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There is always one of the eight computer operations that you can't learn programming

2022-07-06 13:20:00 Programmer - black and white

In fact, don't be surprised , It's true that many people learn programming at the beginning , Many computer operations cannot , This is only for those children's shoes with negative foundation .

I hope that after reading this article, you can learn from “ The transformation from negative basis to zero basis ”.

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One 、 Find the program location

Here we are python As an example , Click the start button in the lower left corner , Find the program , Then right-click the program , Choose more open file locations , The operation is as follows :

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Then a new window will be generated , The file location will be displayed here , But the shortcut shown here , Then we need to right-click the program again , Click on the location of the open file to find , The operation is as follows :

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Two 、 Show file extension

We can find that some files have no extension , Extensions such as txt、doc、dll、exe wait , It is convenient for us to display the extension when programming .

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Extension to display , We just need to set it in the system , Select the view toolbar and click Select .

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Click View in the pop-up dialog box , Find extensions to hide known file types , We just need to cancel this check , It can all be displayed .

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3、 ... and 、 View the system configuration

I believe when you install the software , You need to install according to the number of bits of the operating system , The most common is 32 and 64 position , How the two are wrong , Light will affect the performance , Reinstall failed .

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We just need to right-click this computer on the desktop , Click properties to view .

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  • For example, the above shows 64 Bit , Then when we install the program, we have to choose 64 Bit , This is good for performance .

Four 、 Quickly arrange windows

Many times we have to look at both the code and the output window , Or write code while reading materials , Then we need to arrange the two windows side by side , Here is a shortcut key for you. Let's go directly Hold down Win+ Direction key You can adjust it at will .

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5、 ... and 、 Notepad view unknown file

We are in the process of compiling , You will often encounter some files with custom extensions , Or even files without extensions , The specific content can be binary data or text data , For example, the following file :
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At this time, we can use the Notepad to check , Right click selection , We choose to use Notepad to open , The advantage of Notepad is that it is always displayed in the form of text . as follows :

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At the same time, we can also change the extension for our own use , And you can choose the encoding mode , In this way, your desktop will directly generate the corresponding coding file ( We must use the corresponding development environment ) as follows :

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6、 ... and 、 Open the console in the same path as the file

What is a console ? Let's hold shift And right click the mouse , At this time, our desktop menu will appear ” Open here ”power shell window “, as follows “

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Let's turn it on , The console will be displayed , as follows :
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7、 ... and 、 Multiple shear board fast input

When you compiled it, it was still ctrl+v and ctrl+c Do you , In this way, we can only copy and paste the content we want once at a time , We just press and hold wins+v, as follows :

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A clipboard will pop up directly , This clipboard can view the content we copied , Very convenient , Note that if it's not your private computer, you need to delete the record .

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8、 ... and 、 Timed shutdown

We follow the previous steps , Open console , Enter the command directly :shutdown, And then go back , as follows :

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We don't care about these parameters , Let's continue typing shutdown Then press the space , Enter the corresponding parameters , as follows :

  • -s: To turn it off
  • -f: Forced shutdown
  • -t: Digital designated shutdown

Pay attention here -t, Let's take an example ,0 On behalf of immediate shutdown .

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Although these are some basic things , But it is very friendly for children's shoes with negative foundation , I hope I can help you .

Complete the transition from negative basis to zero basis .

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