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FAQs and answers to the imitation Niuke technology blog project (III)

2022-07-06 13:37:00 Li bohuan

Take the book back : FAQs and answers of the imitation Niuke technology blog project ( Two )_ Li bohuan's blog -CSDN Blog

13 In the project kafka How does it work ?

kafka introduction

Apache Kafka It's a distributed streaming platform . A distributed streaming platform should include 3 Key capabilities :

  1. Publish and subscribe streams data streams , Similar to message queue or enterprise messaging system
  2. Store data streams in a fault-tolerant and persistent manner
  3. Process data flow

- application : The messaging system 、 Log collection 、 User behavior tracking 、 Streaming

·kafka characteristic

- High throughput : Handle TB Massive data

- Message persistence : Persistence , Store data on hard disk , Not just stored in memory , Persistent messages , The reading speed stored in the hard disk is much lower than that of the memory , The efficiency of reading and writing hard disk depends on the way of reading hard disk , The efficiency of sequential reading and writing of hard disk is very high ,kafka Ensure that the reading and writing of hard disk messages are sequential ;

- high reliability :kafka It's distributed deployment , A server hangs up , There's something else , There's a fault tolerance mechanism

- High expansibility : When there are not enough servers in the cluster , You can expand the server , Just a simple configuration

·kafka The term

-Broker: Kafka's server , Each server in Kafka cluster is called a Broker

-Zookeeper: Software for managing clusters , When using Kafka, it can be installed separately zookeeper Or built-in zookeeper

Implementation of message queue :

Point to point implementation :BlockingQueue, The producer puts the message on the queue , Consumer takes data out of the queue , Every message will only be consumed by one consumer ;

The message sender sends the production message to the message queue , Then the message receiver takes the message from the message queue and consumes the message . After the news was consumed , There is no more storage in the message queue , So it's impossible for the message receiver to consume the consumed message .

Publish subscribe mode : Producers publish messages to a certain location , Multiple consumers can subscribe to this location at the same time , This message can be read by multiple consumers ,

Kafka uses publish subscribe mode : The area where producers publish messages is called topic, Can be understood as a folder

-Partition: Partition the theme

-Offset: The index of the message in the partition

-Leader Replica: copy , Kafka is distributed , Therefore, multiple copies of the partition will be repeated

Master copy : Can handle requests to get messages

-Follower Replica: Just back up the data from the copy , No response , When the primary copy hangs , Distributed will choose one of all the secondary replicas as the new primary replica

Send system notifications :  --- It's very frequent , There are many user groups , Performance issues need to be considered

· Triggering event

Define three different themes , Wrap different trigger events into different messages , Publish to the corresponding topic , In this way, the producer thread can continue to publish messages ,

At this point, the consumer thread can read messages concurrently , For storage

- After comments , Issue notice

- After likes , Issue notice

- After attention , Issue notice

· Handling events

- Encapsulating event objects

- Producer of development events

- Consumers of development events

producer : Trigger Event, Encapsulates the Topic as well as userId、Entity Etc , call sendMsg when , Extract event.Topic and JSONObject.toJSONString(Event) With content Send as , Call ;  ( Active trigger , Adding comments 、 Triggered when you follow and like )

consumer : monitor Topic, If there's new news , Just read ,record What we get from it is event Inside json strand , And then return to event that will do JSONObject.paresObject(record.value().toString,Event.class); Then put the relevant attributes , Encapsulated into message The form of private messages , Save to the database , Supply the front-end page to call and display .( The consumption here is to store data from the message queue into the database , Passive trigger ,kafka Listening topic , Automatically consume when there is news


14 Do message queues go to memory or disk ? Why is the disk so fast ?

Kafka The messages are stored or cached on disk , Generally speaking, reading and writing data on disk will degrade performance , Because addressing takes time , But actually ,Kafka One of the features of is high throughput .

Analyze from two aspects of data writing and reading , Why? Kafka So fast

Write data : How fast the disk reads and writes depends on how you use it , That is, sequential reading and writing or random reading and writing . In the case of sequential reading and writing , The sequential read and write speed of the disk is the same as that of the memory . Because the hard disk is a mechanical structure , Every read and write will address -> write in , Where addressing is a “ Mechanical action ”, It's the most time consuming . So hard drives hate random I/O, Favorite order I/O. In order to improve the speed of reading and writing hard disk ,Kafka It's the order of use I/O.

Even writing to the hard disk in sequence , Hard disk access speed is still impossible to catch up with memory . therefore Kafka The data is not written to the hard disk in real time , It makes full use of paging storage of modern operating system to improve memory I/O efficiency .

Reading data : Zero copy


15 TrieTree Prefix tree introduction

Prefix tree It is a tree data structure of multi tree , It is used to filter sensitive words in the project .

Construct a prefix tree : The first layer stores the first character of all sensitive words

Prefix tree features :1. The root node does not contain any information Each node except the root node contains only one character ,2. The path from the root node to a node , The string connected by the character is the string corresponding to this node 3. All child nodes of each node contain different characters

Here's the picture :

Filter sensitive words algorithm :

Three pointers , One points to the root (node), The other two pointers (begin and position), All point to the beginning of the text , One of them keeps moving backwards (begin), The other follows , Discovery is not a sensitive word , It means that begin The first character cannot form a sensitive word , Deposit it in StringBuilder,begin Move backward , Then go back to begin. If it's a sensitive word , The replacement , And the other two pointers move back , The tree pointer points to the root node .


 public String filter(String text) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(text)) {
            return null;
        //  The pointer 1
        TrieNode tempNode = rootNode;
        //  The pointer 2
        int begin = 0;
        //  The pointer 3
        int position = 0;
        //  result 
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        while (position < text.length()) {
            char c = text.charAt(position);
            //  Skip symbols 
            if (isSymbol(c)) {
                //  If pointer 1 At the root node , Count this symbol into the result , Let the pointer 2 Take a step down 
                if (tempNode == rootNode) {
                //  Whether the symbol is at the beginning or in the middle , The pointer 3 Take a step down 
            //  Check the child nodes 
            tempNode = tempNode.getSubNode(c);
            if (tempNode == null) {
                //  With begin The first string is not a sensitive word 
                //  Go to the next position 
                position = ++begin;
                //  Point back to the root node 
                tempNode = rootNode;
            } else if (tempNode.isKeywordEnd()) {
                //  Find sensitive words , take begin~position Replace the string with 
                //  Go to the next position 
                begin = ++position;
                //  Point back to the root node 
                tempNode = rootNode;
            } else {
                //  Check the next character 
        //  Count the last batch of characters into the result 
        return sb.toString();


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