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Smart classroom solution and mobile teaching concept description

2022-07-06 13:14:00 Leaves often fall

Wisdom classroom

Wisdom classroom , Make it

What is a smart classroom ? What kind of classroom can be called a smart classroom ? Who first proposed the smart classroom ? What is the practice of smart classroom in foreign developed countries ? What is the development status of smart classroom in China ? Market scale of smart classroom ? Is it time for us to introduce smart classroom ? How to build a smart classroom demonstration class ?
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Mobile teaching

Imagine , Being a teacher is no longer limited to one foot of the podium , It's a scene of deeply integrating into the class for teaching , Go to the back of the class , And then play PPT, Or initiate interaction , Control the dynamics of the whole class .
Teachers can use mobile phones to teach , Combined with mobile platform , Let the teacher get rid of the shackles of the podium , Go among the students .

Pay attention to mobile teaching , It's not a remote live lecture .

The core breakthrough of mobile teaching is that it is more interactive .
The mobile teaching assistant needs to be used with the computer .
Functions generally supported by mobile teaching assistant :
Photo upload
Screen sync , Realize mobile end-to-end PC Full control of the end , Expand the usage scenario of mobile teaching
PPT The remote control , The mobile phone instantly changes , The mobile phone has become a courseware page turning pen
Resource cloud storage , Review anytime, anywhere .
Generate personalized test report , Master the learning situation of knowledge points , Strengthen learning weak knowledge points .

count down : Time limited start , Complete learning tasks efficiently ;

scoreboard : Dynamic record of student scores , Be clear at a glance , The sense of competition is high ;

Lock screen : Lock the student's flat screen , Focus on students' attention ;

Answer quickly : Launch a rush to answer , Improve student participation , Raise your interest ;

Roll call : Random roll call , Promote the fairness of students' learning opportunities ( Built in AI algorithm , It's really fair to do this ).

If you are looking for similar software , But I don't know which one is better , You can ask me .

If you've ever known keynote Remote control function of , You must also want the remote control function of mobile teaching .
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