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Pit avoidance Guide: Thirteen characteristics of garbage NFT project

2022-07-06 13:21:00 Babbitt information


notes : From the original bankless, The author is William M. Peaster.

When it comes to good NFT Project time , We will be talented creators 、 Innovative mechanisms and vibrant communities are seen as important factors .

That's terrible NFT What are the characteristics of the project ?

below , I listed thirteen danger signs , When you're exploring new NFT Project time , You need to keep them in mind , They range from negligence to outright manipulation , Let's protect our wallets .


Danger signs 1: Untenable casting (mint) Price

About what is “ reasonable ” Of NFT mint Price , There's a lot of room , There is no single correct answer . however , If the charge of a new team is much higher than its “ predecessors ” Or similar projects , This shows that they may be more concerned about taking your ETH, Not the others .

Danger signs 2: Suspicious social media activity

One NFT The project party suddenly sends you a message , To direct your attention to the coming NFT Sales activities , For example, you saw an advertising tweet about a few hours ago . Now you click on the profile of the project , And found that (1) The people you follow don't pay attention to the project , as well as (2) This new project has a lot of ( abnormal ) The followers of . These are danger signs ! Good projects will not be sent by private mail or used Web2 Advertising to attract personal attention , They will have natural flow , No need to buy fans .

Danger signs 3: Deliberately maintain the floor price

If you see the project leader discussing or trying to maintain a NFT Floor price , Then you should leave this place , They're just running a financial plan , There is little real interest in cultural values or communities . This insincerity , Will affect all the troubles they encounter in the future , So be careful .

Danger signs 4: The abuse of Discord act

A worrying situation is , When community members ask reasonable questions ,NFT The team chose to ban him Discord Account . You want to see that the project is inclusive and straightforward , Not aggressive and secretive . The team has no good reason to abuse their audit responsibilities .

Danger signs 5: No audit

The audit report of the security company is not perfect , But they do provide some basic security checks . If you are in the Web3 in , What you want to use is audited DeFi and NFT project , Because unaudited infrastructure is more vulnerable to attack or utilization . The problem is that every audit firm has been flooded with demand recently , Some new NFT The project doesn't want to wait forever , So seize the opportunity by starting unaudited infrastructure . And we , Such projects should be treated with corresponding caution .

Danger signs 6: Bad design

A poorly designed project can lead to vulnerabilities 、 Inefficient gas、 Available mint wait . For novices and a large number of non-technical experts , It's hard to measure bad code, etc , So follow those who know what they do , And learn from their judgment that learning is the key .


Danger signs 7: Low quality art

If you come across an art project , It looks like it's made of Fiverr The content platform was conceived and completed within an hour , Then its high probability is such a thing . therefore , If NFT The team itself doesn't take their content seriously , Then why should you take it seriously ? please remember , Have a taste / attractive / Funny / There is a huge gap between weird minimalist works and vulgar junk works . You can judge , But in my experience , Projects within this scope , Often bad .


Danger signs 8: White list for sale

A new thing I saw recently is ,NFT The team is selling their NFT Cast white list , wow ! It's just an act of grabbing cash , Simple and clear , Personally, I don't see any justification for it .

Danger signs 9: Too optimistic

new NFT Did the creators of the collection say their work was “ Blue chip quality ”, And will be the next boring ape Club (Bored Ape Yacht Club)? Whether the road map of the project implies going to the moon , Or claimed something strange , For example, claim that it will become the first real moon NFT market ? Avoid pure rhetoric .

Danger signs 10: A completely anonymous team

Having a completely anonymous team is no problem in itself , People have the right to privacy , in many instances , The quality of projects, code bases, etc. will be self-evident . However , In the worst case , Completely anonymous teams can cause serious damage , Such as destroying liquidity , Then there is little responsibility .

Danger signs 11: Lack of track record

If one NFT The project team lacks experienced NFT veteran , Then this project is more likely to be eliminated .

Danger signs 12: Don't pass Etherscan verification

adopt Etherscan Verify your code , It can ensure to the public that it works normally on Ethereum . And use unverified smart contracts , It means that you have no basic performance guarantee , So this is you NFT Things you must pay attention to during the activity . for example , You can see Cool Pets How smart contracts are verified through their selected status . Be careful of items that do not have similar checkmarks .


Danger signs 13: Poor ownership distribution

Suppose there is a total 1 Ten thousand PFP The avatar project caught your attention , But when you see it OpenSea Collection page , And notice that the ownership of the project is distributed among hundreds of addresses , Then you must be careful , This means that these people can have a significant impact on the collection market .


Some of the danger signals described above will have a great impact , For example, abuse Discord act . And some other signals , For example, a completely anonymous team , Not always important , But at least get attention . Get into the habit of finding these danger signs , In this way, you can do your NFT Activities .


Chinese twitter :https://twitter.com/8BTC_OFFICIAL

English twitter :https://twitter.com/btcinchina

Discord Community :https://discord.gg/defidao

Telegraph channel :https://t.me/Mute_8btc

Telegraph community :https://t.me/news_8btc



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