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ES6 grammar summary -- Part I (basic)

2022-07-06 12:07:00 Aboci Bang

Variable let

1. There are block level scopes : Variables do not pollute the global scope in the block level scope .
2. There is no claim to promote : Variables can only be used after declaration .
3. Does not affect the scope chain : Variables are normally used in the scope chain .

Constant const

1. The initial value should be assigned when declaring .
2. Constants are generally capitalized .
3. The value of a constant cannot be modified .
4. There are block level scopes .
5. Modifying sub elements of array and object elements is not a constant modification ( Because the address corresponding to the constant has not changed ).
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Deconstruct assignment -- Extract values from arrays and objects and assign them to variables

Simple structure

An array of deconstruction :
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Object to deconstruct :
notes : Variables declared during deconstruction must exist in the object , Deconstruction can be ignored object key The order of ( Put variables a,b Changing positions can also be deconstructed normally )
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Complex structure

Complex structure of objects :
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names :
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Template string A pair of backquotes Support output line wrapping

For variable splicing
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be used for dom Splicing
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Object simplification -- If the property name and property value in the object are the same , Can simplify writing

Omit attribute values
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Omit anonymous functions
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Arrow function =>

How to write it
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this It refers to the scope of the function declaration and will not be changed .

Arrowhead function this
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Of a normal function this
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Be careful :

1. Arrow functions cannot be instantiated as construction objects
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2. Out of commission arguments Variable
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The usage scenarios of arrow function
Apply to : And this Unrelated callbacks , Such as : Timer 、 Array methods
Do not apply to : Event callback ( because this Incorrect pointing )、 Object to declare methods

Parameter default

It is customary to write formal parameters with initial values at the end
The basic way of writing
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Combined deconstruction assignment And initial value
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rest Parameters Get function arguments

notes :...args Put it at the end of the parameter
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Expand operator ( Extension operator ) Convert the array to a comma separated string

Application scenarios

1. Array merge
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2. Array Clone -- Deep copy
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3. Pseudo array to array (dom object 、arguments etc. )

Technical references :b standing – 【 Silicon Valley 】 I recommend it


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