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Matlab opens M file garbled solution

2022-07-06 13:49:00 zhugby

Matlab open .m The document has Chinese garbled , Because Matlab There is Two encoding formats :GBK and UTF-8, And different versions of Matlab The coding format may not be uniform , So in different versions Matlab Open file , Due to the change of coding format , It will cause comments to be garbled .

1. View your Matlab File encoding method , stay Matlab In the command line window feature('locale') , Here's the picture , You can see that the default code is GBK, The problem becomes take Matlab File encoding method GBK Modified into UTF-8;

2. Find you. Matlab The installation directory bin Under folder lcdata_utf8.xml file , Open with notepad and save as lcdata.xml file . Here we find lcdata.xml Already exists , No replacement , Modify the original lcdata.xml After the name of lcdata_utf8.xml file save as lcdata.xml file .

3. Notepad open lcdata.xml file ,ctrl+f lookup <encoding name="GBK">, Find this section ;

take  ​​​​​​ This short piece of code is deleted

4. lookup <encoding name="UTF-8">, Find this section ;

Add the statement  <encoding_alias name="GBK"/> As shown below

 5. Save the file , close Matlab Open it again , The code is correct !

         Similarly, if UTF-8 Coded Matlab Open Chinese garbled , Only need to UTF-8 Turn into GBK The encoding format is ok , The same idea is to <encoding name="UTF-8"> Partial code deletion , stay <encoding name="GBK"> Add <encoding_alias name="utf8"/> Just fine .


      The above method can solve the error of Chinese garbled code , However, it was later found that Chinese characters in the command line window may be garbled , The above method has changed jvmEncoding=utf8 But other codes are still GBK, This inconsistency may lead to many conflicts , Therefore, the above methods should be used with caution , Not really recommended . After stepping on the thunder , So , Another two methods are summarized .

         The second kind Simple and crude method , It has been ensured MATLAB Encoded as GBK however .M The file code is UTF8 after , Use the notepad that comes with your computer to open this M file , choice “ Save as ”, Modify the coding method to “ANSI”, Save the file and reuse IDE open .M File can . This is not applicable to large quantities of multiple files , It's hard to open one by one , And there may be omissions .

        The third kind of Way , If you have notepad++ Words , It's more convenient ! It is suggested that friends who write code should have one in hand , Slowly you will find that you can't live without him .

1) First , Menu bar selection file > Open the folder as a workspace , Put the entire folder where your code is located .

 2) Choose .m file , View this... In the menu bar .M Coding of documents , if UTF-8 Coding or other coding methods that cannot be displayed normally , Two options , code > Turn into ANSI code or code > Coded character set > chinese >GB2312( Simplified Chinese ), Check the encoding format of all files in the folder , Conversion save .


 3)matlab open , The Chinese characters of all files are displayed normally, and the Chinese display of the command line window is also normal .




