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Pride-pppar source code analysis

2022-07-06 12:53:00 Proletarians

1、 install PRIDE—PPPAR
Know this software is brush know (ID: Lost little bookboy ), The software is introduced in the article written by the geodetic doctor of Wuhan University , I read his article on the basis of , It comes from practice .
Wuhan University PRIDE The research group is open source PPPAR, It can be found on its official website or GitHub Find the download link on . The manual details the installation steps of the software 、 The code framework 、 Each step produces the definition of the document , After reading the manual , Think I can , I can start .
(1) stay Windows Lower installation vm virtual machine , Install... On the virtual machine Ubuntu System , Check whether the compiler is installed .
(2) Open... Under the corresponding path in the terminal according to the manual *.sh File can . Just perform two steps *.sh File can generate the result process file .
Super convenience ~ Better than before GAMIT Much simpler
2、PRIDE-PPPAR Source code usage
As an algorithm worker , What I care about most is src Everything in the folder . Each folder corresponds to a program,n individual subprogram.
Share my experience of looking at the source code .
(1) Be sure to look at the source code framework first , Combined with chapter 4 Part of the frame diagram and src Folder , You know that the bold function name of the frame diagram is the main program program, Find the corresponding folder and file , such as Tedit, Went to src Medium Tedit Folder , stay Tedit Look in the folder tedit.f90 File can ;
(2) You need to master the basic Fortran grammar , Grammar doesn't necessarily need to be proficient , But you need to be familiar with its usage , I simply read a file , I don't know %、:: Etc , I went to Fortran Information , In fact, on the basis of mastering other languages , It's fast to learn other languages . I checked the data and found , From China University of science and technology Fortran The courseware is very good (http://micro.ustc.edu.cn/Fortran/ZJDing/), Go directly to the data structure , Find out what you need , have a definite object in view , Don't waste time .
(3) According to the manual recommendations , Installed codeblocks( Set the editor eye protection , Font size ), Open the source code directly .cbp file ; If you sometimes look at the source code and find that the function is not specifically implemented ( The function interface ), That is because it is encapsulated in the dynamic link library so It's in the library , have access to readelf -a so File path You can go to Windows Check the function interface .
(4) most important of all , Want to have PPP Basic theoretical basis !
3、 analysis PRIDE-PPPAR Source code
// This will be added after I see the blur fixed

