectangle Class draw( )

Output width That's ok height Columns “*”.

  1. Circle Class draw( )

For output “*” Composed of circles .

  1. Rabit Class draw( )

Output cute rabbit .

package code66;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class App {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO  Automatically generated method stubs

Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("======== List of works =======");

System.out.println("1. rectangular ");

System.out.println("2. round ");

System.out.println("3. Little rabbit ");


System.out.println(" Please select :");

int select=in.nextInt();

Paint paint = new Paint();

switch(select){  // According to the choice , Show different works

case 1:

Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(" rectangular "," Zhang San ",3,8);

paint.setArt(rect);  // Calling method , take rect Set to paint Object to display the work

paint.draw();  // call draw Method


case 2:

Circle c = new Circle(" circular "," Smiles send us light ",4);

paint.setArt(c);  // Calling method , take c Set to paint Object to display the work

paint.draw();  // call draw Method


case 3:

Rabit rabit = new Rabit(" The rabbit "," Li Si ");

paint.setArt(rabit);  // Calling method , take rabit Set to paint Object to display the work

paint.draw();   call draw Method





package code66;

public abstract class AssciiArt {  // Define an abstract class

private String title;  // The name of the work

private String author;  // The author's name

public AssciiArt(String title,String author) {




abstract void draw();  // Abstract drawing method

public String getTitle() {

return title;


public void setTitle(String title) {



public String getAuthor() {

return author;


public void setAuthor(String author) {




package code66;

public class Circle extends AssciiArt {  // Inherit AssciiArt class

private int radius;

public Circle(String title,String author,int radius) {

super(title,author);  // Access the overridden members in the parent class



public void draw() {  // Rewrite the drawing method

int d=2*radius;

for(int y=0;y<=d;y++) {

for(int x=0;x<=d;x++) {




System.out.print("  ");


System.out.println();  // For output "*" Composed of circles




package code66;

public class Paint {

private AssciiArt art;

public void setArt(AssciiArt art) {  //AsciiArt Object as setArt Method parameters



public void draw() {

System.out.println(" works :"+this.art.getTitle());

System.out.println(" author :"+this.art.getAuthor());

this.art.draw();  // call art Of draw Methods display works



package code66;

public class Rabit extends AssciiArt {  // Inherit AssciiArt class

public Rabit(String title,String author) {

super(title,author);  // Access the overridden members in the parent class


public void draw() {  // Rewrite the drawing method


System.out.println("(- -) )o");

System.out.println("  || ||");  // Draw a little rabbit



package code66;

public class Rectangle extends AssciiArt {  // Inherit AssciiArt class

private int width;

private int height;

public Rectangle(String title,String author,int width,int height) {

super(title,author);  // Access the overridden members in the parent class




public void draw() {  // Rewrite the drawing method

for(int a=0;a<width;a++) {

for(int b=0;b<height;b++) {

System.out.print("*");  // Output width That's ok height Columns "*" A rectangle made up of






Summary of experiments

  1. Class inheritance is the most effective way to realize code reuse ;
  2. Java Only single inheritance is supported , That is, there can only be one parent class , But inheritance between classes can be passed ;
  3. Inheritance format :class Subclass name extends Parent class name ;
  4. keyword super It can be used to access the overridden members in the parent class in the subclass ;
  5. keyword abstract The decorated class is an abstract class , It is more a parent of other classes , The abstract methods must be implemented in subclasses ;
  6. Interface definition format :【 Modifier 】interface The interface name ;
  7. All methods in an interface are abstract , All abstract methods must be overridden in subclasses that implement this interface ;
  8. Interface implementation format :class Class name implements The interface name ;
  9. There can be multiple interfaces implemented , Separated by commas ;
  10. In addition, we need to master ArrayList How to use .

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