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[offer18] delete the node of the linked list

2022-07-06 12:24:00 Vigorous waist Nuo dance


Given the head pointer of one-way linked list and the value of a node to be deleted , Define a function to delete the node .

Return the head node of the deleted linked list .

Be careful : This question is different from the original one

Example 1:

Input : head = [4,5,1,9], val = 5
Output : [4,1,9]
explain : Given that the value of your list is 5 Second node of , So after calling your function , The list should be 4 -> 1 -> 9.
Example 2:

Input : head = [4,5,1,9], val = 1
Output : [4,5,9]
explain : Given that the value of your list is 1 The third node of , So after calling your function , The list should be 4 -> 5 -> 9.

source : Power button (LeetCode)
link :https://leetcode.cn/problems/shan-chu-lian-biao-de-jie-dian-lcof
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class Solution {
    /* Return the head pointer of the linked list , Or use the header node ->next Realization , Or dynamically maintain the header pointer . The code selects the second */
	ListNode* deleteNode(ListNode* head, int val) {
		/* Traverse a pointer of the linked list */
		ListNode* current = head;
		/* The essence of deleting a node is to find its precursor .*/
		ListNode* prior = head;
		/* The length of the linked list is not specified . Then keep cycling .*/
		while (1) {
			/* When the node is found */
			if (current->val == val) {
				/* Come up and directly find the target , The first node has no precursor . Require special treatment */
				if (current == head) {
				/* First consciousness is actually head++, Abandoned */
					head = head->next;
					return head;
				else {
					prior->next = current->next;
					return head;
			/* If not found , Back up the current node */
			prior = current;
			current = current->next;

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